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Seeing the people on the opposite side going back to Mid Lane, Li Xu showed up in Bot Lane. He first poked up with 2 swords and drove away Darius. If Darius didn't leave, Fiora would kill him when the skill CD was finished.

Xichen: "The people on the opposite side made Li Xu uncomfortable. Now they must catch Li Xu 2 personally, but it is definitely not enough, but once they are in a group, the blue side has many choices. You can choose to demolish Mid Lane or Tahm Kench drove support, and Tahm Kench had a good vision. The three people in Mid Lane couldn't open the other side. If this goes on, even if there is no fight, the red side will be slowly flattened."

"Li Xu's single belt, the game is very exciting, but the ranking is too cheap."

"Agree, I have encountered it, and I have been very suffocating. If I do not pay attention to Darius, I will be killed by solo."

"A hero like Darius can't fight a group, and it's useless to bring a line with Fiora, but except for Darius, when other heroes come, Fiora will directly cross the tower and kill him?"

"But Darius, the ancestor of the Old Brother, still has something. A real man can bend and stretch, all armored, and he is on the laning top, and he has not been killed by Fiora."

"What's the use? The 2 towers will soon be gone. Baron Nashor refreshes, and after a while, Fiora will touch the high ground."

Baron Nashor refreshed, Zoe cleared the creep line of Top Lane, Baron Nashor pits had a good view, 4 people were not in a hurry, just drag on the front, and don’t let the people on the opposite side catch Fiora, anyway, neither side can beat Baron Nashor.

The red side is now uncomfortable, and is constantly consumed by Zoe and EZ. They have to open the group and can only open Tahm Kench. However, Tahm Kench actually came out with a Quicksilver Sash. Camille Ulti was restrained by Gragas and could not start.

The Darius below was beaten home by Fiora again, the 2 towers also fell, and the red side had 2 difficulties.

At this time, Red Fang Braum unexpectedly flashed Ulti to open the group, striking up EZ and Tahm Kench.

But obviously it’s not just the blue side, even Braum’s teammates didn’t expect him to do that. After a while, he quickly turned over his skills. Syndra QE fainted to Tahm Kench and EZ while being hit by Zoe’s sleep bubble, and Ulti shot in time. It failed to kill Tahm Kench with the gray shield.

Darius's TP lights up on the frontal battlefield, Li Xu did not choose to support, and began to demolish the red square highland directly.

Sivir roared Ulti, Camille rushed towards Tahm Kench like a mad dog, Ulti wanted to keep Tahm Kench, as long as Tahm Kench died, Zoe and EZ would not be so difficult to solve.

However, Gragas directly blasted Camille from the ultimatum area of ​​Hex, and at the same time blasted Braum back, directly separating Braum from the others.

The 4 people set fire and quickly killed the single Braum. The Darius who came down from the TP tried to flash to stay, but Tahm Kench flashed to avoid it. Finally, the 4 people watched Zoe jumping away with Little Huang Mao. , Tahm Kench shaking his head and Gragas with a big belly, looks really bad.

At this time, Fiora had already pushed Bot Lane Inhibitor Turrets and stood back on the high ground, as if mocking them for losing their minds.

Xichen: "This wave of red has lost Inhibitor Turrets in vain, and has also handed over the flashes of Darius and Braum. It is a bit much loss, but Tahm Kench is not flashing and mercury now. It may give the opponent a chance. Once Tahm Kench is lost in seconds, It’s difficult for Zoe to find a place if he finds a position. It depends on whether red can seize the opportunity."

"This team comp looks so disgusting now, it can't be opened on the opposite side, Gragas Ulti perfectly resolved."

"It's mainly because Fiora they can't solve it. The 4 people on the opposite side are too capable of pulling."

"Fiora, they can't catch it now, they can only force the group, either Tahm Kench or Zoe in seconds."

At this time, Chen Xi saw that the opposite Darius was selling items. "The opposite Darius item is all sold. Maybe you want to change to an attack outfit. Find a while to fight, and kill the opposite Tahm Kench or C."

Then I saw that Darius bought 6 pairs of shoes on his body, and Xichen froze.

Just look at the red text in the chat box in the lower left corner.

(Everyone) Angry Primary School Student (The Hand of Noxus): 5 slaves on the opposite side, playing a ranking is still so powerful, they dare not open and aboveboard to fight, all slaves, this point is for you , I ordered.

(Everyone) Teemo Must Die (The Heart of Freljord): I also ordered it. I was too uncomfortable to beat, and I couldn’t bear your ugly face.

(Everyone) The Battle Mistress: I ordered it too. I was hungry and went to dinner.

(Everyone) Camille, a F6 player: I also ordered it, there was no fair play.

(Everyone) SunFt (Dark Heads): Damn! Don’t order it, don’t do it, don’t, you have a chance!

Opposite choose to surrender.

Li Xu is a little bit dumbfounded, what's the matter with you? I've been playing a stand-alone tower demolishing game for so long, do you guys stop playing?

"Hahaha! The losing Xichen sister also helped Darius make a round, and he surrendered."

"This ancestral Darius mentality was blown up, but I usually order it if I encounter this kind of game."

"Isn't it just a ranking? My ancestral Darius has never suffered such humiliation, and has shared it with your group of slaves, 233."

"Braum flashed Ulti and I thought he couldn't hold his mind, as expected."

"Li Xu is the most miserable one. I played on the standalone machine for nearly ten minutes, and the other sentence didn't come. I laughed."

In the end, Li Xu's data was fixed at 400, and he won the final MVP.

Shake your head and click to continue the game.

This time Li Xu locked Kennen.

Kennen, the hero, can be said to be a frequent visitor to the Solo Top position on the game. As a Ranged Hero, he has a natural advantage in the Solo Top position where most short-handed fighters are.

For different enemies, Kennen's different outfits bring different positioning to this hero. ADKennen prefers single belt, and APKennen has extremely strong team fight burst ability and control ability.

However, whether it is AP or AD, Kennen has excellent laning top capabilities.

Opposite Solo Top is Riven. Although unlike the EZ Q and Gangplank Q, it can directly trigger the harbinger of burglary, but the long hand Kennen can still use QA to steal money against Riven.

For a hero like Riven, the most important thing is to control the distance. Kennen who controls the distance will make Riven very difficult to fight.

This put Li Xu to choose AP to install.

In the early period, Li Xu was relatively peaceful. Li Xu kept suppressing Riven.

Finally, 2 consecutive wave of team fight burst, Kennen Sky Thunder entered the venue, played an explosive effect, less than 20 minutes, won the game in one fell swoop.

All day long, Li Xu was in the lonely ranking. Fiora, Kennen, Irelia, Gnar, Jayce, Grandmaster at Arms used various Solo Top turns, and even Solo Top Vayne, Solo Top Lucian also used 2 without playing other positions. After all, against Griffin, it is more conducive to play in the field to find a good position in the ranking.

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