Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

[574]: Where is the power of the fairy? (Second update, please subscribe!)

The lights outside the window are dim, and the lights are full of colors;

Looking at the sleeping girl, Su Quan got up quietly, and after getting dressed, he suddenly entered the pocket space.

In the pure white space, Amelica Chavez, who had been trapped for several hours, had already broken the defense, and lay on the ground in large letters.

Thirsty and hungry, her eyes were blank, and she lay flat.

Tired, destroy it.

How about love!


The sound of the can pull ring opening suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the magical sound of zizizi bubbling sounded into his ears, causing Amelica Chavez to sit up with wide-eyed eyes.

Her reaction once again proved the power of the Happy Water from the Fat House. No one could really resist the sizzling bubbling sound.

"Drink? Please! Su Quan asked America Chavez, who stood up.

America Chavez looked at him, looked at him, and said fearlessly: "Drink.

Su Quan waved his hand, and Fat House Happy Water slowly floated towards America Chavez.

Amelica Chavez didn't show much surprise, and after catching it, she started drinking.

A jar, a few mouthfuls.

America Chavez hiccupped and said slightly shyly, "Thank you, my name is America, how about you?"

Su Quan was a little surprised by her reaction, neither vigilant nor hysterical.

Is it self-confidence?

Or... simple?

"Su Quan. 99

Amelica Chavez thought for a while, and didn't have any impression of the name. She looked at the pure white space around her, and said with certainty, "This is your pocket universe, right?

Su Quan shook his head: "Pocket space.

"Pocket space?" America Chavez finally showed a surprised look.

Why are you surprised?

Because the pocket space is definitely not as good as the pocket universe in terms of level, but the general pocket universe can't trap her at all.

That is to say, this pocket space has surpassed the ordinary pocket universe in a way.

At the same time, it also shows that the person who created this pocket space has an ability to control the space dimension far beyond the ordinary level!

Only in this way can she explain why she can't teleport out. The space isolation ability of this pocket space is the best in her cognition!

Is there such a powerful character in the multi-universe? I have experienced countless parallel universes, and I have never heard of it.

"Why did you bring me here~~?" America Chavez asked curiously.

Su Quan explained with a smile: "When I was in the perception multi-universe, I accidentally discovered you, who can travel through parallel universes, and brought you here, and I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

America Chavez asked, "What's the problem?"

"Do you know Professor X and Magneto?" Su Quan asked.

Amelica Chavez nodded: "Mutant, it exists in many universes, and occasionally deals with it."

Su Quan nodded and continued: "The professor and Magneto and others in my current universe have disappeared, and I'm sure they are not in this universe, so..."

America Chavez understood: "You mean to ask if I've seen them in other universes?

Su Quan nodded and added, "Or some unusual rumors about them."

Amelica Chavez thought back for a moment, shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, I haven't seen them, and I haven't heard any unusual rumors about them.

Su Quan expressed his understanding. After all, there are too many parallel universes. Even if America Chavez can travel through the multi-universe and many parallel universes, it does not mean that she will definitely know their news.

"One more question." Su Quan continued with a smile, "Do you know the power of fairies?

Amelica Chavez was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect Su Quan to ask such a question.

Fairy power, she really knows, not only what it is, but where it is!

Aware of America Chavez's strangeness, Su Quan raised her brows and said to herself: This reaction is not like she just knows the power of the fairy, does she know where the power of the fairy is?

In fact, Su Quan also knows where the power of the goblin is, the 1298 universe, just flip through a few encyclopedias, and the records are clear and clear.

Here comes the problem.

What kind of universe is 1298 universe? Just knowing a number is useless!

There are only two reliable ways for Su Quan to collect the three powers and to obtain the power of the fairy.

One is to sit back and wait.

Guarding the Red Queen, after all, she is the most representative of the few hosts of Fairy Power.

The other is to find a needle in a haystack.

Blind search, one universe is searched for one universe, if there is no, then change to another multi-universe and continue to search.

If not, then change it.

Anyway, there are many parallel universes, and there are also many multi-universes. If you look for them one by one, you will find them one day.

But now America Chavez's reaction makes Su Quan think that maybe it doesn't have to be so hard.

'.`You know where the goblin power is. "Su Quan is very determined, and there is no room for America Chavez to deny it.

America Chavez was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I do know where the goblin power is, but I must tell you, it's dangerous. 35

"It was born with an insatiable ravenous hunger, and it devoured almost every race, planet, and galaxy it encountered, including the Phoenix force and planet-devourer of that world. 99

"You should know about Phoenix force and planet eater?"

Su Quan nodded: "Yes. 35

Amelica Chavez added: "Then you should have heard of the Tenjin group, right? In the end, the Tenjin group came forward to defeat it, but it couldn't really destroy it.

"That is to say, it cannot really be eliminated." (Luo Hao)

"In the end, the Heavenly God Group sealed it away from the people at the cost of their own lives.

Su Quan nodded again: "I know everything you said, what I don't know is... where is it!"

Amelica Chavez shook her head: "You have to tell me what you are looking for! If you want to possess it, get its power, and release it from the seal, I won't tell you. !

America Chavez's voice was quiet, but firm.

She knows very well how destructive the power of the fairy is, if it is released, it will not only be a disaster for that world, but also a disaster for the multi-universe.

Seeing her firm attitude, Su Quan knew that it was impossible to get the position of the power of the fairy with just a few words, then...


The surging mental power erupted, and the vigilant Amelica Chavez was instantly controlled by the Mind Ability, and countless memory images poured into Su Quan's mind.

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