Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 295 Rainy Night

"Bang bang!"

The captain of the SWAT team, April Musa, took a hammer and hit the head of the fish twice, "Luke, this big guy can't just leave it alone, it must be slaughtered as soon as possible, otherwise the meat will not be fresh and it will be difficult to sell. Offer a good price."

Luke sat down on the deck, panting heavily, "I still have some experience in killing people, I really don't know where to cut this thing."

April Moussa said, "I have a friend who is the captain of a fishing boat. I occasionally go out to sea with him to catch tuna. It is very exciting and I also learned how to handle tuna from him."

Luke smiled and said, "Man, what are you waiting for, get rid of this big guy, and I'll buy you a drink another day."

Afterwards, April Musa skillfully operated, bleeding, cutting off the tail, cutting blood vessels, arteries, destroying brain cartilage, removing fish gills and internal organs...

Finally, wash the fish and refrigerate in ice water.

April Musa was sweating profusely after handling the tuna.

after an hour.

The yacht returned to the dock, and the bluefin tuna caused a stir once again.

The yachts rented by Luke and others are mainly for entertainment, and sea fishing is only a leisure activity, not a professional sea fishing boat.

It was an accident to catch tuna with such a yacht without professional equipment.

This bluefin tuna is not small in size, and it is conservatively estimated to cost 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars. If the meat is of good quality, it can be sold for a higher price.

In line with the idea of ​​equal benefit, Luke covered all the expenses of this sea fishing.

Under normal circumstances, the cost of going out to sea is AA, and the average cost per person is a few hundred dollars, whether it is more or less.

Generally, few people take the initiative to treat guests and cover all the expenses of sea fishing. Money is only one aspect, and the deeper reasons are more complicated.

However, Luke's situation was different this time. Everyone went out to sea together, but he alone caught tens of thousands of dollars in bluefin tuna.

He is also the protagonist of this party, and he will cover the cost of sea fishing, and the others will not think too much about it, and they are all willing to appreciate it and feel happy.

Everyone shared the seafood they caught and went home separately.

Luke bids farewell to everyone and joins Rhett in handling bluefin tuna.

Rhett knew the director of the pier and asked him to help him handle the bluefin tuna.

The first is to take pictures and record, weigh 670 pounds of bluefin tuna, mark it, identify the quality of the tuna, and set a price.

This bluefin tuna is big enough, butchered in time to ensure high quality, the quality of the meat is very good, the price is 60 US dollars per pound, and the total amount is about 40,000 US dollars.

Luke was very satisfied with the price. He was originally at the party, and he could make some money by the way, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After disposing of the tuna, Luke didn't continue to surf outside, but returned home.

He also has a date with Daisy tonight.

Because the last time the hotel sneak shot incident made Luke and both of them a little uncomfortable, so they decided to date at home this time.

Occasionally dating at home is also quite emotional.

Back home, Luke put the fish in the kitchen sink, took a shower by himself, and sweated all over to catch the tuna on the boat.

After taking a shower, Luke checked the detective system. The original system reserve was 156,000 US dollars, but now it has become 116,000 US dollars.

Sea fishing realized.

For this, Luke was not very surprised. Professional fishing boats may not be able to catch such a large bluefin tuna with professional tools. Luke caught bluefin tuna this time. It was luck.

However, this can be regarded as a good means of cashing out, not only getting benefits, but also showing face.

In addition to the system reserves, Luke still has 1.25 million US dollars in the stock market, and now has a market value of approximately 1.27 million US dollars, making a small profit.

Plus, he has $280,000 in cash. (after tax)

If you add the money from selling bluefin tuna, Luke has more than three hundred thousand dollars in cash.

It's not Luke's style to just make money and not spend it.

Moreover, the case of the headless female corpse has twists and turns, and Luke has consumed a lot of energy, so he needs to rest for a few days to relax.

Luke is going to rent a luxury RV and go to the wild for a few days to feel the beauty of nature.

Luke began to browse the RV rental website. RVs are mainly divided into three categories. Class A RVs are the largest. The advantages are that they are comfortable to live in and can accommodate several people at the same time, but the disadvantages are that it is inconvenient to drive and park.

