Master of Fist

Chapter 1316: fear

Fortunately, after an hour or so, the old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and withdrew his hand, and now the spirit was completely blank.

As the last memory of the spirit used to resist the distortion was erased, the old man was relieved, all he had to do was use the jade pendant to stabilize the spirit so that it would not be completely deformed.

The old man carefully took out the jade pendant and placed it on the head of the spirit, but after thinking about it, it felt easy to fall off, and if this body was invaded by the enemy, it would be bad if the jade pendant was taken away all at once.

"It's better to refine the jade pendant first, and then stuff it into the mouth of this spirit, so that I can control this spirit through the jade pendant.

However, my soul can't enter this soul. The power of this soul is too much distortion. My soul can easily be infected by distortion when I enter it. The best way is to use jade pendant as a medium to control it. "

Thinking of this, the old man unambiguously began to refine the jade pendant quickly. The refining process was very fast. Although the jade pendant had many magical features, the quality did not seem to be high. It was only at the level of a true god-level treasure, so the old man quickly Refining is complete.

Open Shenhun's mouth, and quickly stuff the jade pendant into it.

After trying to remotely input the power of the law with the jade pendant, the spirit soon opened its eyes, and then began to stand up and bow slightly to the old man, with a respectful attitude like a dull old servant waiting by his side.

"Not bad!"

The old man stroked his beard and smiled very satisfied, even trembling with excitement.

After thinking for a while, he immediately manipulated the spirit and began to drive the body to fully manifest.

Accompanied by his command, boom!

At this moment, all the people in the virtual world left their dreams one after another, because the commotion this time was too loud. Before, it was just a pair of eyes or even a face. This time, a huge and trembling body emerged from the clouds. Slowly emerging from the clouds.

Until the last towering giant appeared within the field of vision, everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes in disbelief.

"God, what's going on?"

"Could it be that I'm still in a dream?"

"What the **** happened? How did such a powerful existence appear in the virtual world? It looks like a human race."

Countless people are talking about it.

At this time, Jiang Miaomiao and his group were completely stunned on the spot, looking at this majestic existence with disbelief on their faces.

They are familiar with this existence! So familiar!

Almost anyone who is a human race is not familiar with it, because this is the legendary Jiang Heng who has long been included in the human race textbook!

That top-level powerful senior Jiang Heng who has saved the world many times!

On a wall of the Imperial Palace, a portrait of Senior Jiang Heng was specially hung.

Just why is his old man here?

How could his old man appear here?

"No! Impossible! Why is senior Jiang Heng here? Could it be that the power of distortion just now has been caused by senior Jiang Heng?"

As if thinking of a certain possibility, Li Yueer's eyes were flushed. Although she always hated Jiang Miaomiao's bragging about Senior Jiang Heng all the time, any human race worships and admires Senior Jiang Heng very much, just like the worship and admiration of parents who worship real gods. Worship.

It's just that some people, like Jiang Miaomiao, talk about it every day like fanatics, while others hide it deep in their hearts.

But it is undeniable that there is no human race who does not respect and worship Jiang Heng.

Even in the hearts of many people, if they swear an oath to Jiang Heng, the senior, then this oath is extremely credible, because in the hearts of the human race, Jiang Heng is the most supreme existence.

just now

Weeping, Li Yueer wept, Ah Si, the swordsman, also wept.

At the same time, Mo Lao, Fatty and others who had just escaped from the dream on the other side wept one after another, and even the members of the human race exploration team who had been trapped in the dream before now shed tears one after another.

In their minds, it is impossible and impossible for Senior Jiang Heng to have an accident. Once an accident occurs, the sky may collapse, and the sky may collapse now.

Silent sadness emerged in the hearts of all the people here, and everyone was on the verge of collapse.

This is the ultimate grief, a grief that outsiders cannot understand.

Only Jiang Miaomiao raised her head and looked into her eyes without any sadness, let alone any tears, only excitement and enthusiasm.

"Sure enough! It really is Senior Jiang Heng. My chance is Senior Jiang Heng. Then the old man I met back then may have a great relationship with Senior Jiang Heng. I may really be Senior Jiang Heng's disciple!"

