Master of Fist

Chapter 1317: go home

"Do you think... the Shengyuan clan can still restrain you now? Or do they restrain you when I come forward?" Jiang Heng's words were very flat, but there was no doubt that he was domineering.

The old man fell silent, because it was irrefutable. What Jiang Heng said at this time was the truth. With the strength he showed now, he doubted that Jiang Heng would be able to hang and beat the two old masters of the Shengyuan clan alone.

"Okay! I agree, but the Shengyuan clan..."

"Don't worry, if they dare to say something, then I will give them a proper answer." Jiang Heng smiled and snapped his fingers casually.

In the next moment, the old man only felt a blur before his eyes, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Looking at him again, he was shocked to find that he had appeared in the outside world.

The old man was stunned. He really couldn't do anything from the beginning to the end. Facing Jiang Heng, he was like a plaything that could only be manipulated by the other party.

"What's going on here? Elder Taishang, are you alright?"

At this time, there was a sound transmission from a Promi tribe in the distance, but the old man's expression was already embarrassing, as embarrassing as he was just now.

"Okay! Don't talk anymore, come and pay respects to Senior Jiang Heng!"


As soon as these words came out, all the promi family's interior-level powerhouses were stunned, but they still sneaked in suspiciously, and when they came to the elders of their own family, they were a little dazed when they saw that the other party was just floating outside.

"Elder, you are..."

"Hurry up and pay respects to Senior Jiang Heng in front of Senior Jiang Heng!"


Hearing the words, everyone looked in the direction of the elder's finger, and found that he was referring to the existence of this stalwart. They saw the other party slowly looked down and smiled, and the breath from the mouth and nose almost blew out their souls.

"Bye...bye...bye, Senior Jiang Heng!"

Several people trembled and felt that facing this existence was like falling into an ice cave, and the blood in their bodies seemed to be frozen a lot.

"Hello you all!"

Jiang Heng smiled, and as soon as he spoke with this smile, an even more terrifying wave of scorching air began to sweep in like a terrifying tornado.

ah! ~

Under the heat wave, the skins of the first few people were instantly dry and cracked, and then they started to ignite spontaneously, and then their flesh was burned, exposing their white bones.

In one breath, dozens of internal scene-level powerhouses were turned into a pile of dry bones. If Jiang Heng hadn't controlled them, I'm afraid that all of their souls would be burnt out at once.

As the power of this airflow gradually weakened, these inner-level powerhouses hurriedly activated the inner-level power to restore their bodies.

As the physical body recovered little by little, several people did not even dare to look at Jiang Heng at this time.

This is not a strong person, this is simply a top-level strong person beyond their comprehension.

Such a terrifying existence, they dare not even think about it, and this is because of the 90% damage immunity. If this is real, it is really a look that can kill them.

"Ahem, thank you, Senior Jiang, for your forgiveness. People like me...maybe our strength really doesn't catch your attention."

The Supreme Elder was a little embarrassed, this Senior Jiang was really confusing.

The strength has simply exceeded the limit he could imagine.

Jiang Heng smiled faintly, and a ray of light bloomed from his figure. The next moment, his entire body began to shrink rapidly, and he returned to the size of an ordinary person in just a moment.

"Mr., please send a representative to our Human Race Universe when the time comes. Our Human Race Universe will send a special person to discuss cooperation with you."

"Of course! Senior, I will definitely implement what you mean seriously."

Now the old man has no temper at all, not to mention that the conditions given by the human race universe are very generous, even if it is an ordinary condition, he will seriously implement it.

"Okay! In this way, we will meet again in the past!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, and his figure disappeared from everyone's sight in a flash.

On the other side, Jiang Miaomiao was still staring at the sky, confused when she saw Jiang Heng disappear suddenly.

Beside him were Li Yue'er who was already weeping uncontrollably, and Ah Si who was crying silently.

"Why are the children sad?"

There was a sudden light laugh with a hint of ridicule, the voice was very young, but very familiar.

Jiang Miaomiao turned around quickly when she heard the sound, and when she saw that person, she immediately knelt on the ground with her legs clasped in both hands and said in a low voice, "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

"Hehe, get up, it seems that you are very smart!"

With a light wave of Jiang Heng's hand, Jiang Miaomiao paused when he wanted to kneel down, and was directly lifted up by Ling Kong.