Class B motorhomes are the smallest, with the advantage of being cheap and flexible.

Class C RVs are between Type A and Type B, and are of moderate size and can accommodate two to three people.

After careful comparison, Luke found that the one that was too big was useless, and the one that was too small was uncomfortable to live in, so he finally chose a Type C luxury car.

Luke browsed photos and videos of the RV on the Internet, including a full set of field facilities, refrigerators, kitchenware, home appliances, etc., just like a small mobile home.

He loves the caravan and has always dreamed of traveling in it.

This time, it finally came true.

Of course, the price is not cheap, the rent is 280 US dollars \\ day.

After booking the RV, Luke began to prepare dinner, including vegetable salad, steamed grouper, a pot of seafood stew, and a bottle of red wine.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Daisy came to Luke's house and packed a pizza and chips.

The candlelight dinner for two people officially started.

Daisy looked at all kinds of seafood on the table and asked, "Did you go fishing?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Daisy smiled, "You only prepare a table of seafood when you are fishing at sea, and usually it is mainly meat."

"That's right, I did sea fishing. In addition to the seafood on the table, I also caught a 670-pound bluefin tuna."

"real or fake?"

Luke took out his phone and found a photo, "To catch this big guy, I'm so exhausted today that my hands are almost peeling off."

Daisy showed a surprised look, "Wow, you really caught it!

It's so big and looks so fat, the meat should be of good quality. "

Luke said, "Hearing what you said, I suddenly regretted it. I should split some on the spot. Fresh bluefin tuna must be delicious."

Daisy spread her hands, "Don't be sorry, these seafood are enough for us to eat, even if the tuna is brought back, it won't be fresh anymore."

Luke picked up the red wine glass and clinked glasses with Daisy, "It's a good way to relax by taking you fishing together next time."

"That will have to wait until I have time."

"Are you still busy recently?"

"It's the same. It's you, how does it feel to be the captain?"

"It was quite new at first, and I felt more free with my own office.

But the pressure to investigate the case is even greater..."

"The case of the headless female corpse?"

"You've heard that too."

"You know, this kind of case is easy to talk about."

"That's right, this case has attracted the attention of the media and citizens, so I have to deal with not only the murderer, but also the reporters." Luke sighed lightly,

"Fortunately, the case is closed.

By the way, I'm going to go camping for a few days. Do you want to go with me? Just take it as a way to relax. "

"how to get to?"

"Rent an RV."

"when to go?"


Daisy frowned slightly, "Time is too tight, your invitation is not sincere."

Luke spread his hands, "It was a temporary idea, bluefin tuna has earned me a lot of money, and I don't feel comfortable if I don't spend any money.

I want to take a trip that just goes away. "

"I'm not as chic as you, and I have an appointment tomorrow.

Sorry, I can't go with you.

However, I can help you choose an RV together in a moment. "

Luke said, "I just made a reservation."

Daisy was a little surprised, "Wow...you are different from before."


"Uh... If it was in the past, you should have consulted with me before choosing a caravan."

Luke said with a smile, "I browsed the RV website just now and saw a RV I like very much, so I booked it without thinking too much at the time."

The more confident you are, the more decisive you are.

If it was in the past, as Daisy said, Luke might indeed look forward and backward, think for a long time, and think about a lot of things.

Now he does everything according to his own preferences, doing whatever he likes.

Of course, this change in attitude, in addition to emotional reasons, is more about Luke's own hard power.

He is now worth more than one million US dollars, and he has also been promoted to the captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division. He has money and status.

The confidence to speak and do things is naturally enough.


next morning.

After the two had breakfast together.

Daisy drives to work.

Luke went to the supermarket to buy food for the next camping.

The remaining seafood was taken away, and some mutton, beef, vegetables, staple food, and instant food were bought, and food was prepared for a few days.

Afterwards, he drove to Fleming's car rental company and saw the caravan he had booked.

This is a light gray Ford RV with a Mercedes-Benz chassis, driving in the front, living in the back, a simple kitchen, bathroom, dining table, and two beds.

