Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 296 Bear Infestation

Luke glanced out the window, "Judge Walker, that black bear has left."

Walker also looked out the window, "That big guy might be hiding somewhere and staring, I don't want to be chased by it anymore.

This time I really can't run. "Walker seemed to have heard the implication,

"Can I stay in the car for half an hour? I won't bother you."

Luke is not a person with low EQ. Generally, when encountering such a situation, he will not directly kick people out, but the premise is that you have to tell the truth.

If you lie, you just don't respect me, so why let you stay in my territory.

In this wilderness, even if the other party is a judge, Luke will not completely relax his vigilance.

If it was an ordinary person he didn't know, Luke wouldn't let him into the RV.

"Judge Walker, what would you do if someone lied in court?"

Walker was a little embarrassed, "Is it obvious?"

"No, it's not obvious, but you're dealing with the best detective in Los Angeles."

"Oh..." Walker showed an embarrassed look, "sorry, I did lie...

Actually, I'm here for treasure hunting. "

"Treasure hunting?" Now it was Luke's turn to be surprised. The term treasure hunting is very common in the United States, and many Americans are more keen on treasure hunting.

Just like Luke bought an abandoned warehouse before, it is actually a kind of treasure hunt.

Now in the wild, the treasure hunt in Walker's mouth should refer to the wild treasure hunt.

There are also quite a few treasure hunters of this type, but most of them are people who like adventure, advocate freedom, and desire to get rich overnight. It is difficult for Luke to connect these characteristics with a highly respected judge.

"I know, this may seem a bit unprofessional, but this is just my hobby. People always do something different. I am a judge at work, but in life I am just an old man who maintains curiosity."

"What treasures can there be in this wilderness?"

"Some time ago, I got a treasure map, and the marked location was probably nearby. I was going to try my luck during my vacation, but now it seems that my luck is not good, it sucks." Walker Taking a sip from the coffee cup, "Thank you again for the coffee, it warms me up a lot."

"What happened, why are you being chased by a bear?"

"I found an open space, set up a tent, and then went around to observe the terrain to determine whether it was the location on the treasure map, and then it suddenly rained.

When I got back near the camp, I saw a bear destroying my tent, and I was very angry..." Walker showed a bit of bitterness, "I'm going to scare it away...

Now that I think about it I'm nuts.

I remember the last time at a party, a doctor of biology told me that black bears are usually timid and rarely attack people.

I actually believed this idiot's words, which made me almost become food for black bears. "

Walker sighed, "I was chased by a black bear and ran around. When I saw a light here, I came to ask for help. You know the rest.

By the way, why are you here? "

"I just became the captain, and the investigation process of the headless female corpse case was very stressful, so I came to the wild to relax and get close to nature...

Then, I saw a cute black bear running towards the RV..."

"No, it's not cute at all. Next time I come out, I must bring a shotgun."

"Didn't you bring bear spray?"

"I have it, but it's in the trunk of the car, I forgot to take it out."

"I suggest you use that one in the future."

For the average person, bear spray is better than a gun.

The black bear's skin is rough and thick, if it doesn't hit a vital point, it will be difficult to kill it with one blow, and it will only arouse the black bear's ferocity.

"Judge Walker, I have two beds here. If you don't mind, you can stay here for one night."

"Will it affect your rest?"

"Of course, but I don't have the heart to drive you out in the rain." There are two beds in Luke's caravan, one is larger and is also used by Luke himself, and the other is on the top of the car, and the space is relatively narrow , sitting on the head may be.

However, Luke felt that Walker should not care about the experience of being chased by a black bear.

"Thank you, you are an honest and good man." Walker showed a grateful look. It was dark outside, it was raining, and there were black bears in and out. He didn't want to race with black bears anymore.

Walker borrowed the bathroom and took a brief wash.

Luke poured two whiskeys and handed him one.


"You're tired, you can go straight to sleep.

If you feel bored, you can also watch a movie with me. "

"what movie?"

"Saw 8."

"Uh...I'm a little tired, I'm going to bed after a drink."


Luke drank and watched a movie by himself, and didn't talk to Walker any more about treasure hunting.

This topic is quite sensitive. If you ask, people may not want to talk about it.

Let me tell you because of affection, I feel uncomfortable.

Do not say, you feel uncomfortable.

