Sand crocodile defeat, live reappearance

“It seems that Akainu has become a tool man?”

In the office, Huang Yuan, who had been silent before, suddenly muttered.

Although Huang Yuan didn’t speak, he saw very clearly just now that whether it was Sengoku, Karp or Akainu, all three of them were acting.

But what does this have to do with him?

Huang Yuan is just a nine-to-five worker. It is already very difficult for him to clock in and go to work every day. Should he be allowed to intrigue?

Slip away!

Thinking of this, the yellow ape turned into a ray of yellow light and disappeared.

“This fellow Huang Yuan!”

Seeing Huang Yuan being so cunning, Zhan Guo couldn’t help scolding.

Among the three generals, Huang Yuan is the oldest, and he also has the most thorough understanding of the sea situation.

But this guy is really too lazy. Apart from his own job, he never takes the initiative to do other jobs, and even his own job he often plans.

With Huang Yuan’s departure, this meeting can be regarded as over.

Afterwards, on the Red Earth Continent in front of Chambord Island, the patrolling Admiral Akainu was attacked by unknown pirates.

The two started a big battle, and the pirate was defeated. Countless sand under his pirate ship lifted his boat and flew away into the sky.

In the end, General Akainu didn’t see who attacked him!

With Crocodile’s high-profile entry into the new world, the eyes of the entire sea are gathered here, and they are all waiting for this duel.

Whitebeard has been the strongest man in the world for a long time. Even though he is seventy years old, no one can defeat him so far.

The challenger before Crocodile was Fire Fist Ace. Not only was Ace defeated by Whitebeard, but he also became Whitebeard’s son.

Now Crocodile is going to challenge Whitebeard again. Can he succeed?

Driven by the big news Morgans, Crocodile’s whereabouts have been reported all the time, and Whitebeard seems to be waiting for Crocodile, and the Moby Dick has not left in a fixed sea area.

This is a duel between old and new overlords, and their battle has attracted the attention of the entire sea.In the east of the sea, there is a pink ship singing constantly. This is the ship of the Big Mom Pirates.

On this ship, Charlotte Katakuri, the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family, stood at the bow.

Originally, Charlotte Katakuri went to the Seven Capitals to capture the design of Hades, but before his ship arrived in the Seven Capitals, he saw Franky live broadcast the design of Burning Hades in front of the whole world drawing.

When Katakuri returned, he got information from the newspaper that Crocodile was coming to challenge Whitebeard.

So he came here driving the Anthem Mother.

On the opposite side of the Big Mom Pirates is the Red Redforth, and all the Redforths are here now.

The atmosphere above the sea seems to be freezing. With so many monsters ahead, some pirates who are not strong enough are already retreating consciously.

There are too many monsters, they all feel suffocated there.

“Whitebeard is here!”

With the arrival of the Moby Dick, the entire sea was in an uproar. Standing on the deck of the Moby Dick was a figure of Gundam. The moment he appeared, he attracted everyone’s attention. That was Whitebeard.

Behind Whitebeard, Marco, Diamond Jozzy, Foil Vesta and other powerful captains all stood behind Whitebeard.

When Whitebeard appeared, a pirate ship with a crocodile ram also appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. It was Crocodile’s pirate ship.

“The kid playing with the sand, is it that you want to take the old man’s head?”

When Crocodile showed up, White Beard let out a long laugh.

Whitebeard can feel that Crocodile’s aura has indeed become stronger now, but it’s a bit too contemptuous of him to want to defeat him at this level.

“White Beard, I must take off your head today!”

Crocodile looked eagerly at the majestic figure in front of him. No matter who he fought before, Crocodile was able to draw with others, and everyone in the sea respectfully called him Sha Fifty-Five.

Ever since his defeat at Whitebeard, he has been called Crocodile, and no one calls him Sha Fifty-Five anymore.

“Is this Crocodile? There is indeed a very magical power in his body.”

When Crocodile showed up, those bigwigs watched Crocodile carefully and domineeringly.

This is also the reason why there are so many bigwigs here.

At the beginning of this live broadcast, they didn’t get the reward, and Crocodile in front of them is currently the only one who got the reward in the New World, so they came to see it.

“You brat playing with the sand, let’s find an island for a decisive battle. You can’t take a punch from this old man right now.”

The current Crocodile has absolutely no way to surprise Whitebeard, so Whitebeard took the initiative to find an environment that is beneficial to Crocodile.

Only on the island can Crocodile display the maximum ability of the rustling fruit.

“No need, I’m already prepared for this battle.”

Crocodile smiled at the white beard, and then under the eyes of these spectators, a large amount of sand gushed out from Crocodile’s pirate ship, and then a small yellow desert appeared on the sea.

“Sand can form land on the sea. This Crocodile is also a monster. No wonder he dared to challenge Whitebeard.”

As soon as Crocodile made this move, some people immediately began to complain about Crocodile.

“It seems that you are indeed much stronger than you were back then. Since this is the case, the old man will make a move!”

Whitebeard left his Cong Yunqie on the bow, and then he flew towards Crocodile on moon steps.

As Whitebeard’s fist was raised, there was also a ball of light on his fist.

“Here it is, this is it!”

When seeing this scene, Crocodile remembered the scene where he was instantly killed with one punch.

Crocodile directly used the shield of guarding the crane, and as Whitebeard swung his fist, cracks began to appear in the entire space.

When the light group came into contact with Crocodile, several cracks appeared on Crocodile’s Crane Shield, but in the end he blocked it.

“Not bad, then try another trick!”

Seeing that his fist was blocked, White Beard’s eyes showed surprise. Afterwards, the veins in his arms were exposed, and as he tore them fiercely, it seemed that the entire sky was torn apart.

“What kind of power is this?”

In Crocodile’s body, Shuhe let out a frenzied cry. The white-bearded old man in front of him was too terrifying. His strength had already surpassed that of a shadow-level expert.

At the last moment, although Crocodile became elemental, he was still seriously injured in the face of this crack that destroyed everything.

“This is the strongest man in the world, and this is the Zhenzhen fruit!”

Looking at Crocodile, who was seriously injured in one blow, everyone felt awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Just when White Beard was about to say something to Crocodile, his eyes suddenly turned to the sky.

Not only him, but even Red Shanks and Katakuri felt something, and their eyes also turned to the sky.

At this time, a pitch-black crack appeared in the sky, and then a huge golden light curtain appeared above the sea again.

“This is the live question answering system, it appeared on the sea again!”

When this light curtain appeared, no one paid any attention to Crocodile. Everyone went crazy looking at this huge light curtain.(Today’s fifth update, the author of Pujie asked for flowers and evaluation tickets online. The data has not moved for the past few days. The author feels very uncomfortable. If you have flowers and evaluation tickets, please support the author, how about a wave?

The author is working hard to type, and the flowers and evaluation tickets in everyone’s hands are all brushed up!

This is the fifth update, and there will be another update later, please support. ).

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