Luke walked into the RV for an actual visit. The RV was almost exactly the same as the video on the website. He liked the layout of the RV very much. The RV was decorated very new and cleaned very cleanly, so he could move in with his bags.

Luke paid the final payment directly, put the things he bought in the supermarket into the freezer, and then started his journey in the RV.

In fact, the idea of ​​traveling in an RV has been around for more than a day.

Luke had already checked out camping strategies around Los Angeles.

The location Luke chose was Big Bear Lake, not far from Los Angeles, only about an hour's drive away.

Luke is going to live there for a few days to experience the beauty of nature.

Under the guidance of the navigation, Luke arrived at the Big Bear Lake campground at around 12 noon.

The scenery here is very beautiful, and the facilities are relatively complete. You can rent a campsite for camping, and the cost is not expensive, only 140 US dollars for three days and two nights.

But the shortcomings here are also obvious. The traces of being developed are obvious. You can see a lot of cars around the campsite, and you can see a lot of tourists by the lake. You have to walk a long way to feel the tranquility of nature. .

This is not what Luke wants, this is a big park.

Luke wanted to feel the real nature, not an overdeveloped attraction.

Luke asked the management staff of the camp. Tourists can continue to go deeper, but there is no perfect camp any further, and there are more wild animals.

The administrator advises Luke not to go alone, because it is likely to encounter danger.


Except for super agents like McKell Arthur, Luke doesn't think anyone can cause danger to himself.

As for wild animals, the only ones that can threaten Luke are black bears, wild boars, and poisonous snakes. Luke travels in an RV and sleeps in an RV at night. These three animals pose little threat to him.

So what's there to worry about, Luke drives into the heart of Big Bear Lake.

The road gets more detours as you go forward, but the scenery is also more beautiful. Luke's car is not driving fast, and he is walking while enjoying the scenery along the way. He is the only car around, and he is not worried about accidents.

After driving for about another hour, Luke only saw two cars. Although it can't be said to be isolated from human society, it can almost be called inaccessible.

There was a fork ahead, and Luke turned into a dirt road. After driving for a while, he came to a relatively open place, which was very suitable for camping.

The camp is surrounded by tall fir trees. Luke feels that Big Bear Lake is not far from here, but because there is no road repair, the car must not be able to drive through. Luke can only walk.

Luke got out of the car, the air was fresh, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, and he felt much more comfortable.

He decided to camp here, using the RV as a wall, opening the canopy, moving out the seats and folding table.

Luke made a pot of coffee, served it with cake and nuts, and enjoyed a peaceful afternoon tea while looking at the beautiful scenery around him.

Very comfortable.

In this highly developed society, people are busy coming and going. It seems that the material life is rich, but the spiritual life is becoming more and more scarce.

Take Luke as an example, the content of his job is to solve the case, either dealing with corpses or suspects, it is inevitable that some negative emotions will accumulate in his heart, and he needs to vent through other channels.

Drinking, eating delicious food, and playing poker are all good ways.

The most extravagant way, on the contrary, is this kind of wild camping, a life that only those with money and leisure can enjoy.

This is real life.

Of course, in fact, many people can get this kind of enjoyment by giving up some unnecessary desires.

Such as house, car, marriage, comparisons.

But how many people can do it?

After afternoon tea, while it was still dark, Luke walked around for about a mile and saw Big Bear Lake.

Luke stood by the lake, the blue waves sparkling. Luke picked up a stone and threw it into the water, and the stone floated far away on the water.

The tall cedar trees are reflected in the clear water of the lake, the birds are flying in the sky, and the surrounding scenery is unobstructed.

As the sun sets, the afterglow reflects on the surface of the lake, as if dyed with a layer of gold powder, which is particularly dazzling...

Before it was dark, Luke returned to the RV and started making dinner.

Dinner is also very simple, with fried lamb chops, fried fish steaks, vegetable salad, and a bottle of champagne.

Luke wanted to eat outside, but there was a light rain in the sky. Although there was a sky, but the weather turned cold, Luke returned to the RV and enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside the window after eating.

Los Angeles has little rain in summer, and Luke likes rainy days quite a bit. Hearing the sound of pattering rain, he feels very comfortable.