Suddenly, Jiang Miaomiao was only in deep ecstasy at this moment.

"Jiang Miaomiao, didn't you say that you admire Senior Jiang Heng very much? Don't you admire Senior Jiang Heng the most? You!"

Li Yueer's face was full of anger, feeling that Jiang Miaomiao was inexplicably hypocritical at this time, but at the critical moment he was revealing his true nature.

However, Jiang Miaomiao smiled lightly, and immediately began to laugh wildly.

"Brother Jiang, why are you laughing?" Ah Si also frowned, very dissatisfied in his heart, with one hand on the hilt of his sword, he was surprisingly angry. He felt that Jiang Miaomiao was blaspheming Senior Jiang Heng.

"I laugh at your ignorance! I laugh at you for not believing Senior Jiang Heng at all, and not understanding Senior Jiang Heng!"

Jiang Miaomiao was still laughing, laughing maniacally.

"We don't understand? Could it be that you understand?" Li Yue'er's brows twisted into a ball, becoming even more displeased.

"I understand! No! I don't understand too much, but at least I understand better than you. I know that Senior Jiang Heng will definitely be fine. Who is Senior Jiang Heng? How many dangers and catastrophes he has experienced in his life, look at him now. With such achievements, you think something will happen to him, but I think this may be an opportunity for Senior Jiang Heng.

An opportunity to step into a higher level!

That old guy from the Prome family is going to die! He is dead! Ha ha ha ha! "

Jiang Miaomiao couldn't stop laughing, like a lunatic falling into madness.

Li Yueer was a little suspicious. She still believed in Jiang Miaomiao. She looked at Jiang Miaomiao and then at the huge and stalwart Senior Jiang Heng above her. She felt ashamed for no reason, as if she really didn't know much about Senior Jiang Heng. , do not trust him.

Roar! ~

At this moment, the stalwart giant roared like a wild beast, like a giant baby who just learned to walk.

But soon the giant spoke, the voice was extremely loud, and when he spoke, waves of sound surged in all directions like real sound waves.

"Don't panic, fellow clansmen. This seat is the Supreme Elder, and this one is a puppet refined by this seat. This Supreme Elder wants to tell all fellow clansmen that my Promi clan will rise from now on!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire virtual world fell into a sudden silence. Everyone didn't react for a while, and after a while, there were bursts of cheers like mountains and tsunamis.

All the faces of the people were distorted, and the expressions of grief were beyond words, and many people had collapsed and cried loudly.

Mo Lao is relatively not that sad, he is just a little sad. He is a strong old man who existed in the secret realm before Jiang Heng rose.

Relatively speaking, he actually hated Jiang Heng and his group, and hated the rise of the Great Zhou Empire. He believed that it was because of the rise of the empire that these idlers and hermits were eradicated.

Let people like them not be able to become kings and ancestors hidden in the small plane.

But after now, he is still a little sad, not for Jiang Heng, but for the future of the human race.

The human race has stepped out of the human race universe, and there is no retreat. In the future, the human race universe will usher in a dark age without Jiang Heng, the township pillar!

This is an inevitable regression.

Elder Mo sighed, no matter what, he is now a member of the human race, and he couldn't help but mourn for this top human race.

As for Jiang Miaomiao's group, it can be said that except for Jiang Miaomiao, the other two are about to collapse.

Jiang Heng, the top power of the human race, did not expect that there would be no news for a period of time, and seeing him again would be a farewell to the old man.

However, only Jiang Miaomiao still didn't believe it. He looked at Jiang Heng above him confidently. At this moment, that majestic existence showed the expression of the old man before.

At this time, Jiang Heng was laughing like a stranger, like a heretic demon.

At this moment, Jiang Heng suddenly paused, as if struck by lightning, and his expression gradually became distorted.

what happened?

At this moment, the old man was watching this scene with disbelief, because he found that his spiritual thoughts and laws could no longer be poured into the jade pendant.

The two sides seemed to be fighting for control. He had just finished refining and found a new consciousness emerging in it. This consciousness was a little confused at first, but soon this confusion disappeared.

Because this consciousness began to grow rapidly, and the speed was beyond the old man's imagination. In just a moment, the old man was horrified to find that he had completely lost control over the jade pendant.

