Master of Fist

Chapter 109: But that's all!

"Actually, if there are women playing and drinking, it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you stay. But the head of the door can't tolerate sand in this kind of thing. Although there are wine and women with the head of the door, these are only when Mu Xiu I can enjoy one or two." Liu San complained. "I used to play as much as I wanted when I followed Boss Li in the cottage. Although there was a meal, I was really comfortable at that time!"

"Counterfeit? Boss Li used to be a bandit?"

"That's right! How many of those who follow the sect master are good people? A few brothers who followed the sect master a while ago, didn't they come from the Dao sect?" Liu San sneered.

Everyone also knew this, and they all smiled. After all, the head of the sect has a temperament of killing people at every turn, so how good is it to have someone under his command?

"But I'm still comfortable..."


Suddenly there was the sound of a body falling to the ground.

Liu San's whole body froze, and he quickly drew the knife like a conditioned reflex, and was about to swing the knife.

But except for the companion who fell to the ground, there was no one else in sight.


Suddenly he felt a pain in the back of his neck, and his consciousness fell into a faint.

At the same time, a burly figure in a well-dressed figure slowly appeared in front of the gate of Luo Zhai.

It was Jiang Heng!

His face was expressionless, and the strong clothes on his body still couldn't conceal his strong physique, and he looked silently at the plaque in front of him.

Luo house!

Passing through the two gate guards calmly, he separated his hands and slapped the foreheads of the two of them like lightning.

The two people who had fainted suddenly lost their vitality completely, bleeding from their seven orifices!

Jiang Heng walked steadily, and walked into Luo's house step by step.

The entire Luo residence occupies a very large area, a round larger than the Jiangfu in Hengjiang City, and the entire residence is a brightly lit scene.

A young maidservant in the front yard who was replacing the oil lamp in the niche in the front yard raised her head suspiciously when she heard the movement.


Before she could see who it was, she was also hit by a huge force on the top of her head.

Jiang Heng withdrew his hand expressionlessly, and looked around. The structure inside was very similar to the Suzhou gardens he had seen in his previous life. Quaint, quiet and winding, it can be seen that the internal area of ​​the house is indeed not small.

However, there are many places to hide here, and no one knows how many warrior guards are hidden in the rockery garden.

Jiang Heng noticed this as soon as he entered the garden. However, he only frowned slightly, and stepped in again with a grin on his face.

Walk through the luxurious small garden in the front yard and carefully come to the attic.

It's not obvious enough from the outside, but when you enter the park, you can see the main building here very clearly.

This is an attic with four floors. The attic is intricately carved, beautiful and luxurious.

For his selfish desires, Luo Yongnian spent a lot of money to build this house, and even more so, built this golden house.

At this moment, the attic door on the left was slowly pushed open, and the four middle-aged men in strong clothes inside saw the unfamiliar Jiang Heng, they were all taken aback, and then quickly drew out their swords and were about to slash.

Before they had time to make a move, and their wrists hadn't exerted force, they felt their eyes blur.

After continuous bang bang bang bang, all four people at the door fell to the ground a second later. Blood slowly oozes out along their seven orifices, soaking into the cracks of the wooden floor.

Jiang Heng walked slowly into the wooden carved door and went straight to the second floor.

At this moment, a series of hurried footsteps sounded from the second floor, and at the same time, footsteps sounded from outside the attic.

In no time, five or six well-dressed guards had arrived on the first floor.

Everyone looked around, staring intently at the surroundings, ready to strike at any time.

But the place is empty, and there is no one there. Obviously, the secret sentry ambushing in the dark outside the garden has already discovered the intruders, and everyone is planning to encircle them...

"Where are people?" One person couldn't help asking.


An arm tied with a gray cloth bandage suddenly pressed his head, and slammed into the golden nanmu pillar as thick as a person hugging him.

Jiang Heng's tall and strong body suddenly landed from above and appeared behind them, and he stretched out his hands.

Two of the six people were instantly pushed onto the pillars.

The remaining two turned around quickly, and were about to use their own methods. But Jiang Heng held down the heads of the two with both hands, and slammed them together in the middle.


The two of them collided like two watermelons, and they were smashed to pieces by him.

Pu Chi's blood sprayed out, staining Jiang Heng's whole body.

He calmly let go of the corpses, and the two corpses had completely changed.

The entire heads of the two were completely shattered under his squeeze.

Now for Jiang Heng, even the third rank is too weak, not to mention these warriors who have not entered the rank, or even the first rank...

Soon several people rushed down from the second floor, and the six of them pointed their swords at Jiang Heng. Perhaps it was the **** scene on the first floor that made everyone hesitate.

"kill him!"

Clank! Clang, clang!

The dense clash of gold and iron swept across the entire first floor of the attic like a storm.

The floor on the ground, the red-painted walls on the walls, the carved gates of the attic, the calligraphy and paintings on the walls, and the decorative ceramic ornaments were all torn to pieces by the swords and swords of the crowd.

Bang Bang Bang!

The swords of the six people slashed at Jiang Heng's body like they were on gold and iron. After the violent attack, they shattered and fell to the ground.

The moment the sword shattered, he stepped forward abruptly.

The wooden floor suddenly shattered, and the sawdust exploded, revealing a huge hole.

In an instant, he crossed a distance of several meters and appeared in the crowd.


He raised his arms like a heavy hammer, and every time he passed by a person, he punched a person.

bang bang bang bang bang!!!

The continuous huge impact sound was almost like the loudest muffled After a few breaths, Jiang Heng pushed away the staring man who was leaning on his shoulder and let him slowly walk away from him. Slipped and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the entire first floor of the attic was like a blood hell, with plasma and dead bodies everywhere. The corpses fell to the ground in all directions.

The floors and walls are left with traces of swords and swords.

No one could hold back his punch, and where each person was hit, there was a pierced blood hole, which looked hideous and terrifying.

The guards on the first and second floors have all been wiped out.

All the way to the corridor on the third floor unimpeded...

crunch! ~

Suddenly, in a compartment at the end of the corridor, the wooden carved door was slowly pushed open.

A tall, burly middle-aged man with a bald head and a fleshy face came to the corridor.

The bald man was very fierce, and his strong clothes were propped up high by his strong body. However, in terms of height, he was still half a head shorter than Jiang Heng, but the two were similar in size, more than ten steps away from each other. Watching each other at the same time.

"It's you?!" The fierce-looking man was none other than Li Zheng, the angry king who had met once before!

At this moment, sweat was dripping from Li Zheng's forehead, but he quickly remembered whose territory this was, and all of a sudden he lost all fear.

It's just that he didn't expect that this murderous person would dare to break into this place alone!

"How courageous! How dare you come here alone! It seems that you are tired of work!"

Li Zheng's thoughts turned, this person in front of him. It was just a little bit more vigorous that day, no big deal. What's more, Kang Yue's useless strength is not good, this person can't think of it!

Besides, the door master is still there!

Thinking of this, Li Zheng sneered in his heart, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

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