Master of Fist

Chapter 118: Variety

Hengjiang City!

At this time, the top of Hengjiang City was completely controlled by the army, and all kinds of defense equipment were lifted up on the city wall with flags flying. Looking around, there were more than a thousand soldiers either holding crossbows or crossbowmen and gunners waiting beside the bed crossbows and artillery.

"General Chen, you guys are really strong! With the soldiers under Mr. Chen's command, I feel very at ease!" Jiang Ting was standing at the top of the city and chatting with the general in armor beside him with a smile.

"Where! These are veterans. How can they compare to the elite of the Zhenfu Division under Mr. Jiang's command. The talents under Mr. Jiang's hands really make this general envious!"

This General Chen is the deputy general of the garrison in Cangzhou City, and more than a thousand people under his command have all been transferred to this place at this time.

The chief general led some troops to Qing County to assist Commander Lu in the garrison. In addition, there were nearly 2,000 people stationed in Cangzhou City. In addition, the Zhenfu Division naturally did not come out in full force, and naturally left some people to garrison. After all, it is also necessary to prevent those who are reckless and dishonest.

Jiang Heng looked at the two people who were chatting, and he didn't have the heart to step forward to flatter him. He followed Vice Commander Jiang to the familiar Hengjiang City early this morning.

"I didn't expect to come back again in this way!"

Jiang Heng sighed silently, but what surprised him after entering the city was that the original Liu Xianzun had changed at this time. I just went to the street to inquire about it, and then I found out that the Liu Xianzun had disappeared at the beginning of this month.

However, Jiang Heng inquired about the recent situation of Hengjiang City, but the news he inquired about surprised him inexplicably!

It turned out that after Jiang's family moved out of Hengjiang City, the disappearance cases in the city not only did not slow down, but intensified!

Nearly 300 people were missing here and there!

During this period, it also attracted the attention of the Zhen Fusi, and sent the black guards to investigate, but before the black guards arrived, Liu Xianzun disappeared one step ahead of time. Moreover, the intensified disappearance case also came to an abrupt end, and no one disappeared after that.

Many people said that all of this might have been done by the county lord Liu, or that the county lord Liu was practicing some demonic method to harm the people in the city. Now when the Zhenfusi came, the people ran away, obviously out of fear.

Jiang Heng naturally knew in his heart that there must be something wrong with Liu Xianzun, but why did the other party abandon this identity? Is it just the black-clothed guards here?

But is the black-clothed guard really so deterrent?

Jiang Heng doesn't believe this!

There must be some other threat forcing it away!

Could it be because of demons?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the possibility is very high, otherwise the other party has no reason to give up this place.

It seems that this red-sleeved dancer and the demon are indeed not the same way!

Thinking slightly in his heart, this also made Jiang Heng heave a sigh of relief. When he was dispatched to Hengjiang City, he was actually a little uneasy. After all, he knew that the situation in Hengjiang City was treacherous. Now it seems that everything has been solved.

"Then... we'll see if the monsters will come here!"

Qing County and Hengjiang County, according to the two Lord Zhenyousi, one of the cities should be attacked. From now on, they only need to stick to it, and then wait for the two adults to come to deal with this monster!

At this time, Jiang Heng hoped that the demons would come here, but also didn't want to come here.

It is very contradictory, as long as you still want to see is believing, then you will have a bottom line in your heart.

At the same time, a large number of people and some merchants who want to enter the city to sell goods have gathered in the city. At this time, the group of people were cursing and clamoring, which seemed extraordinarily noisy.

In order to prevent the monsters from attacking, the gates of the city were closed early. It was also because of the sudden incident that more and more people gathered under the city at this time.

"General Chen, Lord Jiang, look at this..."

At this time, Li Xuewen, the new Hengjiang County Honorary who had been standing next to the two Cangzhou Shangguans, hesitated.

"You can't open the city gate! Once the monsters attack, you and I can't bear this responsibility!" Jiang Ting flatly refused without thinking.

Hearing this, Li Xuewen frowned. He was new to Ramp, and he couldn't rush many things. Similarly, he also wanted to build a good relationship with the gentry in and out of the city. But looking at the two now, he could only sigh secretly.

One of the two is the deputy general of the Cangzhou garrison, and the other is the deputy commander of Zhenfusi Na and other yamen. He can't afford to mess with these two now.

"But it's not a solution to let this group of mud-legged people gather here all the time! Once the demons come here, wouldn't they all become the rations of the demons? Isn't this an enemy?" Jiang Ting stood behind the female wall and looked down, frowning.

"It's not as good as this. You only need to open the city gate, and I will immediately lead a team to kill one or two! It doesn't make sense to reason with these mud legs!"

General Chen touched the knife on his waist with a fierce look on his face.

Jiang Ting pondered slightly, but his eyes were looking at the official road at the end of his vision in the distance. At this time, the end of the official road was deserted. Not only that, the road one or two miles outside the city was very open and unobstructed.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting nodded heavily.

"That's good! General Chen, go and come back quickly!"

Soon the city gate opened slightly, and General Chen, who was 1.8 meters tall and tall, led fifty cavalry and rushed out along the The people at the city gate saw the city gate open, Thinking that the city gate was about to be opened, they rushed towards the gate in unison.

However, when a cavalry soldier with shining armor came towards him with a shining blade, they all exclaimed.

As a few heads fell to the ground, many people at the gate of the city were terrified, and while shouting that the officers and soldiers had killed people, they ran away with their legs wide open.

Standing on the city wall, Jiang Heng looked at the scene below and frowned slightly, not thinking that there was anything wrong with General Chen's actions in the current situation. It's just a bad feeling in my heart.

A few heads fell to the ground. In fact, the people underneath had scattered a lot, but there were still many gatherings. General Chen showed a stern look on his face, and with a cold snort, he once again rode his horse and led the crowd to charge and kill.

How could this group of cavalry wearing armor and holding swords be able to contend against the unarmed common people?

However, this General Chen seemed to enjoy the killing a bit, and he chased a fairly well-dressed merchant on his horse. Seeing this, all the cavalrymen under his command howled and charged away.

"Dogs can't change eating shit! I have long heard that the military discipline of the garrison is corrupt, but I didn't expect that even the dignified lieutenant general is also like this!

After a few **** compliments, he no longer knows who he is! "

Seeing this, Jiang Ting in the city yelled and cursed.

Jiang Heng watched carefully from the side, indeed he had also heard that the military discipline of the garrison in Cangzhou City had always been corrupt, this was due to the fact that Great Yan had been at peace for a long time, and in addition, there were very few wars in Cangzhou.

I didn't expect General Chen to be so disregarding military discipline at this critical moment, and never let go of any opportunity to make money!

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