The jade pendant is the key for him to control this spirit, but the jade pendant is useless at all, the key is that the memory that the spirit had cleared before seems to have come back again, and the eyes of the spirit slowly opened.

As he opened his eyes, the old man saw that the young man in front of him was looking at him quietly with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. His eyes were so indifferent that the old man felt a chill that went straight to the sky.

This this

"Who are you?!"

The old man's voice was trembling, what was going on with this man? Is he a newborn consciousness or is this person's consciousness reawakened? But how is this possible?

How can the soul consciousness be revived after being erased?


? This is not normal at all, not at all impossible!

At least in the impression of the old man, this kind of situation is absolutely impossible.

However, this impossible thing just happened right now, and it just happened in front of his eyes. To the old man, this kind of thing that subverted the three views of the old man was comparable to a large-scale supernatural event, extremely horrifying and terrifying.

"Old man, who do you think I could be? You borrowed my body just now, but you had a good time and forgot about it now?" Jiang Heng smiled lightly, it was really ingenious that he could be resurrected.

These are all the results of his slow calculations. The original design was to let Jiang Miaomiao, a tool man, send his own anchor, and at the same time let Jiang Miaomiao come over, because Jiang Miaomiao himself is also an anchor.

Although the jade pendant was snatched from Jiang Miaomiao's hand in the end, it was a coincidence that this old thing was delivered by himself, and it was delivered to him perfectly. This is simply a coincidence.

The key point is that Jiang Heng also played a second role, otherwise this would still not be able to be resurrected perfectly.

That is to say, fortunately, the avatar was summoned back in advance. After the consciousness was cleared by the old ghost, the avatar could be used to quickly reset the consciousness, otherwise it would really be over.

"Mr., I am Jiang Heng, a human race. I wonder if you have heard of my name?" Jiang Heng smiled faintly.

Hearing this, the old man's pupils shrank suddenly. He is not unfamiliar with this name. It should be said that no one in the entire Shengyuan system does not know this person, and they have more or less heard of this person.

This person caused a great upheaval in the old lair of the Shengyuan clan a million years ago, although the popularity of this matter has declined now.

But whoever sees the current decline of the Shengyuan clan will inevitably mention Jiang Heng, a legendary figure.

"You are Jiang Heng?!"

The old man was stunned, isn't Jiang Heng a wonderful habitat? This is not the aura that Wonderful Habitat should have. This breath can be said to be above Wonderful Habitat.

This kind of breath made him completely unable to detect the other party's details.

He has never felt this kind of feeling in the three old What he feels in Jiang Heng is only despair. Total despair.

"What do you want?" The old man had already given up resisting a little. Facing an existence like Jiang Heng who couldn't see the depth, he couldn't do anything, not even the power of law.

It was like being nailed in place, with nothing but thinking.

Even the operation of the internal power in the body has come to a standstill.

"Old man, would you like to join us in the human universe? I mean cooperate with our human universe and join us?" Jiang Heng smiled lightly, but did not make a move.


Hearing this, the old man's mentality was also calmed down. Since there was a request, he would not kill him.

"Well, you can understand it that way." Jiang Heng nodded.

"Isn't it slavery? Isn't it like under the Shengyuan system, our Promi clan is the Shengyuan clan?" The old man was suspicious.

Jiang Heng smiled and said lightly, "Look at the Gutuo clan and the Xilin clan, do you see that I am in a slave relationship with them? We are all partners and friends, but you need to treat the human race in some important matters. Cooperate with the commands of the universe, such as fighting against foreign enemies and resisting foreign enemies.

All others are treated equally. "

Hearing Jiang Heng's request, the old man fell into deep thought. Is this request difficult? It's really not difficult, at least the conditions are much better than those of the Shengyuan clan.

On the side of the Shengyuan clan, their Prome clan is responsible for solving all logistical problems for the Shengyuan clan, including all management and institutional issues, just like a diligent butler.

As for Jiang Heng's condition, it can be said that he is really communicating with friends, which used to be partners and friends.

"But the Shengyuan clan." The old man still hesitated. .

Jiang Heng smiled.


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