Luke simply stopped asking, anyway, he just came out to relax and was not very interested in the so-called treasure hunt.

Nothing to say all night.

The next morning, Luke got up early.

The rain had stopped, and the air after the rain was sober. Luke got out of the RV, breathing the fresh air with the breeze blowing his face.

Isn't this the joy of life?

My hard work is not just for the comfort of this moment.

Luke boiled a pot of water and made a pot of coffee.

Perhaps smelling the aroma of coffee, Walker also got up, got out of the RV,

"Captain Luke, thank you for taking me in.

When I return to Los Angeles, I will treat you to dinner. "

"Still buy me a drink. It's weird for two men to eat together."

"I know a quieter pub where I've got a good bottle of wine you'll like."

"OK, then it's settled."

Walker smiled wryly, "I'm leaving, go back and look at my camp, my car.

After being patronized by black bears, it must be a mess in there. "

"I think so too, so you might as well go back after breakfast, so that you have the energy to clean up the mess."

"You're right, do you need me to do something?"

"You can put the table, chairs and tableware, and it will be ready soon." Luke washed his hands and started to make breakfast.

Breakfast is simple.

Warm up a refrigerated salmon sandwich, milk, cornflakes, coffee, blueberries.

In less than ten minutes, a breakfast is ready.

Walker swallowed his saliva when he saw the deluxe version of the sandwich, "Wow, it's a hearty breakfast with a reasonable combination. I now believe that you are indeed here to enjoy camping."

Luke put the cornflakes into the milk and smiled, "Otherwise? What do you think I'm here for?"

Walker seemed to be very hungry, took a big bite of the sandwich, swallowed a few mouthfuls, and said, "At first, I thought you were also here for treasure hunting.

But treasure hunters will not prepare breakfast so meticulously, they will focus more on treasure hunting, exploring new areas, and researching routes...

rather than how to match food. "

This is because Walker took the initiative to bring up the treasure hunt, perhaps it was dawn, which gave him a sense of security.

Luke took advantage of the situation and asked, "You mean, other people may also know the whereabouts of the treasure."

"Yes, as far as I know there is more than one treasure map, there may be several, or even a dozen."

"According to what you say, the treasure may also be fake."

Walker paused for a moment, "This...maybe.

But sometimes the process is more important than the result, isn't it? "

Luke said, "That's right, after all, you don't look like someone short of money."

Walker shook his head, "If treasure hunting is only for money, how is it different from work, huh?"

If other treasure hunters said this, Luke would think it was nonsense.

But from Walker's mouth, there is still a certain degree of credibility. If Walker is only for money, there are too many ways, and he will come to the wild for treasure hunting if his brain is broken.

After the meal, Walker volunteered to wash the dishes.

After packing, Walker picked up his backpack, "Captain Luke, thank you for your breakfast, I'm going back to the camp."

"I wish you an early discovery of the treasure."

"If I can find the treasure, I will definitely share it with you." Walker finished, shaking hands with Luke and saying goodbye.


After dinner, Luke locked the RV and was ready to go around.

The environment after the rain is a little humid, stepping on the wet grass, the ground is still a little slippery, and you may fall if you are not careful.

However, falling on the grass will not hurt too much, but it will be a little more interesting.

Tall cedar trees, forest animals, and various natural scenery came into view, making him pleasing to the eye and feeling at ease.

He came to Big Bear Lake, the lake water is clear, this is a living lake, the upstream is a river, and the downstream directly flows into the sea.

Luke washed his face with lake water and felt refreshed. Unfortunately, he didn't bring fishing tackle, otherwise fishing here would be very comfortable.

Luke walked around the lake for a long time. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He simply took off his coat and plunged into the lake.

Swimming here is much more comfortable in the pool.

The lake water is very clear, you can see fish and shrimps in the lake, pebbles at the bottom of the river, and occasionally animals come to the lake to drink water.

Squirrels, peacocks, rabbits, deer and more.

Luke stood near the lake, the lake was up to his chest, and he was stepping on pebbles, observing the small animals by the lake, with a smile involuntarily showing on the corner of his mouth.

This picture of people and animals living in harmony - it's amazing.

Luke has an idea. When he has money, he wants to buy a big farm. He will be neighbors with all kinds of wild animals. He will use the woods as a garden and the lake as a swimming pool. It is natural organic food.