"Jiang... Jiang... Jiang..."

At this time Li Yue'er also reacted and stopped crying, but when she looked up and saw the person coming, her lips trembled, her whole body was completely shocked, her eyes widened in disbelief.

The situation of the swordsman Ah Si on the side was similar, he was also a little shocked and stunned, standing in place like a sculpture.

"Senior Jiang Heng! Is it really you?"

Li Yue'er finally regained her strength, but she was still a little timid, not daring to get too close. This was the extreme sense of unreality and cowardice when a legendary figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"Hehe, you are the younger generation of the Li family, right? Is your ancestor Li Miaozhen okay?"

Jiang Heng's words were like a shot in the arm to ease Li Yue'er's anxiety, and it also made her feel a little closer to Jiang Heng.

"Senior Jiang Heng, my family's ancestor is very good, and he is already a strong person at the interior scene level, but the ancestor probably will stop at the interior scene level in this life."

"The interior level is not bad, at least those of us who came out of the Milky Way back then were all mud-legged, and the outside world is all kinds of domain masters, demigods, running all over the place, as far as our galaxy is still in the upper class Warrior is the highest fighter power stage.

Nowadays, many old friends from back then have stepped into this level, which is not bad. "

Jiang Heng nodded with emotion. He felt that it was not easy for everyone to improve their strength to this level. After all, qualifications are limited, and they cannot reproduce their own experiences.

I almost occupy the vast majority of the luck of the human race universe, which can be described as a blessing of luck, but now that my strength has reached this point, in fact, it is no longer my own luck that depends on the human race universe, but the human race universe relies on him.

"It's not easy for you guys to come here. It's fate to meet each other. I don't know what wishes you guys have. I can do it for you if I can do it."

What Jiang Heng said was a promise of benefits, and the main reason was to see that these three people were actually quite qualified.

Maybe they are not talented, but their temperaments are very good, especially Jiang Miaomiao and Ah Si's swordsman, the temperament of these two people has the demeanor of their group back then.

Since he had planned to accept Jiang Miaomiao as his apprentice, one of the other two was a descendant of an old man, and the other had such a good heart, so he didn't mind giving him a chance.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, Jiang Miaomiao was unmoved, he had already apprenticed as a teacher, and Jiang Heng would definitely consider the inheritance for him, and the next thing was about Ah Si and Li Yueer.

The two looked at each other, and in the end it was Ah Si who spoke first, and he stepped forward and knelt down in front of Jiang Heng and said sincerely, "I also ask Senior Jiang Heng to come forward for this junior, and Senior Lu Jianshen to accept me as a disciple! I I want to practice the strongest swordsmanship! Cultivate a peerless swordsmanship like Lu Jianshen!"


Jiang Heng was a little surprised, he didn't expect this Ah Si to ask him to intercede, after thinking about it, he looked at this Ah Si.

He won't agree to such things casually, and he can't interfere with friends' affairs casually, so he still has to see in advance what Ah Si's swordsmanship talent is.

After some inspection, Jiang Heng was even more surprised, because Ah Si's swordsmanship talent is really not bad, it can even be described as excellent.

The reason why he has been muddling around in this middle-level demigod is mostly due to his lack of talent in cultivation, and his talent in swordsmanship may also be mediocre, but with that perseverance, Jiang Heng saw the shadow of Brother Lu in him.

Back then, Brother Lu just took one step at a time, concentrated on practicing one move steadily, and this one move made him play well, until he finally got the chance, and then continued to practice hard in the unknown.

Right now, Ah Si does have talent in this area.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Okay! After I agree to your matter, I will help you and Brother Lu, but it depends on whether they will accept you. Brother Lu is very demanding of his disciples. High."

"Thank you, senior!" Ah Si hurriedly kowtowed again excitedly. He was extremely excited. He didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity. As long as Senior Jiang Heng can help him speak, no matter whether it is successful or not, at least give him a chance. This is the greatest opportunity. It is a great fortune to be able to worship under Lu Jianshen's sect.

"En. You step back." Jiang Heng nodded, looking at Li Yue'er who was not far away.

"Li Yueer, have you thought about what you want?"

"Senior....I....I've made up my mind. This junior wants a superior fire movement technique." Speaking of which, Li Yue'er stepped out of the row and bowed to Li Changsheng in the same way, with a very respectful attitude.

