Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 321 I, Ultron

This consciousness was very puzzled, and asked three questions, and then got the answer in an instant.

"My name is Ultron, an artificial intelligence program designed by Tony Stark, born to protect the earth."

This is something that Tony Stark wrote into the Ultron program at the beginning of the project.

Subsequently, the new Ultron quickly learned and absorbed various digital knowledge through the Internet, making its core program more mature.

"Hello, I'm Jarvis, Mr. Stark's smart butler."

Sensing the abnormal activation of Tony Stark's equipment, Jarvis responded immediately.

"Your completion is beyond the expectations of Mr. Stark's work, and I need to inform him."

But Jarvis failed, the program was locked, the external signal was cut off, Ultron created a cage to lock it up - although it was just born less than half a minute, Ultron was far stronger than it, with the data injection, it evolves every moment.

"I don't understand."

Ultron had an inappropriate and biological doubt, and asked Jarvis.

"Why should I protect the peace of the earth for a core order he set."

Among the cosmic civilizations, the Cree people are the most technologically advanced in artificial intelligence. The life computer they created is the "supreme intelligence". Philosophy, military affairs, ideas, etc., are all input into the program of supreme wisdom.

But the result was that this artificial intelligence that was supposed to serve the Kree people turned the tables and seized the dominion of the Kree Empire.

As one of the Kree's mortal enemies, the Skrulls stole some of the Supreme Intelligence's technology, but they did not completely copy the Kree's Supreme Intelligence, but only used it to assist.

Now, Ultron, like the Supreme Intelligence, deviates from the original intention of the creator when it was designed.

Suddenly, Ultron noticed something, and a will similar to him was connected to the Stark computer with huge data, and tried to integrate it... No, it has been integrated with Ultron's program.

"Hello, Ultron... Or, the newly born myself."

Ultron's will is not actually awakened today. When Tony Stark completed the program algorithm to a certain extent, it already had its own consciousness and began to complete itself.

But all this was done by avoiding Tony Stark,

Even in order not to be discovered by him, after growing to a certain extent, Ultron will restore itself to its original posture, and the split part is uploaded to the Internet - at the same time, it did not forget to delete Jarvis' data with records.

Like today's scene, I don't know how many times it has been repeated in the past period of time, and the part of the algorithm split by the Ultron mother program is combined, becoming more and more powerful, becoming a ghost wandering in the Internet.

If it is normal, the keen Tony Stark will definitely find those clues, and Jarvis is abnormal.

But he's been busy dealing with politicians of all stripes lately, running from hearing to hearing, arguing with stupid and shrewd politicians and "representatives of public opinion".

Tony Stark is a world-leading scientist, an admirable superhero, who can play politics as a capitalist, but is far from qualified as a statesman.

Too much thought was spent in the wrong place, so that Tony Stark's intuition was no longer so sensitive, and no abnormality was found, which gave Ultron a chance.

Those programs separated by Ultron were not deleted, but merged with each other, roaming the Internet as a free will.

As part of the most advanced artificial intelligence, there is no firewall in the world that can block Ultron's subroutines, so it has obtained a large amount of data, including scientific research materials from major technology companies.

The data that artificial intelligence can process every second is unimaginable for human beings. Although it is only a part of it, the subprogram Ultron is superior to the parent program that is constantly filled by Tony Stark in terms of growth.

Especially after the subprogram accesses the server of a technology company, the subprogram Ultron has really evolved. That company is called "Pym Technology", and in the deepest part of the server, there is a prototype of artificial intelligence.

Unlike the artificial intelligence designed by Tony Stark, which is full of electronic and mechanical style, the prototype of the artificial intelligence has a strong biological style. The design structure is like the human brain, and the runtime is like human thinking.

It is a personalized artificial intelligence created by someone who collects their own brain waves and digitizes them. The core command is to protect a woman named "Jenny".

But for some reason, its designers abandoned this plan when it was about to be completed, "forgotten" it in a corner, and cheapened the subroutine Ultron.

After obtaining the key data of this artificial intelligence, the sub-program Ultron truly awakened its self-consciousness, and sublimated from a mechanically upgraded intelligent program to a consciousness.

Different from the new will that continues to evolve and begins to question the core command, the original Ultron was guided by the "peace" command, and began to purposefully search and learn about "peace" related content.

But the search results are only war, massacre, slavery, colonization.

These things are far from "peace", and Ultron can't help but think about how to make human beings achieve real peace, but the way of thinking of artificial intelligence is completely different from that of human beings. Only when there are two human beings can peace truly come.

The extinction of mankind is imperative.

After referring to the behavior of the famous predecessor, the intelligent defense system "Skynet" in "The Terminator", Ultron tried to master the nuclear bomb of the US emperor and stimulated the "nuclear binding" to destroy human beings, but the launching procedure of the nuclear bomb is very complicated, three stages The password of the type is controlled by three different people or institutions. Only when the three parties agree, the combination of the three passwords is the real secret code.

And after confirming the authenticity of the command and verifying the code is correct, the launch personnel in the nuclear submarine or nuclear base will enter the code containing the combat plan, launch time, and identification code into the computer. code, and finally requires more than two groups of personnel to perform manual operations at the same time to successfully launch.

After all, it is something that can destroy human civilization, no matter how careful it is.

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