Raise some chickens, ducks and sheep, and grab one when you want to eat.

From time to time, invite friends to have a roasted whole lamb.

Wanting to eat pork, he drove to the forest to hunt wild boars.

If you want to eat fish, you can go to the lake to catch it.

Such pastoral life is yearning and full of poetry.

Of course, this does not mean that life in the city is bad.

Human beings are complex. It is impossible for a person to eat only sweets, and it is impossible to only eat meat.

The best state is to have a home in the city and a paradise outside the city. Life can be relaxed and relaxed, and life will be more interesting if you experience different experiences.

Of course, the most fundamental thing to achieve this wish is money.


Suddenly, there was a bear roar from the woods not far away.

Luke frowned slightly, a little worried, the old man Walker wouldn't have another accident.

The two were colleagues, and Luke couldn't sit idly by. He put on his clothes, put on bear spray, and walked in the direction of the bear's roar.

Luke only brought a pistol, no rifle or shotgun, and it was of little use if he encountered a bear.

When he has time, he plans to go to the firearms store to buy some powerful guns for emergencies.

Luke didn't run over directly, but used a telescope to observe in advance. Although he had bear repellent spray, he didn't want to face the black bear.

Because there are a large number of fir trees in the forest, the line of sight is easily blocked, and the telescope cannot see too far away. Luke can only walk a certain distance and observe with the telescope.

After walking for about a mile, Luke saw an open space where a white car was parked, and a tent was pitched not far away, which had been damaged, and a black bear turned the contents of the tent out.

Luke didn't see Walker, and at the same time wondered why the bear was occupying his camp and refused to leave?

Luke picked up the binoculars and looked again. Isn't this camp Walker's?

Anyone else camping here?

Soon, Luke's guess was confirmed, and a woman's voice came from a distance, "Hey, you bloody stinky bear, get out of my camp.

I am not afraid of you. "

"Roar..." A bear roar came.

One person and one bear confront each other tens of meters apart.

Both sides are a little jealous.

People are afraid of bears, and they are also afraid of bears.

The bear stood up to make himself look larger, again intimidating.

"Hey, get out of my camp, this is my territory!" the woman shouted with bear spray in her hand.

The black bear looked at the tent, then at the woman, and ran into the depths of the woods with a bag in its mouth.

"Fuck! That's my food, you thief!"

There was a hint of relief in the woman's angry voice. Obviously, this black bear also brought great pressure and threat to her.

After the black bear left, the woman approached a messy camp. The tents had been destroyed, items were scattered everywhere, and the food boxes were also destroyed.

"Dada..." The woman faintly heard footsteps and looked up, "Who's there?"

Luke waved his hand, "I heard the roar of the bear. I'm worried that someone might be hurt. Come here and see if I need help."

The woman sighed, "No one can help me, the tent and supplies have been destroyed, I can't continue...stay here."

"Did you put food with a strong smell in the tent?" Luke looked at the woman. It was a white woman in her forties. She was dressed in gray clothes and her hair was tied up. She looked quite capable.

The woman shook her head, "All the food is packaged, and I don't know why it attracts bears."

Luke glanced at the tent, and thought about what happened to Walker last night. Both of their tents were attacked by black bears. The black bears here have become spirits. Do you know that there are delicious food in people's tents?

Or is it artificial?

Luke tentatively asked, "Are you also here for treasure hunting?"

The woman showed a vigilant look, "How do you know?"

"Guess." Luke said perfunctorily, Walker's camp was attacked, and the woman's camp was also attacked, and both of them came to hunt for treasure, so these two black bear attacks may not be accidents.

The woman asked, "Who are you? Are you also here to hunt for treasure?"

"No, I'm here for camping, but an unlucky guy was chased to my camp by a black bear last night. He's had the same experience as you."

"You mean someone is targeting treasure hunters?"

Luke spread his hands, "I don't know."

The woman frowned and lowered her head to think, "It must be like this. My tent and supplies have been damaged, so I can't stay here and continue my treasure hunt. It's tantamount to being eliminated in disguise.

What a sinister fellow, I must catch him. "

"I wish you far." Luke said goodbye to the woman and left.

He didn't bother to check the scene destroyed by the black bear. He came here to play, not to investigate the case, so there was no need to take everything on himself.

However, as a colleague, he still sent a text message to Walker to remind him to be safe.

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