The Dilemma of the Warring States Period

When the news that the sand crocodile challenged Whitebeard spread throughout the sea, Warring States naturally also saw the news.

After Zhan Guo put down the newspaper, he rubbed his brows with some headaches.

“This live question and answer system can give Sand Crocodile the strength of a general with just one reward. Now Sand Crocodile is just the beginning.”

At this time, Warring States also fell into deep thought.

Compared with the threat of sand crocodiles, Warring States is more concerned about the live question and answer system.

The appearance of this live question and answer system is really too weird, and no one knows how she appeared.

Now apart from the navy getting the rewards from the system, there are four people among the pirates who got the rewards from the system.

Now there is only one sand crocodile that has caused such a big fluctuation, and I don’t know what kind of shock the others will cause?

Moreover, the Warring States period also reviewed the historical materials of the navy. In the history of the navy, this system has never appeared before, and even the Tianlong people did not have any clues of this so-called live question and answer system.

“What exactly is this system planning?”

With the magic of the items rewarded by the live question and answer system, if it gives all these items to a certain force, that certain force can unify the entire sea in an instant, and there is no need to play these things at all.

And the Warring States period has a hunch, there must be more than one live broadcast like yesterday. If the entire sea is full of general-level powerhouses in the future, what will this sea look like?

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo also felt a headache. The live question and answer system is beyond his grasp.

“Let the yellow monkey, red dog, Garp, and crane come to my office in the future!”

Warring States shouted to the orderly on duty.

Now Aokiji is stationed at Marin Fando, and the other high-ranking officers of the Navy are now at the Navy Headquarters, and they are all waiting for the next answer.

“Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period!”

The messenger saluted Zhan Guo, and then he trotted away from Zhan Guo’s office.

A few minutes later, these senior naval officers arrived at Sengoku’s office.

“This time, I asked you to drive to discuss the matter of the sand crocodile with you!”

After everyone arrived, Zhan Guo glanced around at everyone, and then he spoke slowly.

“What else are you discussing?”

“Big pirates like the sand crocodile must eliminate him in the first half of the great route. If he is allowed to enter the new world, this guy will be another Shanks!”

After hearing Sengoku’s words, Akainu jumped out,

The sand crocodile had already arrived at Chambord Island yesterday. If the Warring States Period hadn’t stopped it, Akainu would have gone straight to Chambord Island yesterday.

Akainu suffered a loss at the hands of the sand crocodile, and he always wanted to regain his position here.

“Do you know why I won’t let you go, Sakaski?”

Sengoku asked Akainu.

Hearing the question of the Warring States Period, Akaken couldn’t help being startled.

Although the Warring States said that their attitude towards pirates was not as iron-blooded as his, but the Warring States also implemented the justice of the king’s presence in the world.

Warring States appears to be gentle on the outside, but in fact they are calm and cautious, they value benevolence and righteousness, and do not have any personal feelings for tasks.

Akainu couldn’t figure out why Sengoku didn’t let the navy take action against the sand crocodile.

“The Five Old Stars ordered me that Sand Crocodile is still King Shichibukai, and he is also a member of the world government. We can’t take action against him!”

Zhan Guo glanced at everyone again, and then he dropped this heavy news.

“What? What is Wu Laoxing doing here?”

After hearing Sengoku’s words, Akainu stood up subconsciously.

The sand crocodile is trying to subvert the regime in Alabasta, and the Neferutari family that ruled Alabasta is inextricably linked with the Celestial Dragons on Mariejoa.

And now, Wulaoxing still wants to protect the sand crocodile?

“It seems that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface!”

After hearing the battleAfter Guo Guo’s words, Garp seemed to think of something, and he suddenly laughed.

“Speaking of which, the world government has repeatedly ignored King Neferutari Cobra’s pleas for help. This incident is already very strange.”

At this time, Crane will begin to analyze.

Cobra is different from other kings. Cobra has the right to face the five old stars, because this is the right granted to the Neferutari family by the other families of Neferutari.

However, the strange thing is that there has been a severe drought in Alabasta for three full years, and no one has reported this incident at all.

It’s normal for the navy not to know about it, but the CP agencies with intelligence agencies all over the world don’t know about it either, which makes no sense.

But the facts are like this. Alabasta suffered from a strange drought for three years, and Cobra asked the world government for help many times, but there was no news.

Even the World Government has no record of the information that Cobra asked for help.

It seems that all the actions of the sand crocodile were inspired by Wu Laoxing.

Thinking of the CPs who had been lurking in Zhiqidu for five years to obtain Pluto’s design blueprints, General He felt that Wu Laoxing had a lot of things to hide from the navy.

At this time, Chiquan’s eyes were full of unwillingness, and his fists were clenched tightly: “Then what should we do? Are we just sitting back and watching the sand crocodile become the fifth emperor of the new world?”

“Fifth Emperor? Are you underestimating White Beard?”

After hearing Akainu’s words, Garp laughed again.

“Even though White Beard is seriously ill, even though White Beard is over seventy years old, he is still the strongest man in the world!”

As for Whitebeard’s strength, Garp has the right to speak in the navy.

Karp has read Akainu’s combat report. Although it is said that the sand crocodile can fight the Akainu, according to Garp’s analysis, the sand crocodile is not as powerful as the Akainu.

Sand Crocodile challenges Whitebeard with his current strength, and Whitebeard will let him know why Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world.

“Then what should we do, just let the sand crocodile swagger into the new world?”

Akainu’s eyes were full of unwillingness.

“You can go to patrol near Chambord Island, and then encounter an attack by unknown pirates on the way. Isn’t it reasonable for you to fight with unknown pirates?”

Garp saw that Akainu had a tendon, so he took the initiative to call the younger generation.

After Akainu heard the words of the old man Garp, his eyes lit up.

“As expected of General Garp!”

Akainu praised Garp, and then he strode towards Chambord Island. This time he must keep the sand crocodile.

“Karp, don’t you keep encouraging Akainu!”

After Akainu left, Sengoku said to Garp.

“You didn’t stop it either, which means you’re also very dissatisfied with those five old things?”

As an old friend for many years, how could Karp not understand the Warring States Period.

Warring States is known as a “smart general”. Garp can think of such a cleverness, but how could Warring States not think of it?

It’s just that there are some things he can’t say as the admiral of the navy, and only Karp doesn’t have so many taboos.

(Today’s fourth update, the author on the street is begging for flowers and evaluation tickets online. The data has not moved for the past few days. The author feels very uncomfortable. If you have flowers and evaluation tickets, please support the author, how about a wave?

The author is working hard to type, and the flowers and evaluation tickets in everyone’s hands are all brushed up!

By the way, in order to make up for the mistakes made in the morning, the author Jun will be on the sixth watch today. ).

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