Master of Fist

Chapter 117: good for you

"My lords, please do not hesitate to order. Our Zhenfu Division will do our best to cooperate! We will never miss the work of your lords!" Commander Lu bowed his knees at this moment, changing his usual majestic image.

Mr. Wang's immature face didn't change much, he just kept a faint smile, and looked at Lu Zhi with a half-smile.

"Very good! If this is the case, then things will go much smoother!"

"Bring your map of Cangzhou!"

Master Wang knocked on the handrail and said calmly.

Lu Jin nodded slightly, gestured with his eyes, and soon the clerk who was waiting at the door hurried away. After a while, he brought a huge map, and hung it on the left side of the conference hall very quickly. on the side wall.

"According to the unique secret method of Yousi in our town, I have preliminarily locked this beast in the vicinity of Heifeng Mountain between Qing County and Hengjiang County. This officer and Mr. Liu will go to Heifeng Mountain tomorrow to kill this beast! And what you have to do is to send heavy troops to hoard in these two counties to prevent this dog from jumping over the wall!"

Mr. Wang looked at the names of the places on the map, thought for a while and gave a very brief instruction.

Hearing the words, everyone was silent for a while, and they all looked at each other for a while.

Commander Lu stepped forward slightly, cupped his hands and said respectfully with an embarrassed smile, "My lord, this... this is the strength of our Zhen Fusi soldiers, this... in fact, we can still solve the two adults' problems a lot!"

Lu Xun's words were very tactful, but the meaning was obvious. Wouldn't it make the Zhen Fusi very weak to give such an order? Not even the task of assisting in the search for traces of demons?

Everyone below nodded slightly when they saw this, indeed, although the demon is powerful. But just assisting in the search for traces of demons can still be done. Of course, the most important thing is that it is a great contribution to assist in killing the monsters. Not only Lu Jin is itchy, but everyone below is also itchy.

Even if it's just a little help, Commander Lu may be promoted and transferred to other realms. As for Commander Jiang and the people in the Zhenfu Department who assisted in handling affairs, I am afraid that they will all be promoted to a higher level!

However, although everyone in the Zhenfu Division thought so, Lord Wang, who was sitting at the top, shook his head slightly, leaned on the seat very casually, and said with a sneer: "Why? Commander Lu thinks that this officer will handle this matter something wrong?"

Hearing this, Lu Jian was taken aback, and hurriedly cupped his hands respectfully and replied: "Don't dare! Your lord's decision is naturally extremely correct, it's just that the humble and subordinate brothers want to share your worries."

"There's no need to share your worries! You ordinary warriors can't help you much in this matter!" The childish Master Wang waved his hand and glanced at Lu Zhi casually, and said with a smile: "Even the threshold of the ? Didn’t touch it, are you looking for death? If you are the so-called ninth-rank realm of your warriors, you can still do a job, so forget it.”

Mr. Wang's words did not mean to belittle, his tone was flat as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

It's just that when he said these words, the faces of a group of people in the Zhenfu Division flushed a little, and the black-clothed Wei Xuanyiwei at the bottom was fine. The faces of the silver-clothed guards and the two chief and deputy commanders at the pulse refining level turned red.

"Don't be unconvinced, Master Wang is doing this for your own good!" At this moment, Master Liu, who had not spoken much, said with a light smile.

Master Liu was approaching middle age, with a refined and easy-going face, he looked around and stroked his beard slightly, with a smile on his face.

"? Level, to measure the lowest level of monsters. Even the lowest level of monsters, they will carry monster aura all over their bodies. Monster aura is nothing to me and Mr. Wang. But it is very poisonous to you ordinary warriors. Even if your internal energy cannot be guarded against, once you are haunted by evil energy, it will turn into a puddle of thick water in an instant!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. Jiang Heng was also terrified when he heard it below. The inner qi shield of the pulse refining state is useless in front of the evil spirit randomly distributed by the monster?

"And let you guard the city to help us a lot, otherwise, if this beast escapes under the joint hands of me and Lord Wang, it will inevitably go to densely populated places. Demons **** blood, and ordinary people are weak , but the population of a city is enough to make it heal a lot of injuries!

But you have to prepare defense equipment on the city wall, otherwise a city can be broken by monsters in an instant! "

Master Liu spoke in great detail, explaining to everyone in a gentle and patient manner.

After hearing these words, everyone only felt that their breathing was a little heavy. Originally thought such an easy task, the two adults just thought they were in the way and made an excuse.

But I didn't expect that just defending the city would be extremely dangerous.

"This... is a humble official. But please rest assured, the humble official will do its best!"

Lu Jin just woke up, and immediately bowed his hand again.

"Okay! That's all for today, Master Liu and I will leave tomorrow!"

Mr. Wang waved his hand, and immediately got up to go out.

"My lord, is this... is this too hasty?" Seeing this, Lu Jin quickly asked.

Indeed, for such a large-scale operation, it is obviously not enough to mobilize the Zhenfu Division~ It is also necessary to mobilize the garrison in Cangzhou.

"Huh?" Mr. Wang stamped his footsteps slightly, looked at Lu Jin with a slight frown, and said coldly, "Do you think I'm idle?"

"No...don't dare!" Being stared directly at by the other party, Lu Jin quickly lowered his head, thought for a while and cupped his hands again: "I will do it now, but I have already prepared a good guest room for the two adults And wine and food! This... I also invite the two adults to show their faces..."

Hearing this, Lord Wang relaxed his brows, waved his hands and said with a smile: "There is no need for food and wine, later..."

As he said that, Master Wang lowered his voice, approached Lu Jin slightly and said, "Send a hundred death row prisoners here tonight!"


Lu Jin's pupils shrank slightly, he bowed his hands to agree, and immediately lowered his head even lower.

A discussion was soon over. Jiang Heng stood in the Zhenfusi school grounds, looking at the two Zhenyousi adults who were surrounded by the principal and deputy commanders and left in deep thought.

The tempering of his body has made his five senses more sensitive than those in the ordinary pulse refining state, and he just vaguely heard some words that Mr. Wang said.

"Death row?"

Jiang Heng was thinking silently, what did the other party want the death row prisoner to do?

Bait to lure demons?

"Oh, why do you think so much?"

Shaking his head slightly, Jiang Heng decided to make a good preparation and set off tomorrow, trying to directly step into the second floor of the Dragon Strength tonight!

In this way, the strength will soar in a straight line to be comparable to a fifth-rank existence, who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Jiang Heng didn't think that with two mysterious Lord Zhenyousi in charge, he would be able to sit back and relax. He really didn't have any personal experience with monsters, so every point he could increase his life-saving ability would be enhanced by one point!

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