Master of Fist

Chapter 176: your mouth is too smelly

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A sticky red tentacle quickly flew out from the bottom of the skirt and took away the last trace of life of the two young brothers.

Meimou didn't stay on the two cold corpses at all, she moved lightly in lotus steps, and walked slowly in the quiet classical corridor, as if she was taking a leisurely stroll in the back garden of her own home.

"Where is this place? The quality of blood food is different. There is one over there, two over there, and three over there... Tsk tsk."

At this time, Hongsi's light footsteps paused slightly.

"Oh, I almost forgot, there is another one on top, unfortunately..."

Swish! ~

A smear of red quickly sprang out from the bottom of the skirt, and a muffled groan came from above the wooden beams in the corridor.


A corpse that had been drained of life and blood fell heavily.

"Unfortunately, Qi and blood are too weak, wouldn't it be good to just lie on top of it?" Hongsi shook her head slightly.

This name is originally a secret sentry hidden in the dark, and the Fu family's defenses are extremely strict. Generally, there are two clear sentries on the bright side of the patrol, and there is also a secret sentry.

The red silk eyes are still patrolling around, and there is a cloud of scarlet air in the field of vision, and each cloud represents the existence of an entry-level martial artist. There are bright and dark. But after checking for a long time, a pair of willow eyebrows could not help but frown.

"Why not?"

"Miss, are you looking for me?"

At this moment, a slightly deep voice suddenly came from behind. Hongsi was slightly startled, and turned around quickly, only to see a young tall and strong man standing in front of him at some point, with a tall figure, compared to his own general The physique is even more astonishing, so that the petite red silk beard looks up.

After watching for a while, the red silk willow eyebrows gradually stretched out.

It's just a thing that can't even meet the standard of blood food, no wonder I didn't notice it at the first time.

Hongsi looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, parted her vermilion lips, and said with a smile, "Master, have you ever experienced the feeling of your blood being drained?"

The young man pondered for a moment, then shook his head depressingly.

"Then feel it!"

As soon as the red silk finished speaking, a touch of red quickly protruded from an extremely concealed and tricky angle.

After two or three breaths, the young man scratched his head, with a shy and suspicious expression on his face, "Miss, what do you want me to feel?"

Hongsi frowned tightly, looked up at the tall and strong man in front of her, pursed her red lips, and said with a sneer, "Of course I feel death!"

Another smear of red rushed out quickly, but after a few more breaths, the young man still stood quietly and looked at her.

"Feel death?" The young man showed a hint of playfulness at this time, and raised his right hand. At this time, his wide palm was tightly pinching two sticky tentacles. The tentacles were struggling desperately, but they couldn't get out no matter what. .

"Now I also want to ask you..." Jiang Heng looked at the woman in front of him, completely tore off the disguise, and sneered, "Do you want to die?" Seeing the woman's eyebrows froze, the two tentacles quickly snapped off Go, back away quickly and distance yourself from the man in front of you who can't see clearly.

"Who the **** are you?" The beautiful red silk eyes stared at the young man in front of him, red tentacles ready to go out under the skirt.

"Could it be you who shot the arrow that day?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng just smiled and didn't speak, twisted his neck, made a crackling sound, exerted a little force with his five fingers, and the sticky tentacles in his hands quickly exploded into meat sauce.

"court death!"

With a coquettish drink, Hongsi didn't bother to talk to this strange person in front of her. After stepping into the level, she was able to retreat completely from the face of ordinary martial arts masters, how could she be so easily scared off.

The body shape is distorted wantonly, like a human-shaped spider in a very distorted posture, flying towards the pillars in the corridor with the help of strength, and the blood-red tentacles are also rushing forward like a spider web. The sharp thorns looked extremely cold under the moonlight with bursts of cold light.

The woman's speed was extremely fast, and in the dark night, only a smear of red could be seen swiftly passing by, as if the red phantom had moved to the wooden beam above the river in the blink of an eye, and each tentacles were like stalks that had been ready to go. The spider web sweeps towards the prey.

But when the tentacles tore apart the outer coat of the human body and advanced inward, they felt that what they pierced was not like human skin, but more like a piece of extremely tough iron skin. Feeling the red silk, the brows frowned even tighter, but Her reaction was still quick, and the astonishment on her face disappeared in a flash.

The tentacles shot out in a cone-like shape and instantly changed to entanglement. Under the control of the woman, the red tentacles bound the mysterious man in front of her like a tough steel cable.

"No one dares to play tricks on my old lady like this! It will kill you!"

With a scream, the woman's figure twisted, like a spider flying towards its prey, and landed on the shoulders of this mysterious man in front of her. Almost instantly, a perfectly fair face split open, revealing a mouth full of fangs. Tooth, a purple-red air wave sprayed out towards the mysterious man almost at the same time.

The red air wave quickly permeated the entire head, and even the wooden pillars, flowers and plants behind the person quickly withered and corroded in a few breaths, carrying the force of corrosion.

The woman's gaping mouth seemed to be letting out a ferocious A distorted face was full of excitement.

She likes to have a good time before she enjoys nothing, which is a freak pleasure that comes with constant eating.

"I don't know if I told you, but your tone is really serious!"

The mysterious man in the red air wave should have been completely corroded, but at this time he spoke slowly, and at the end of his speech, his voice became heavier, hardly giving the red silk any time to be stunned, and a big hand suddenly stretched out.

Before the scarlet tongue with viscous liquid similar to that of the red tentacles had time to retract, the big hand grabbed it tightly like an iron hoop.

"It's almost two taels of meat! If the tongue is too long, the mouth will be poisonous. I don't think there is any need to keep it!"

Before the cold voice could speak, he jerked his arm, and a long tongue was jerked out, as if a lot of flesh and blood were involved.


The red air wave stopped for a moment, his lips closed quickly, his figure jumped up, and fell in the distance, letting out a miserable howl.

Throwing away the long sticky tongue in his hand like throwing garbage, he casually wiped the mucus on his trouser leg, showing a look of disgust.

"The speed is quite fast, but the mouth is smelly and the tongue is long!"

Jiang Heng glanced at the woman in the distance and said casually, looked at the corroded flowers and plants behind him, and sneered again and again.

"'s you! There's nothing wrong with it!"

The woman covered her vermilion lips, the flesh and blood inside were wriggling rapidly, a tongue was congealing rapidly, and her words gradually became clear.

"Well, it seems that you are really looking for me! It's okay... I'll have fun with you!"

Clenching five fingers, breathing became more rhythmic, and a red star slowly emerged from his chest...

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