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Clid’s Lee Sin touched down from the red square triangular bush. Li Xu and Urgot rose to Level 2 at the same time. Around the previous step, he lifted the hammer and hit the ground. The hammer hammered out and left the deceleration area. .

Urgot opens the W net directly, with the shield in his body, and fires 4 shots. Poppy took the big hammer and picked up the soap to trigger the passive shield to resist Urgot's passive damage. A heroic charge pushed Urgot towards Lee Sin.

Lee Sin hit the face Q with a precise hit, and the 2-step Q shot close to the floor to slow down. Urgot's blood was hit to about half, but still did not turn around to escape, desperately dumping the damage on Lee Sin.

Lee Sin was not satisfied with his blood volume because he didn’t learn W’s shield Jungle, and his blood volume is not much higher than Urgot.

Sejuani emerged from the river channel and hit Lee Sin directly. A whip was pumped on Lee Sin. Lee Sin's blood volume dropped rapidly. Clid weighed the body of both sides and decided to retreat. After all, he and Poppy's skills It's all over, and you will definitely lose money if you try it again.

Lee Sin is ready to retreat, Sword's Urgot is not going to do it, you will be Level 2 to yell at me, now I still want to run, an E scorned Lee Sin to come over, Lee Sin was almost killed in the moment of rigidity .


Lee Sin surrendered the flash and wanted to run.

Bang! Bang!

Sejuani and Urgot flashed at the same time, Sejuani pulled a whip, Urgot's hand fell off Lee Sin.


Poppy looked at Urgot with remnant blood, and he still didn't choose to continue to fight. Although his Q skill was almost ready soon, but the burst should still not be enough, and he chose to retreat.

Hao Kai: "This wave of Lee Sin Level 2 catches you and you can see the difference between the two sides. Urgot took the damage of Poppy and Lee Sin, and carried it to Sejuani. When the skill was smashed, Lee Sin died directly."

Zhihuan: "Be aware that Level 2's Sejuani GANK ability is actually not strong, but in fact Sejuani was catching up before Lee Sin GANK, just squatting to Lee Sin."

Hao Kai: "Clid exploded directly, Jungle Level 2 came to send a blood, what about your jungle area? Sejuani is now going to the counter jungle, Lee Sin flashes have also been handed over, the previous period will be abandoned."

After getting a bloody Sword, he raised his eyebrows and exhaled, clearing the creep line and constantly consuming Poppy with skills.

Are you awesome? Come come, come out heads-up, let you flash one dare you?

Li Xu ignored Urgot, a small man intoxicated by success. Sword looked very arrogant, in fact, he didn't press a knife. The hero of Poppy is also very resistant to pressure. Li Xu continuously picks up soap and adds a shield to himself. When he has a shield, he carries a big hammer and gives Urgot a hammer.

Of course, Urgot also has a shield. The two sides played fiercely in Top Lane, but in fact, there was not much blood skin.

In 5 minutes, Li Xu picked up a soap, and a wall bang bumped Urgot into the corner of the river channel. Urgot woke up when a set of skills came over. The two sides fought fiercely, and the blood volume was reduced to about one third. Poppy took a little bit of advantage, and Urgot was no longer blue.

Tarzan’s Sejuani appeared on the river, Li Xu did not panic at all, Poppy was not too afraid of Sejuani’s GANK, W skill perfectly restrained Sejuani’s rush, and jumped up with a hammer.

Sejuani also knew that it was useless to hit the past directly, W Winter’s Fury shot, wanted to slow down Poppy, Li Xu, who was always vigilant, turned back to avoid Sejuani’s whip, E skills had been cooled down, and another wall was pushing Sejuani on. The corner above the river channel swayed back to the tower.

Hao Kai: "Li Xu's Poppy is really good. The details are handled very well. It seems that it is not only the Carry hero, but Li Xu, a functional hero like Poppy, also plays well."

Zhihuan: "But it's hard for Poppy to play Urgot. If you want to win SKT, you have to watch Zoe from Brother Lee. Brother Lee is currently doing well on top of laning. Irelia is not in the disadvantage."

Hao Kai: "Brother Lee is still trustworthy. Although I have played many heroes such as Ice Girl recently, the Urgot that Brother Lee put on the show is so good, you can't expect the midfielder Brother Lee to eat the bowl of beef noodles?"

S4 Global Finals, at the time, Namei of EDGlike the sun at high noon was the first ADC of Riot judges. After eating a bowl of beef noodles in Taiwan, he felt unsatisfactory, vomiting and diarrhea, which led to the malfunction of the group stage and the top 8. He even performed 100% Thresh hooks at critical moments and became a water dispenser administrator from the S5 season.

Namei’s original words were: “I will never forget the taste of that bowl of beef noodles.”

At the S7 Intercontinental Tournament, SKT did not believe in this evil, tried seabed fishing last year, and tried beef noodles this year.

However, SKT is absolutely didn't expect. The toxicity of this bowl of beef noodles is so strong. Since losing to WE, it has been a dive in a row after the start of the LCK summer game. It has not been slowed down for a long time.

The "beef noodle" stalk is often used to ridicule the player's state of cliff descent.

In 8 minutes, Brother Lee Ulti crossed the creep line and consumed Irelia. Chovy directly hit the face with a sharp blade to find the location of Zoe's reentry jump. Threw away the vanguard blade. Ulti hit. withdraw.

In the case of pushing the line first, Irelia and Sejuani directly started playing Infernal Drake. Lee Sin and Zoe came over and found that they wanted to stop the GRF from taking the dragon. When Poppy didn't transmit, he directly put the line down.

Sejuani and Irelia played Infernal Drake too fast. Zoe tried out his skill and was caught by Braum who was rushed. Sejuani directly smashed Infernal Drake.

In order to resist the dragon's blood volume, only about half of Sejuani's blood volume, Brother Lee made a meteor burst into the accurate killing of Sejuani. Lee Sin blocked Q by Irelia, and caught Sejuani in front of him to want Sejuani.

Tarzanreaction is very fast. An Ulti backhand throws onto the face-facing Lee Sin. A basic attack triggers the passive. Lee Sin's health drops almost half. The Sejuani Q skill is on the wall, just avoiding the precise barrage that EZ scraped.

Chovy in the dragon pit directly connected the double wings of the wing, and with the Braum next to him, a sharp blade impact killed Lee Sin.

Another meteor hits Irelia, and the duo of Zoe and Bot Lane has blocked the dragon crater. The Jayce next shot has hit 3 people, but it has been half-blooded. Irelia who has completed the skill is also unable to fight again. .

Irelia can only hand over the flashing wall, and Braum jumps to Irelia above the wall, and the 2 people retreat side by side.

Li Xu is uncomfortable! You didn't fight halfway through, it hurt me go on an errand for nothing, I lost a lot.

Hao Kai: "This wave of Clid is impulsive. Why do you rush behind Irelia and Braum to kill Sejuani of Ulti?"

Zhihuan: "Li Xu ran again in vain, and Sword didn't leave at all. He stayed at Top Lane and pushed the line to rub off a layer of tapi. Poppy lost money and wasted time on the road."

Hao Kai: "This is the advantage of team comp. These 4 people under GRF, SKT is difficult to leave the opposite side, Sword can safely push the line above, Li Xu can't, these small crispy teammates are stuck on the opposite side I can’t run even if I live."

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