Master of Fist

Chapter 167: demon bow

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This is like the stone knives and spears that were used in the Stone Age before, and turned into iron knives and iron guns. The gap between the two is not even a star.

It is necessary to speed up the practice of covering the sea and breathing method!

Looking at the anxious pedestrians walking in a hurry along the street also made Jiang Heng's spirit a little tense.

"Time is running out!"

I was secretly anxious in my heart, besides, I had to continue cultivating the poison characteristic, and at the same time, I could speed up the tempering of the body with the breathing method. The bones of the limbs only tempered the right arm, and the right arm was even worse, so it needs to be tempered as soon as possible It's over, otherwise, even if you master the knack of casting Fuhai, your arms may not be able to support it several times.

Entering Fu's house, he was greeted by Fu Qingshui, who had caused a little trouble before.

But this time Fu Qingshui's attitude is obviously much better. He greeted him with a smile all the way, and his two arms seem to have been connected again, but the left and right sides are tied with bandages, which looks quite funny, and there is no first meeting at all. behavior at the time.

"Brother Jiang, Qing Shui was ignorant last time, I hope you understand what a misunderstanding it is!" Fu Qingshui was a little ashamed, and he was almost middle-aged next year, but his face also looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh, it's okay, you forgot, we are a family now! Does a family still need to talk about two families?" Jiang Heng smiled and patted his shoulder, and he gasped in pain, but he had no choice but to endure.

"Yes, yes, yes! We are a family!" Fu Qingshui also heaved a sigh of relief. In the past few days, he also learned from his ancestor how terrifying Jiang Heng's strength is.

He is a direct descendant of the Fu family, and he knows a lot about some secrets that Fu Changsheng knows. I also know the glorious moment of the external martial arts warriors hundreds of years ago, the more I know, the more I respect it.

Most of the men of the Fu family admire the strong, and it is easy to develop a good impression of the powerful. What's more, Jiang Heng's strength is still beyond his reach.

With Fu Qingshui's leadership along the way, it can be said to be unimpeded in the Fu family.

"By the way, Brother Qingshui, this old man asked me to come over, but what's the matter?" Jiang Heng asked curiously.

Hearing this, Fu Qingshui was cheating, showing a meaningful smile on his face: "You will know this later!"

Shaking his head was a little funny, why didn't he see that Fu Qingshui had this side before.

When he came to the outside of the inner hall, he saw that in the courtyard, Fu Changsheng was wearing a long coat this early in the morning, and was slowly punching a set of boxing techniques that looked more healthy. Seeing several people coming here, he retracted his fist and let out a long breath.

The breath that came out was continuous and long, but it didn't appear sharp. The whole person has a sense of lightness and dust.


Taking the tea handed over by the maidservant next to him, he took a sip and smiled.

"Grandpa, are you asking me to come?" Jiang Heng cut straight to the point. He is very pressed for time, but he doesn't have time to drink tea and chat with the old man here.

"Young people, don't be impatient. You can feel your anger from a long distance. This anger has been suppressed for a long time, and it's not good for your bones!" Fu Changsheng joked with a slight smile.

"Hehe, young man, this body is very strong! Besides, the situation in the city is treacherous. It's just right to be angry, and it's good to let off steam when the time comes. Maybe the strength you display will be even stronger than before!"

Jiang Heng found the stone pier next to him and sat down. By the way, he asked Yang Dalang to sit down too. However, Yang Dalang seemed more reserved, and refused to sit down alive or dead.

Ever since he entered the famous Fu's house, he has been too cautious, as if this is some kind of dragon's pool and tiger's den.

Jiang Heng shook his head and didn't bother to care about it, and looked at Mr. Fu with a smile.

"Old senior, you didn't call the junior here so early in the morning to talk about your old-age care knowledge?"

"You boy! Does this mean that the old man is old?"

Mr. Fu is old but not old at heart, he laughed and scolded endlessly.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of things to do, kid, so let's make a long story short, the old man who made the strong bow for you has already been done!" Mr. Fu waved his hand, then looked at Jiang Heng and raised his eyebrows: "I just don't know you The boy said, "Your strength varies every day, so I don't know if it's true or not? This strong bow is not ordinary, it's definitely different from what you've seen every day!"

There was obviously a hint of provocation in Mr. Fu's words, but Jiang Heng didn't care. He was already looking forward to it.

"Oh? What's the difference? This junior's body strength is also extraordinary, even the junior with the three-bow bed crossbow can easily fill it up!"

As soon as these words came out, old man Fu stroked his beards violently, and immediately tore off several white beards, causing the old man to grin his teeth in pain.

"You kid is not talking nonsense to lie to my old man, is it? Three bows and bed crossbows are not ordinary goods!"

Fu Changsheng was a little surprised, but soon relieved, patting Jiang Heng's strong arm very satisfied.

"Okay! You are a good boy! Then this bow seems to be suitable for you!"

"Qing Shui, let Ah Si and Ah Wu carry that bow over!"

"Okay!" Fu Qingshui responded He couldn't wait a long time ago, he watched the bow being built.

Let alone pull that crossbow, he dared not even touch it!

Jiang Heng also became more and more curious. It seems that the Fu family spent a lot of effort on this bow. What will it look like?

At the same time, he was also a little worried. With his own physique, it seemed that no bow could withstand his strength. Especially now the power is much stronger than in the battle of Hengjiang City. I'm afraid that the three bow bed crossbow can't bear his strength now.

Fortunately, it didn't take long. After a while, two strong men walked over carrying an iron box with difficulty. The two seemed to be struggling very hard, and the bluestone slab on the ground would make a creaking sound every time they took a step. Obviously, the floor was also under a lot of pressure.

Jiang Heng felt a little bit surprised, but these two men named Ah Si and Ah Wu were both in the ultimate realm of the third rank, and it seemed that they should be able to try to step into the pulse refining state immediately.

Together, it is not a problem for these two people to carry five thousand catties, but now it is so difficult...


The two came to Mr. Fu and gently put down the long iron box on their shoulders. Suddenly, the ground trembled, the floor was cracked every inch of it, and a cloud of dust was raised.

"Come on, open it and have a look!" Fu Changsheng looked very proud, waved his hand and smiled.

Nodding his head, Jiang Heng was not polite, he lifted the lid, but he was a little stunned.

This is a snow-white crossbow with a length of three meters. The key point is that it is made of bone, but it is not an ordinary bone, but a silvery bone. The overall look has not been specially polished, and it looks extraordinarily hideous and rough.

"This... isn't this the arm bone of a demon?" Jiang Heng looked at Fu Changsheng with some doubts.

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