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Everyone in SKT sorted out their emotions, determined to win the game in one go, walked out of the preparation room in turn, and sat on the game seat.

Starting with BP, the GRFblue party is selected first by BAN and the SKTred party.

GRF first-hand BAN dropped the ice girl, still aimed at Brother Lee, SKT first BANGalio, did not give Chovy the opportunity to continue to get this hero.

The second BAN bit GRF was given to MATA's Alisar, the top Alistar let them suffer enough, SKT is BAN off Aatrox.

GRF third hand BAN dropped Support Luo, although they lost their own use of this hero, but in the view of coach cvMax, Luo is still the No. 3 Support in this version, the speed of this hero is too fast, no matter Whether it is first move or counterattack is a good choice.

SKT sent Cassiopeia to the third BAN position, this hero can't put it.

In the case where Aatrox was banned, GRF directly locked Urgot.

Hao Kai: "Coach Griffin figured it out and got Sword a strong version of Urgot without letting Sword take a strong hero to laning."

Zhihuan: "Look at Griffin's adjustment, and when you get Urgot, Tarzan should catch it more often."

SKT took out the combination of EZ and Tahm Kench's Bot Lane, and did not give Tarzan an opportunity to open up the situation in Bot Lane. The biggest feature of this brother is stability. Even if I can't suppress you, you don't want to kill me easily.

GRF2 took Jayce and Braum on the 3rd floor.

Hao Kai: "Jayce came out, that is, Urgot hit Mid Lane, Griffin's Jayce's hand is a bit like the SKT routine, middle and upper are all strong AD, no master, Top Lane Jayce also won , So it’s hard to beat Urgot’s Top Lane heroes."

Zhihuan: "Sion and Viktor should be the remaining heroes who are relatively good against Urgot. Braum took it out. Second round SKT must be BANLucian. This combination Bot Lane is too strong."

Hao Kai: "Look what hero Faker takes to fight Mid Lane Urgot, it should be Urgot walking, Chovy has not played Mid Lane with Jayce."

Coach Kim Jeong-gyun took a look at the opposite Urgot Solo Mid, consulted Faker's opinion, and took Zoe in the third hand. This hero played Urgot very well.

Second round BP, as Zhihuan said, SKT directly banned Lucian first.

GRFsecond round first BANZac.

Hao Kai: "BAN has Zac, this is to block the candid Jungle, and then BAN will grab Gragas, and GRF will take Sejuani himself. SKT's team comp is really crispy like paper."

Zhihuan: "It is possible that ClidIt shouldn't be playing Sejuani. He used Sejuani very poorly before, but TarzanSejuani played very well."

SKT's last BAN was given to Taliyah, and GRF finally BAN gave Gragas.

SKT reluctantly chose Clid's signature hero Lee Sin. Sejuani with control and openness on the field is the best choice, but Clid's Sejuani is really poisonous.

GRF seconds locked Irelia, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Hao Kai is a little uncertain: "en? Irelia, this~~That Jayce is the ADC? Griffin's swing is so good!"

Zhihuan: "Jayce should be the ADC, Urgot Top Lane, Irelia Mid Lane playing Zoe, Griffin's team comp is very spirituality, originally SKT chose to play Urgot's Zoe was perfectly restrained by Irelia."

Hao Kai: "SKT was swayed by GRF's hand. The GRF control is too much. The 4 crispy skins on your face disappeared instantly, and you can't keep it with Tahm Kench."

The GRF team's Irelia made Coach Kim Jeong-gyun also dumbfounded. The hero Jayce, in everyone's impression, is the Solo Top overlord. Occasionally, a player takes it out and plays Mid Lane.

Bot Lane is not impossible to go, but Jayce’s repressive power comes from his level. The two-way road upgrade is definitely far behind Top Lane, and Jayce is not suitable for the traditional dress of AD. Later Jayce is compared to traditional AD Heroes are much weaker, so Jayce in the ADC position is generally not considered.

There were also Pro Players who used Jayce to fight ADC. At the S5 Finals 8 top knock-out competition, Deft, who played for EDG at that time, took out Jayce to fight ADC. Originally, in the early good situation, EDG was at Baron Nashor. Being forced by FNC, Deft pressed the treatment in anxiety, but he forgot that he was playing the routine sent by Jayce in this game, which was not the treatment, and then sent to the Thresh lantern, EDG exploded instantly.

DeftDeft, formerly known as Jin Hekui, has since earned himself the reputation of'Golden Lantern'.

Hao Kai: "Griffin's team comp is too solid! The team comp is selected, and Middle-Stage feels gone after holding a group of SKT. The only problem may be that they are all AD heroes."

Zhihuan: "SKT suffers at a loss. Clid didn't rob Sejuani. Only Solo Top's choice is left, and Tandu will be all over Li Xu."

Jungle, the last player of GRF, chose Sejuani.

Li Xu compares the head pictures of both sides and feels a headache. He feels that he should come out with Solo Top Vayne, but SKT does not have any candidness at all. Irelia will probably kneel when he enters the field.

In the end SKT locked Poppy, better than nothing to fill the front row.

Finally, the team comp of both parties was determined.

blue party GRF:

Solo Top: Sword (The Deadnaught, Urgot)

Jungle: Tarzan (The Winter's Wrath, Sejuani)

Solo Mid: Chovy (The Blade Dancer, Irelia)

ADC: Viper (The Defender of Tomorrow, Jayce)

Support: Lehends (The Heart of Freljord, Braum)

red side SKT:

Solo Top: KING (The Iron Ambassador, Poppy)

Jungle: Clid (The Blind Monk, Lee Sin)

Solo Mid: FAKER (Aspect of Twilight, Zoe)

ADC: Teddy (The Explorer, Ezreal)

Support: MATA (The River King, Tahm Kench)

The hero of Poppy does not have such powerful Carry abilities as Aatrox and Jayce, but it has strong battlefield segmentation ability, excellent penetration ability, and not low skill damage. It can also block the enemy’s invasion, which can be said to be a very comprehensive function. hero.

Entering the game, under the care of the first-level EZ, face the grass in the Bot Lane river, squatted by Jayce in the grass, point out the flat A, and the EZ face was stunned by a shock of electrical energy. EZ was beaten into half blood.

Teddy was helpless. Originally, the skill points had not been added. Now I can only learn the E skill Arcane jump and jump on the wall.

Hao Kai: "It's uncomfortable, the first-level EZ is forced to learn the E skills, and can't push the line. Why did Teddy enter this grass, don't get close to the grass if it is too late."

Zhihuan: "It is not enough to be cautious, and now EZ has to go home to make up the state, this wave of soldiers must lose at least two."

Li Xu helped Clid go red, Urgot on the opposite line also arrive slowly, Sejuani on the opposite side should be blue open.

Clid, as he said, Level 2 came directly to Top Lane. At this time, Urgot and Poppy had not yet reached Level 2.

Hao Kai: "Clid wants Level 2 to catch up, but Sejuani is behind. Clid Level 2 was successfully caught in the last game. Tarzan should have guessed Clid's intention in this game and hurried to Top Lane."

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