"Because we have wisdom! We have strength! I must unite, protect good people, and rebuild our society!"

"We can do it! We must be able to do it!"

"So! We need the army!" Kale looked at Sean intentionally or unintentionally.

"We need the police!" Kale looked at Rick.

"At the same time, what we need most is unity!"

"And, the cornerstone of any team - the law!"

"We need laws! I need judges!"

"We need order!"

"I'm not trying to run a government election here! I'm just presenting a fact!"

"Just like today, we were attacked by mobs! We were betrayed by traitors!"

"Is this what we deserve?"


"So, what should we do? Kill them at will?"

"So, how are we different from them?"

"So, we need the law to judge them!"

"Even the simplest law, the simplest trial!"

"Because that at least shows that we abide by the order. We will not deprive anyone of their lives at will! I feel that only such a team can make people feel safe!"

"So, today's two sinners will be judged by everyone!"

Carol burst into tears: "No! Please! Let Ed go! We can go! Get out of here! There will be no threat to you again! Please, let him go! Don't kill him! "

"No one said they wanted to kill him!" Luo Li frowned and comforted Carol, "No one told you to leave!"

"Ed must die, he has threatened everyone's life!" Moore retorted disdainfully to Luo Li. Everyone else remained silent, apparently agreeing with the statement.

"Let's put aside Ed, we need to judge the bandit leader first!" Jia Liang ignored their argument. Guide the meeting.

"That thug! He intends to kill!" Kale continued, "I think the death penalty is fully applicable! Show your hands!"

Moore raised his hand first, and then Sean, Daryl, Glenn, the Morales family, Rick, T-boy, Dell, Jim, Andrea, Amy, Lori, and even a few All the children raised their hands.

Jialiang looked at the motionless Kenneth and asked, "Mr. Kenneth, do you think he should not be punished?"

"Oh!" Kenneth replied in surprise. "Do I have the right to vote too?"

"Yes! I think this is the right that everyone is born with!" Kale said with a serious face, and Kenneth looked at everyone and raised his hand.

"Dell, you are the elder in the camp. You are generous, wise, and just. Next, let you pronounce the sentence, okay?" Jia Liang looked at Dell. Ask him for instructions.

Dell raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. But he stood up resolutely: "After everyone's trial and a show of hands, I announce that this thug was sentenced to death for intentional homicide! ... But who will execute it?"

"Rick, you're a policeman!" Kale said to Rick calmly.

"No, he's a policeman, but he's not an executioner!" Luo Li objected in surprise.

"Hmm. Wordy, I'll do it!" Moore volunteered. Everyone has no objection.

"Don't make any noise, don't bleed!" Kai Liang instructed.

So Moore found a rope, wrapped it around the neck of the vicious man, and tightened it tightly! The man of prey struggled desperately until there was no more sound! The parents present covered their children's eyes.

A few minutes later. After the execution, Darryl helped his brother drag the body far away, and the trial continued.

"The next person who will be judged is our former companion, Ed who betrayed everyone and attempted to kill everyone." Kale said in a heavy tone, "Given his previous status, we will take everyone's opinion into account. What to do with Ed—start with Dale, Dale, what do you think we should do with Ed?"

Carol wept, turning her eyes to Dale for help.

Dale was at a loss, so he could only tentatively say, "Maybe we can exile him! Since Carol is asking for it!"

"That's just a compromise, and then give him a chance to retaliate against us." Darryl expressed his opinion.

"I think his actions amount to treason!" Sean refused to continue.

"He threatened everyone's safety! He almost killed our relatives!" Rick thought of his relatives being tied there and being pointed at with guns, and he would be so angry that he wanted to tear that person into pieces.

"He should be killed, he's a bastard." Andrea said with her arms around her sister, gnashing her teeth. Their sister was almost insulted today. The rest of the people exchanged glances and just nodded silently.

"Carol! Your opinion!" Akura's ruthless voice sounded.

"No! Don't kill him! Let him go! We can leave here together, and I promise we won't cause you any more trouble!" Carol cried sadly, begging to let Ed go.

"Carol, tell me a reason! A reason not to kill him!" Kaka said firmly.

Carol was speechless, just weeping.

"You are sending yourself to hell!" Akura said flatly, "It is difficult to survive without the collective. And Ed is a complete villain. The harder life is, you have no power to protect you.

"Yes, Ed and Carol have nothing to do with each other anymore!" Dale made a final decision.

"Okay, Ed suggested the death penalty because of his betrayal and serious threat to the safety of everyone in the camp. Please vote with a show of hands!" Jia Liang continued, "And after the result is obtained, please ask our elder Dale Sentence!"

Everyone raised their hands one after another. Only a few people did not raise their hands because they sympathized with Carol, but they did not object. Carol cried even more sadly.

"Now I declare! Ed Peletia will be sentenced to death for seriously threatening the lives of everyone in the camp!" Dale's deep voice was helpless and firm.

Moore grinned and dragged Ed away, wrapped the rope around his neck, tightened it tightly, Ed struggled desperately, and finally fell silent.

The bodies were set aside, Darryl used to drive their heads through to prevent them from becoming walking corpses, and waited to be buried tomorrow.

Everyone in the camp was hit hard today, and the atmosphere was a bit dull. Whether it was those who went out to collect weapons or those who stayed in the camp, they were exhausted physically and mentally. Except for the night watchmen, everyone else soon fell into a deep sleep.

A new day is about to begin. Jia Liang has lived in the virtual world for a long time, and he has experienced more and more dangers. One day, Jia Liang will be of great help to Tang Tian. Tang Tian discovered in the Marvel world that the people he knew before came to this world, but most people lost all their memories. As his former younger brother, Jie Liang, although he has no previous combat experience now, Tang Tian believes That world will allow him to grow up, which is also a preparation for the expansion of his strength. (To be continued..)

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