Master of Fist

Chapter 168: 0 stone power

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"That's right! It was forged from the demon arm bone in my Fu family's treasure house. However, this arm bone is very hard, and it is extremely difficult to reshape it with ordinary forging methods.

The old man has used more than a dozen people in the family who are in the pulse refining realm to take turns to use their internal energy in the past few days to make a slight change to this thing.

This is thanks to the fact that this bone has been inactive for many years, otherwise, if faced with the skeleton of a demon that just died, the old man would be helpless. "

Fu Changsheng looked at the bone longbow in the iron box and sighed.

If so, in order to build this longbow, the Fu family has several guests who need to rest for a while. It's really a huge loss of internal energy.

"Senior Fu, this too precious, this..."

But before Jiang Heng finished speaking, Fu Changsheng waved his hands and joked, "Why are you so polite?

You don't need this thing, do you think my Fu family can use it?

Ha ha, and can you use it to say something! "

Fu Changsheng smiled lightly. Jiang Heng waited quietly for the old man to follow up.

"This bow is almost all made of monsters, the body of the bow is the bones of monsters, and the string is the tendons of monsters!

The corpse of a monster, even if it has been dead for many years, its corpse is extremely heavy. Same goes for this bow!

This bow has a net weight of eleven thousand catties! You... boy... can you move it? "

When these words came out, Yang Dalang who was waiting on the side was breathless.

Eleven thousand catties!


Is this really for people?

To know the strength of the ordinary lower third rank, the ultimate is more than five thousand catties, which is the limit. Of course this is static.

The situation of dynamic exertion is different. When performing martial arts, there are usually sprints and special exertion methods.

But this kind of static situation is directly facing the weight of 11,000 jin... let alone the master, I am afraid that few people in the pulse refining state can lift it?

This is also because although the Qi of the Pulse Refining Realm is stronger than that of the lower third ranks, but because the Qi and blood are not being pumped, the corresponding increase in Qi is not much.

Jiang Heng shrugged his shoulders indifferently, this weight is really nothing to him. Even without stacking dragon strength, this little weight is still a drizzle.

Pure physique is already dozens of times stronger than the ordinary third-rank realm, which is naturally extremely easy.


But just as Jiang Heng reached out to touch it, Fu Changsheng hurriedly called out: "Although this thing has been used for many years, it still has a highly poisonous residue on it, so you need to wear special..."

Halfway through the speech, Fu Changsheng swallowed the next words unconsciously.

Because the young junior in front of him lifted the demon bow with one hand so easily.

Zizi! ~

But I saw blue smoke coming out of the place where it touched the demon bow, but after more than ten breaths, everything disappeared.

"This... you boy, haha! It's interesting!" Fu Changsheng was a little surprised, but finally laughed out loud.

He didn't want to worry about why the kid in front of him was not afraid of poison. But now he vaguely felt that as long as the kid in front of him didn't die, he might become the hope of martial arts after growing up!

Yang Dalang, Fu Qingshui, and the man named Ah Si Ah Wu at the side swallowed their saliva unconsciously when they saw this scene.

Looking at the man in front of him holding a ten thousand jin strong bow as nothing, he relaxed and freehand.

This kind of pressure can be imagined, the key is that every slight swing of the strong bow gives people a feeling of suffocation.

Even if you don't do anything with this thing, just throwing it out can kill a bunch of people, right?

After feeling it for a while, Jiang Heng felt a little satisfied, the bow felt full of weight in his hand.

The toxin on the top may be due to the recent practice of the poison characteristic, so the feeling is obvious, and the toxin inside is already very weak. For ordinary people, it is naturally fatal and highly poisonous, but for me right now, it is not a problem at all.

Glancing at the iron box, there are five arrows beside it, all of which are made of special fine iron, and some black steel seems to be integrated into it.

Black steel is a rare item in Dayan, and generally only those in the pulse refining state have the financial resources to find a black steel weapon. Very tough and able to withstand multiple infusions of inner air.

Jiang Heng didn't care what material was used to make it, he just picked up one and made a bow.

"The arrowhead of this arrow is polished by the nails of demons. It is extremely sharp and can penetrate gold and iron!"

Seeing this, Fu Changsheng naturally explained it proudly.

The kung fu of making these five arrows is no weaker than this monster bow.

Although the monster's nails are not as hard as bones, they all need to be polished. There are five nails in total, and all the nails on the palm of the monster are used.

It can be said that one less one is used!

Fu Changsheng, who was about to say something, saw that Jiang Heng had already started to slowly pull the bowstring.

Seeing this, he looked at Jiang Heng expectantly. He wanted to know how far this young man who was the first to practice external skills in hundreds of years could do!

Lifting the crossbow and pulling the bowstring are not the same concept at all, the energy required for this will increase exponentially!

What's more, this is made of demon bone, which is very solid and rare in the world.

For example, those who can pull ten stone bows in the army are sharpshooters with amazing arms.

And this bow is the Divine Bow of Hundred Stones!

Among them, if you want to pull it, you need at least two hundred stones of mighty power. want to fill this...

I'm afraid it will cost a thousand stones, but Fu Changsheng doesn't dare to think about the exact amount, because the demon bone is too tough, and it would be even more terrifying to pull this force!

The muscles slowly tightened, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, and his strength slowly surged. The bowstring begins to be drawn slowly, when it reaches one-fifth of the degree.

The veins on Jiang Heng's forehead are already slightly protruding, all the muscles are tense, and the blood is surging, and he can't move it anymore.

I was a little pleasantly surprised, I didn't expect that I would not be able to draw it without using the stacking dragon This means that this bow might really be able to fully exert his strength.

I want the blood to boil here, the scorching air surges rapidly, and the chest suddenly bursts out with red stars, one after another.

The power of the turbulent Qi and blood surged, and the bowstring was pulled back again, but a little bit until two-fifths of the degree fell to a standstill again.

"Good guy, the further you go, the harder it is to pull! Good!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng didn't hide his clumsiness anymore, his Qi and blood surged crazily, and the third layer of Dragon Strength exploded directly.

A vast ocean of Qi and blood surged out, and the speed of pulling the bowstring suddenly accelerated, and at this moment, everyone only felt the humming sound of the bowstring coming from their ears.

But soon the speed slowed down again, but there was still one-fifth of the distance from full.

Jiang Heng's eyes were red, and his face was even redder.

"Open it for me!"

The fourth level of stacking dragon energy erupted, and the bowstring was pushed back again, but there was still a little distance from fully stretching it.

Fu Changsheng stared at Zhou Zhou with wide-eyed eyes, and he twitched his beard strokes again, several beards were torn off again.

Without continuing to pursue perfection, Jiang Heng only felt that fine cracks had appeared in the joints of his arms.

Glanced into the distance, raised the direction slightly to avoid hurting people, and fixed his eyes on a sparrow that landed on the courtyard wall in the distance.


Let go of your right hand and jump!

However, the arrow disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, a circular wave of terrifying air that was visible to the naked eye exploded from the crossbow.


Jiang Heng retreated a few steps in a row, the air wave swept wildly, and several people in the small courtyard flew out backwards.

Yang Dalang, Fu Qingshui and Ah Si Ah Wu were all blown away. After rolling around on the ground a few times, he spewed out a mouthful of blood from his chest cavity, which made him feel much better.

The eardrums were still buzzing at this moment, and the moment the arrow flew out, everyone in the entire courtyard seemed to be deaf in an instant.

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