After the meal, Luke simply cleaned up, made a pot of black tea, turned on the tablet, and played a movie.


It was still raining outside.

This is the benefit of the RV. Luke drank tea and watched movies comfortably without being affected in any way.

But if you are living in a tent, I am afraid it is already precarious.

So, it's worth spending some money.


Suddenly, there was a roar of animals.

The voice is deep and penetrating.

Although Luke was not familiar with the wild, he instinctively thought it might be a black bear.

After all, the nickname of Big Bear Lake is not for nothing. It would be abnormal if there were no bears.

However, Luke didn't care too much, he didn't have to worry about black bears in the RV, it was very safe.

"Uh oh..."

There was another roar, and the roar of the bear seemed to be getting closer.

Could it be that the black bear came this way because of the lights of his RV?

Under the trend of curiosity, Luke looked out through the window and found a figure in the distance, running towards this side.

Not a bear.

Like a silhouette.

Fuck, how could a person appear in the wild at night?

This is scarier than a black bear.

Luke was not worried about the bear. Instead, he raised his vigilance because of the arrival of the man, and instinctively took out the gun with his right hand.

Is this guy trying to trick him into driving his RV by pretending to be pitiful?

It's impossible for me to be so unlucky that I was robbed when I went out.

There have been many scenes like this in the movie.

If this is the case, it can only be said that you have found the wrong person.

Come for one, Luke for one, and two for Luke for a pair.

Luke went to check the other windows of the car, but saw no more figures appearing.

Could it be that you are overthinking yourself?

The figure seemed to have noticed the bright light here, and ran towards the RV, shouting while running, "Help me!


There's a black bear chasing me! "

Luke kept staring at the figure and the black bear behind it.

The black bear's body looks bulky, but in fact it runs faster than humans, and it is getting closer and closer.

If it's a bitter trick, isn't this too realistic?

Luke believed it a little bit, and he couldn't just leave it to chance, but he didn't want to open the car door, so he simply turned on the headlights of the RV and honked the car horn.


The huge car whistle sounded, and the black bear stood upright in fright. The bear stared straight at the RV, not daring to approach it, nor did it seem like it wanted to leave.

That person has also run to the front. It is a Caucasian man who looks about 60 years old. He is not tall and very thin. He is carrying a hiking bag on his back. His body is covered with mud and he looks very embarrassed.

"Thank you... you... saved me." The white man thanked through the window, out of breath.

Luke also stared at the white man through the window, and felt that the man looked familiar. In addition to the front and rear lights, the RV also had lights on the side, so the man's appearance was relatively clear.

Luke opened the RV door, "Come in."

The man was a little surprised, and was taken aback for a moment, "Thank you, I'm a little dirty...maybe dirty your RV."

"It's okay, come in first." Luke waved his hand.

"Thank you." The man entered the RV and stood at the door, as if he was afraid of getting the floor of the RV dirty, "Sir, thank you for your help, my name is Walker Coral.

I could have fed the bears without you. "

"Judge Walker, you're wet, you'd better wipe it off first." Luke handed him a towel. "Would you like some hot coffee?"

"Thank you." Walker took the towel, and then realized, looking at Luke with some surprise, "You know me?

Yes, you look familiar.

Let me think about it... Luke Lee, the acting captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division. "

"It's me." Luke responded, making a pot of hot coffee, "Judge Walker, how did you get chased by a bear?"

"Uh, things are a bit complicated..." Walker hesitated to speak, "Promise me, don't tell anyone about this, I will be laughed to death by them.

Thank you for taking me in. "

"I haven't promised to take you in yet, why do you appear in the wild in the middle of the night?" Although he knew someone, Luke was still vigilant.

Walker thought for a while, "I'm here for camping."


Clear signs of lying, which means that the other party is not good at it.

This increased Luke's vigilance. A judge with status and status, being driven around by a black bear on a rainy day, felt a little abnormal no matter what.

Moreover, Reid also invited Walker to yesterday's sea fishing party, but he declined on the pretext of traveling abroad.

A voice sounded in Luke's mind, 【Trigger an adventure experience, the adventure card has been activated and used. 】

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