Marvel’s Death Merchant

[Chapter 190 Camp Crisis

At this time, the sun was almost setting, and the motorcade happily ran towards the golden sunset.

Twenty minutes later, the convoy slowly entered the camp. Ed, the Morales couple, and Amy came up to them.

"Welcome back! Is everyone okay? How was the harvest?" Ed rarely took the initiative to speak.

"Great harvest!" Moore and Daryl got off the motorcycle. Everyone in the car behind also got out of the car.

"Where are the others?" Jacqui, who got off the car first, asked strangely.

"They went to the forest to pick mushrooms!" Ed explained with a smile, "Did you find the gun? I'll get it for you!"

In the police car, Rick, T-boy and Jim carried several bags of guns. Rick was surprised that no one else came to greet him.

"It's great, no one is missing, Ailiang!" Ed said loudly to Ailiang.

A man suddenly appeared from behind the RV and pointed Old Dale's sniper rifle at the group of people. A tent was suddenly opened, and another man pointed Sean's shotgun at Carol, Sophia, Andrea, and Amy.

Behind the car, in the woods, several men appeared one after another, pointing their guns at the group of people. Ed took out the gun in his hand and aimed it directly at Ailiang. There were eight of these men, not counting Ed.

~ ℃, "Welcome! Welcome back heroes!" A white man with a sinister face, who looked like he was not a kind person at first glance, said to everyone in a mocking tone, "Thank you for risking your lives to get guns for us!"

"Hahahaha!" Several men laughed wildly.

"Thank you for the food! I also want to thank you for your contribution tonight!" The man laughed wildly and continued, "Now! Throw those guns over first, okay?"

Everyone was at a loss and looked at each other in panic.

"Can I ask a question? You didn't kill anyone, did you?" Ailiang asked with a calm face and a soft voice.

"Haha? Ask a question?" The sinister man said mockingly, "Are you still qualified to ask questions now? Throw all your weapons over here!"

"We still have a few companions. Where are they?" Ailiang's eyes were full of haze, and he continued to ask unmoved.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to take a shot?" The sinister man yelled, and several men clenched their guns and aimed at the group of people. The atmosphere was about to explode!

Ailiang's face was solemn. He scratched his nose helplessly and said, "Okay, let's confirm it ourselves later!"

Time seemed to suddenly freeze. Kailiang's hand brought up phantoms and pulled out the M9 from his waist. Seeing this, several men wanted to pull the trigger in their hands, but their movements were slow, as if they were frozen by the extremely cold temperature...

"Bang——!" With a long and weird gunshot, the sinister man and Ed suddenly found that the guns in their hands were missing, and the other seven men with guns flew back at the same time. After falling to the ground, everyone suddenly had a bullet hole between their eyebrows, and the location was exactly the same!

The situation reversed instantly!

Maul punched Ed to the ground, cursing and punching him. Daryl sullenly aimed his crossbow at the sinister man, while Rick and Anna also took out their guns and pointed at the sinister man.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and Ailiang smashed the sinister man's right ear with a smile. The sinister man wailed and covered his right ear with his right hand.

"Bang!" There was another gunshot, and Ailiang smiled and smashed the sinister man's right hand. The sinister man wailed again and covered his right hand with his left hand.

"Bang!" Another shot. Ailiang continued to smile and smashed the sinister man's left hand. The sinister man's face was full of fear, and his spirit was completely broken. He turned around and ran away crying.

"Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots rang out in succession, and Jie Liang smiled and smashed both of Yin Zhi Man's knees. Yin Zhi Man fell to the ground with a howl.

"There is one bullet left, maybe I should use it to smash your head!" Ailiang said angrily to the man of prey, "He! And Ed! We must try to find out!"

"Yes, boss. Leave it to me!" Moore responded with a stern face, his eyes flashing with cruelty.

When the danger was over, Rick and others hurriedly stepped forward to untie the ropes that tied the others, rescued everyone, and found Dale and Sean who were being held in solitary confinement in a nearby tent.

Because he was held at gunpoint at close range and the weapon was surrendered. So there were no casualties in the camp, but Dale and Sean tried to resist and were severely beaten.

The camp was in a mess, and all useful things were collected and prepared to be taken away. Su He did not expect that while they were ransacking the police station, someone would pay attention to them.

These men ate all the venison smoked sausage that Ailiang made yesterday, so Ailiang and his party could only eat canned food for dinner. At this time, the food in the camp was already running out.

In the evening, after Moore's interrogation, everyone figured out the whole story.

The zombies attacked the camp last night, causing loud gunfire in the camp. The Yin Prey Man's group was attracted by the sound of gunfire. They thought that after such a fierce battle, the camp would be severely damaged even if the entire army was not wiped out. The fierce gunfire indicated that the camp had a considerable amount of weapons and ammunition, and such camps usually did not lack survival supplies.

During the night, the group did not find the location of the camp. But when the bodies were burned in the camp in the morning, the smoke attracted them. When they arrived, Ailiang and others had already set off.

Dale lets his guard down because they're human. The sinister man acted very friendly.

After they figured out the power of the camp, they revealed their claws.

Dale and Sean were beaten violently after being disarmed. Morales was left without weapons, and the others completely lost their ability to resist. Ed himself is a villain, and there are mostly kind people in the camp, so he has no right to speak at all. This group of people made Ed think that his chance had come, so he sold himself to join them and told everything about the camp.

The Yin Prey Man heard that the elite forces from the camp went to the city to look for weapons and ammunition, and he was moved unconsciously. He gave up his plan to plunder the camp and evacuate immediately, and decided to ambush Ailiang and his party.

Ed sold himself and took refuge, and the Morales couple's children were held hostage. This was the scene where Ed and Morales lured Ailiang and others into the encirclement when they met at the camp.

But they didn't expect that there was a powerful person in the ambushed team. Ailiang showed his power and the gangsters were wiped out!

A bonfire was lit in the camp, and everyone was there, sitting in a circle around the bonfire. The sinister man and Ed were gagged, their eyes covered, and tied tightly to one side.

"This is a troubled world!" Ailiang looked around everyone and said loudly, "Society collapsed and order did not exist! This is the first time, but it will definitely not be the last! The most indispensable thing in this world is thug!"

Moore sat there and nodded in agreement.

"Where should we go? Survive? Flee everywhere? Live a precarious life?"

"No, we shouldn't be like this!"

"Humanity should not be cut off from us! We should not be beaten down by this world! We still have children! We still need to continue to live! Live better!"

"Because we have wisdom! We have strength! I must unite to protect good people and rebuild our society!" Ailiang said to everyone seriously. (To be continued...)

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