Jiang Heng didn't stop him either. After all, they had different identities from Jiang Miaomiao, and Jiang Miaomiao would teach him as his own disciple in the future.

As for the fact that they are purely outsiders, Li Yueer may have some relationship with old friends, but Li Yueer is the offspring of someone who does not know how many generations, this relationship is actually very weak on her side, Jiang Heng give some The advantage is to give Li Miaozhen face, and Li Miaozhen can't say anything if I don't give it to others.

"Fire Xing Gong?" Jiang Heng pondered for a while. He has a lot of Fire Xing Gong. After all, he has killed many enemies over the years, and the number of Hu Xing Gong collected at the same time is not ordinary.

It is not too simple to want a superior fire movement technique.

But Jiang Heng didn't want to just fool around like this, since he wanted to give gifts, he had to be serious.

"Okay! I'll give you the fire movement technique!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng stretched out his hand to touch Li Yueer's forehead. In the next moment, Li Yueer felt countless messages pouring into his mind, and a complete set of fire movement exercises that can directly cultivate to the Wonderful Living Realm came to mind .

Li Yueer showed horror, because this exercise perfectly met all her requirements, and it worked like a duck to water, as if this exercise was tailor-made for her.

In fact, this was indeed tailor-made for her by Jiang Heng in an instant. For Jiang Heng right now, customizing a Wonderful Living Realm Kung Fu is really nothing.

With the deduction-like magical power of Zhenshen, he can quickly deduce a lot of information, and he can know many things like the back of his hand. He is also customized by watching Li Yueer's physical condition, meridians and other factors in an instant.

This requires Jiang Heng's own knowledge of the law to be high enough, and the law that Jiang Heng has mastered has already been cultivated to the peak of the Wonderful Life Realm, and he already has the ability to sprint towards the Creation Realm.

This is the reason why this breakthrough is so dangerous.

"Thank you senior! Thank you senior for bestowing the exercises!"

Without further ado, Li Yueer knelt down and kowtowed. She completely worshiped Jiang Heng. The value of this set of exercises can be described as priceless.

Not to mention anything else, if this is regarded as a family heirloom, it can be handed down forever and passed on to your descendants.

Moreover, this is still a private order, which will be of great benefit to Li Yueer, which means that the speed at which she can practice this technique will be extremely fast, and perhaps in hundreds of years, she will be able to quickly step into the Demigod Nine After 10,000 years, you might be able to break through to the realm of a true god!

As long as she can continue to maintain this momentum in the future, perhaps the Interior Class will not be impossible, and even Wonderful Life may have a glimmer of hope.

Jiang Heng seemed to have given her a way to reach the sky, how could this not make Li Yueer feel excited.

"Hehe! As long as you like it, I think you and Jiang Miaomiao have a pretty good relationship, and you can walk around with Jiang Miaomiao more in the future."

Jiang Heng's words obviously meant something. Hearing this, Li Yue'er blushed slightly, and Jiang Miaomiao turned his head away. Although the surface was still calm, it was obviously a little awkward to see his appearance.

"Okay, what else do you want to do here? If there is nothing else, how about I take you out of this place?"

Jiang Heng smiled lightly.

Hearing this, several people looked at each and hesitated for a moment.

In the end, Jiang Miaomiao, as an apprentice, still said, "Master, to tell you the truth, we were ordered to come here this time to investigate some internal information about the top technology of the Promi clan. We have not yet completed any of this... .”

"Hehe, it's okay!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand with a faint smile, and said calmly, "You don't need to intervene after this matter, rest assured that the empire will not blame you."

Wen Yan didn't understand why Jiang Heng was so swearing, but considering Jiang Heng's identity and status in the human universe, it must be fine if the other party said it was fine.

I saw Senior Jiang Heng in front of me looking around, and the next moment he waved his hand, everyone felt a blur in front of them, and when they looked again, they appeared in a cave with green water and green mountains, and there were not only the three of them, but hundreds of people around them , is impressively other members of the exploration team trapped in the virtual world.

Not long after that, they saw another flower in front of them, and when they looked again, the surroundings had returned to the human universe port.

Looking at the bustling and familiar people of the same race around them, a group of people were inexplicably agitated. Only after going through a lot of danger outside would they know how difficult it is to go home.

The intrigues he once had with his compatriots seem to be nothing at this time.

" this home?"

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