Marvel: Omniscient and Almighty, Watching Battles At The Start

【573】: Miss the United States: America Chavez! (The first update, please subscribe!)

a parallel universe.

A cluster of white energy rays suddenly lit up in the remote alley.

On the bright portal stood a girl with dark brown curly hair and dark brown skin, wearing a red, white and blue T-shirt with stripes and stars, a denim jacket and high-top sneakers.

"It's time to leave this world." The girl whispered softly, and the next moment disappeared together with the portal under her feet.


"What is this place?"

The strange and eerie pure white space made the girl who was supposed to be transported to another world instantly look shocked. She looked around subconsciously, looking left and right, and all she could see was white except for white.

There is no person, nor any buildings or objects, except for her, there is nothing in this pure white space!

"Hello, is there anyone?"

"Hey, anyone?"

"Is there anyone..."

The girl shouted a few times, but there was no response, only her own voice lingered.

"No one? Strange, what exactly is this place, and why did I teleport here?"

The girl muttered a few words, some of which she couldn't understand, then... she simply didn't want to.

With the teleportation Ability cast, the girl was about to leave this strange place, but she soon discovered that she could not feel the spatial boundary of the universe.

All the induction seems to be blocked by some invisible force.

This made her unable to use the teleportation ability and could not leave here.

The girl was a little panicked and tried to activate Ability again and again, but every time it ended in failure.

This space seems to still transmit Ability.

"I have traveled through so many parallel worlds, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. Is this some special dimension or pocket universe?"

"No, I can't sit still, let's look around first, maybe I can find some clues."

The girl forced herself to calm down and began to look for clues in the pure white space where she could see the strangeness at a glance.

At the same time, someone behind the scenes who trapped her in this void is watching her every move from a detached perspective from outside the space.

"This Ability, this dress, is she Miss the United States?" Su Quan's mouth was slightly raised, and she chuckled.

Don't get me wrong, this Miss the United States is a serious lady, without any derivation or designation.

There are two people who use this code name in Marvel, one is Madeleine Joyce and the other is America Chavez.

Madeleine Joyce is a Mutant with the Psychic Ability, can use Psychokinesis to float herself in Flight, and even negate any gravity around her.

She was active during World War II. After Ability Awakening, she made a patriotic uniform for herself. She became famous for fighting criminals and became the most famous cover girl at the time, and took the name of Miss United States as her hero title.

Her heroic path is somewhat similar to that of the captain of the United States, so the title is also quite similar, with a feeling of being in the same line.

By the way, she also teamed up with Namor, the captain of the United States, for many years.

Another Miss the United States, America Chavez, was born in a utopian parallel universe and raised by two mothers.

When she was six years old, the utopian parallel universe was destroyed and threatened by the outside world. Her two mothers heroically sacrificed themselves to block the black hole that destroyed the utopian universe, and also brought the utopian parallel universe into the normal multi-universe.

At the same time, it caused America to leave the utopian parallel universe.

America Chavez has Superman-like strength and stamina, as well as Flight Ability, speeding up to the speed of light.

But the most powerful ability is that it can open channels in reality, carry out multi-universe-level traversal, and repair the cracks in the universe.

Later, she was adopted in a parallel universe and began to travel through different cosmic dimensions and secretly play the role of superhero.

The title of Miss the United States is also her own.

Compared with another Miss United States, her strength and popularity are stronger and bigger. When the name of Miss United States is mentioned, people are basically matched with her.

She's been on the Teen Avengers, Ultimate Lady, West Coast Avengers, and the A-force team.

The A-force team is composed of female superhero, which is equivalent to the female Avengers, also known as the Arcadia team.

Its members include: Inhuman Queen Medusa, Grimm's sister Nick Minoru, Singularity, Dazzling Sound, Female Loki, Female Hulk, Spectrum, Phoenix Jean Grey, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and the Miss United States, etc. .

Some of the members of this list have already dealt with or even become their own people, such as Grimm's sister Nick Minoru from the zombie universe, Phoenix Qin Grey from the old Mutant timeline, and Scarlet Witch from the Marvel universe.

Captain Marvel can be considered to have dealt with, and brushed her Ability.

The other part will certainly deal with it in the future.

Like Medusa, the queen of the Inhumans, although she is far away from the moon, but she has incorporated the Inhumans of the earth, it is inevitable to deal with it.

Xuanyin is a Mutant, and will appear during the plot of [Dark Phoenix] in the new timeline where Void Island is located.

Female Hulk and Spectrum are still ordinary people now, but in the near future, they will naturally acquire Ability and know each other.

Not to mention female Loki?

Only the singularity is more special than 293. She has a friend named Xiaolan. It is said that she is a sentient quantum singularity whose body is composed of space. After being discovered by Sister Green, the two became friends.

She can teleport dozens of people to long distances, and can also fly, cross-dimensional barriers, explode energy, create gravity vortexes, store and more.

She's a pretty mysterious little girl.

Her birth and appearance belong to no trace, only by chance.

Closer to home, back to Miss America Chavez in Pocket Space, her multi-universe teleportation ability meant she wasn't going to be a normal character.

In Doctor Strange2, she is a key character.

In addition, many powerful, ambitious and purposeful guys will hit her attention, after all, not everyone can cross the multi-universe.

Su Quan originally wanted to find the professor and them, but unexpectedly found her unexpectedly. Since he met, he must make a deal, and ask her about the professor or multi-universe by the way.

"Bang bang bang-"

Just as Su Quan was about to enter the pocket space, there was a sudden knock on the door, followed by Lauren's voice from outside the door.

"It's me, Lauren, you...are you resting?""


The door rang, and Lauren glanced at Su Quan who was far away on the sofa, stunned, then walked in and closed the door,

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