Master of Fist

Chapter 108: murder

At the same time, the Zhenfu Division—

"Is the news credible?"

At this time, Deputy Commander Jiang was sitting opposite Commander Lu, and the two looked at each other with serious expressions.

Commander Lu nodded slightly, "It was indeed sent by Anzi!"

"Over the years, the news sent by Anzi may not be prepared. What's more, there are endless news about the fourth-grade martial arts, and most of them are just speculation." Vice-Commander Jiang said with a frown.

"I'm afraid it's true this time!" Commander Lu frowned and sighed, "Other gangsters in Heishui Street have already taken action. There is no problem with such a big turmoil."

"In this way, except the silver-clothed guards and Xuanyi guards who are on missions outside, let the black-clothed guards and Xuanyi guards in their respective jurisdictions take action. No matter what, this turmoil is not small, and Cangzhou can't be chaotic now!"

"Well, not bad." Vice Commander Jiang also nodded in deep satisfaction.

Some time ago, the Zhenfu Division suddenly lost a silver-clothed guard, and the situation in Cangzhou suddenly fell into a strange situation, and the manpower was relatively tense. At this time, if there is an accident in the base camp, it will be troublesome!

"It's been a long time since I've been in charge of Zhen Fusi. We can't let these ghosts and snakes turn the world upside down!" Commander Lu stood up slightly, with a stern look in his eyes.

"Humble job, let's do it!"

Deputy Commander Jiang respectfully accepted the order and withdrew. Although Vice Commander Jiang didn't like having a great **** sitting on top of his head, the critical moment was still important.

Looking at the departing Vice Commander Jiang, Commander Lu sat back again, his eyes slightly lost in thought.

I don't know why, but I have a bad premonition in my heart, as if I have overlooked something.

At the same time, there are many people like Zhenfusi, and countless forces have taken action. The Canglang Gang was the first to react!

The Canglang Gang is still the leader in the Jianghu of Cangzhou City. It can be said that as long as the other Jianghu forces in Cangzhou City do not have a third-rank master, or the current leader of the Canglang Gang does not die, then the position of the Canglang Gang is still stable. Incomparable. It's just that the power is not as good as before.

In addition, Iron Sword Sect also took action, and Arhat Sect was no exception.

Many forces have sent their own personnel to repeatedly screen Blackwater Street. And such a large-scale influx of people is bound to add a lot of blood and rain to the small land of Heishui Street in the west of the city.

Cangzhou's Jianghu forces and the Zhenfu Department have always disliked each other, and no one is happy with the other, and bloodshed is bound to be inevitable.

Jiang Heng, who had dinner in the evening, sat on the stone pier in the courtyard and waited calmly.

"Master, why didn't you practice today?"

Seeing that her young master didn't practice kung fu as usual, Xiao Rou asked in a low voice.

In fact, she didn't really want the young master to torture herself so desperately every day. She knew that the young master must have worked so hard to protect the Jiang family, but she couldn't help much.

"Because the young master is happy today! I'm in a good mood, and I don't know why I don't really want to practice!"

Jiang Heng responded with a smile, the smile on his face could not see the slightest abnormality.

Time passed by little by little, and at midnight, Jiang Heng put on a full suit and left Jiangfu.

For what happened tonight, he paid a fourth-grade martial arts book!

Just to prevent the senior management of Zhenfu Department from noticing him.

It is nothing to destroy a Jianghu force, but the meaning of destroying a Jianghu force with a pulse-refining state is self-evident.

Cangzhou Jianghu will definitely be turbulent, and there may even be a trend of unity.

And these two commanders will be shocked if they find out that I did it. And all of a sudden, his strength has improved so fast, and he can kill fourth-rank warriors before he even stepped into the pulse refining state. Such a character...

It's not that Jiang Heng doesn't believe in the character of these two commanders. It's heartbreaking!

"I only have one life! There is no big mistake in being careful! Besides, these two commanders, Deputy Commander Jiang, can say that Commander Lu... can't see through! I must be careful about this person!"

Jiang Heng merged into the darkness and headed towards his destination. This time he even lied about being ill and refused the transfer order from the Zhen Fusi. But these are not problems, as long as there are no direct clues pointing to him, no matter how much you suspect, you will not suspect him!


Chengdong Luofu—

The subordinates of the two gatekeepers were chatting some nasty jokes in a low voice.

The scarlet red lanterns above the gate are particularly conspicuous at night.

They are all experts of Arhat Sect and Luo Yongnian's confidants.

In fact, they are all good players who are close to the entrance!

Among these people are all masters carefully selected from the Arhat Sect, and they usually have blood on their hands, and they all help Luo Yongnian with some shady private affairs.

Of course, these people also have a lot of benefits. The dragon spirits and tigers raised by each of them are fierce, and their blood is not far from the top grade!

In addition, Luo Yongnian enjoys personal enjoyment very much, and this Luo Mansion is even vaguely comparable to the residence of Luo Hanmen. But even though he is domineering and extravagant, he does not hesitate to reward his subordinates, especially those who are capable of handling affairs.

As far as how he enjoys it, there are dozens of graceful women in this house In addition, which one of the top cards in his Goulan in the east of the city is not his play? of.

Moreover, he is bloodthirsty, changing women is like changing clothes, killing when he is in a bad mood, and pampering the heavens when he is in a good mood, which makes these women terrified and frightened.

Therefore, any woman whom Luo Yongnian likes will try his best to please him and provide him with entertainment. Otherwise, the light ones will be beaten beyond recognition, and the severe ones will be directly decapitated.

He even often held open meetings with those women from time to time.

However, although this person is domineering, he is extremely cautious. Usually, every time he plays, in addition to the four kings who are taking turns guarding the door, there is also a group of around 30 trusted guards.

In the entire guard team, there were two or three members of the entry-level warriors alone, and the rest were burly men close to the entry-level, with more than one life in their hands, and full of experience in fighting.

And among them are proficient in all kinds of weapons, those who are proficient in hidden weapons will lie in ambush in the dark of the house and patrol the house, and those who are proficient in melee combat will guard in the lanes, corridors or inside the room.

In short, Luo Yongnian's cautiousness is to the extreme. Some people say that the more fierce a person is on the outside, the more fearful and fearful he will be in his heart!

He, Luo Yongnian, protected his house like a rock, and he knew very well how hated he was. But he also knows that strength is fundamental, he is now in the pulse refining state, and he only needs to guard against the secret means.

On the surface, unless Zhen Fusi, Canglang Gang or Tie Jianmen want to move him, he can sit back and relax.

"How long do you think we will stay here?" Liu San, who was guarding the gate, spat and asked in a low voice.

"Who knows, Boss Li said last time that it's our turn to rest in five days." Another gatekeeper said nonchalantly.

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