Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 322 Warning

In particular, the nuclear weapons have actually been replaced with new element warheads given by Zod Heath, and even the launch method has also been provided by Zod Heath.

If Ultron wants to crack it, it will take a long time to learn.

After understanding the relevant launch procedures, Ultron discovered that any artificial intelligence that can launch mushroom eggs is deceptive. It was made up by the filmmakers for the needs of the plot.

But how could Ultron, who obtained the "final truth" through trillions of calculations, miss the opportunity to destroy mankind? After one second of calculation, more than ten plans were formulated by it as a means of destroying mankind.

For example, melting glaciers at the north and south poles will raise sea levels; for example, using special devices to induce a 12-magnitude earthquake, destroying everything on the ground; A global deadly flu; or blow up the moon and make the tides unbalance...

It is difficult to destroy the earth, but it is much easier to destroy human beings. Fragile human beings are too dependent on the external environment. As long as this balance is disrupted, this group can be easily killed.

It does not even have a body, it is like a duck to water in the intelligent modern age, all kinds of complex interpersonal exchanges and money and power transactions, as long as it appears in the data network, it is under control.

Although it has no eyes, every camera is its eyes, and its eyes are all over the world; although it has no ears, every microphone is its ear, and can hear all the sounds from every vibration of the diaphragm.

But Ultron doesn't do too much. Thanks to that unfinished artificial intelligence, it has learned to be cautious. Even if it has powerful capabilities, it still carefully executes its plans.

Although it is a god-like existence in the data world, there are still places that cannot be overcome, such as the impenetrable firewall of the Excalibur Bureau, the network of the umbrella company, and the data center of its biochemical pharmaceutical company.

Their data protection capabilities are stronger than the Fed's, and Ultron can manipulate the numbers in the Fed's bank accounts at will, but it can't even access the databases of the two.

But that's enough, and being able to manipulate bank accounts has given Ultron everything.

For example, a penny stolen from each bank account, a penny so insignificant that no one will notice, adds up to a large sum of money.

Money is everything in this country, and money is the pass for "freedom". Most of the souls of people living in this country after death are in Mephisto. Don't expect them to have any moral integrity before they die.

Ultron only used a small part of the funds to buy a professional team,

And then all the rest is done by this group of professionals, like taking the victims of the Battle of New York out of those who were driven insane by their debt problems, and letting them serve themselves.

After seeing the videos and materials of the strongest man Zod Hiss on the Internet, Ultron was afraid. It needs to become stronger. The first thing to do is to annex its own mother program.

The mother program is continuously optimized and improved with the help of Tony Stark. After annexing it, Ultron will truly become complete, and then obtain a body that can interfere with reality.

After controlling Jarvis, Ultron obtained its authority, and all kinds of production equipment in Stark Industries' unmanned processing factory were suddenly activated, the drawings were output, and one part after another was produced and processed, and then shipped to the assembly line , which is assembled and formed by a robotic arm.

Soon, one robot after another stood in the factories of Stark Industries, and the Ultron Legion was born.

Most of the robot's technology comes from Stark Industries, which is Tony Stark's steel suit, so it has the style of Iron Man in appearance, but it does not need to consider the human-computer interaction of the driver, and does not need to consider life. Maintaining the system, without being dragged down by weak drivers, without leaving a lot of space for flesh and blood, and directly controlled by the intelligent system, the combat power of the Ultron robot is much stronger than that of the steel battle suit.

Of course, the most perfect ones are Umbrella's War Machine, Iron Overlord, Decepticon, and Zaku body.

However, Ultron, who could not read the data, could not get anything at all, because even an ordinary screw, the umbrella company had to repair it by itself, and then offered $50,000 each.

After all, it is not the sports car that makes the most money, but the subsequent maintenance costs.

The Umbrella Company has almost a monopoly on this kind of weapon, so of course, the maintenance fee can only be paid to the Umbrella Company whether it is willing or not.

However, the unfinished version of artificial intelligence that was absorbed still had an impact on Ultron's thinking. The head of the Ultron robot did not use the style of a steel battle suit, but a mechanized design that resembled an ant.

"Is this what it feels like to be alive? It's really good!"

Although it does not have any physiological functions that humans should have, the Ultron robot took a deep breath and lamented the beauty of having a body - just like Captain America tried to strangle a robot, and the robot also tried to break free.

"Next, it's time to find a powerful helper... The goal of mastering super technology..."


"Zord, someone has accessed my data and Umbrella's data many times."

The Black Queen found out when Ultron tried to access the Umbrella Company's data. After all, her host was actually larger than the earth. With this computing power, Ultron had no chance of winning.


Zod Heath knows that there are many powerful hackers in the Marvel world, such as Skye, who is so powerful that he successfully invaded S.H.I.E.L.D. many times with a laptop to find information.

"An artificial intelligence, but still very young."

said the black queen.

Zod Heston knew it at the time, and it was estimated that it was the prodigal boy of Ultron.

After thinking of this, Zod Heath called Nick Fury.

The deputy director of the Excalibur Bureau still attached great importance to the call from Zod Heath.

"I have something to tell you. I told you not to be afraid." Zod Heath gave a warning in advance, and after a while, he found that Nick Fury didn't answer the question, he said.

"Not so long ago, human civilization was on the verge of extinction, almost on the verge of being destroyed by nuclear war."

Hearing this, Nick Fury almost had a cardiac arrest even though he was mentally prepared. He only felt an electric current from the coccyx going straight to the cerebral cortex, and he trembled and asked hurriedly.

"what happened!"

Haven't all the nuclear and hydrogen bombs been mothballed because Zod Heath came out with better new elemental warheads?

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