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Darius once again returning to the laning top is completely unplayable. I can only admonish my experience under the tower and rub 2 soldiers. I don’t have any extra ideas about Fiora. Q skill clears the soldiers. Anyway, I flash my hand, you Don't you cross the tower to get me?

Li Xu's Fiora also gave face, regardless of Darius, constantly grinding the tapi, anyway flashed in his hand, the vision was also laid out, and the flexible Fiora was not too afraid of the opposite Jungle to grab.

At 10 points, Li Xu’s Fiora pushed the Top Lane tower of the red square very smoothly, and the Top Lane creep line became longer. At this time, if a hero like Darius takes the line, it will become very dangerous, but Fiora seems to be for Born this way.

At this time, the flexibility of Fiora Q skill is fully demonstrated. This skill can be said to be the soul of Fiora. If the W skill and passive 100 points raise the lower limit of the hero of Fiora than the real damage, then the mastery of Q skill The degree determines the upper limit of this hero.

The high maneuverability of the Q skill allows Fiora to laning top like a fish back in water in a single belt, which can easily pass through the characteristics of most walls, making Fiora extremely difficult to be caught, coupled with passive, making Fiora's flexibility even higher. .

Hitting the target returns 60% of the cooldown. This skill allows Fiora to be used frequently during the laning period, attacking the opponent’s weak spot and playing a passive effect.

In addition, the cast animation of the Q skill has a much longer attack distance than the general attack after reaching the destination. Because of this feature, even if Darius learns the W skill, Li Xu can still use Q to consume him.

Generally speaking, what is the most important single line in the middle and late game? Vision, as a single belt line, once there is a chance, the other party will definitely target you, unless you can hit a dozen, otherwise the importance of vision can never be ignored.

However, the game is still in the early stage, and the opposite side is still in the developmental stage. It is unlikely to hold a group to catch him. As long as the teammates of laning top pay attention to the other party’s movements at any time, only need to put 2 eyes in the red jungle area, Li Xu can rest assured. line.

Opposite Camille, 2 Top Lane 2 waves in a row, looking for opportunities, all found by Li Xu, withdrew early.

Going home again to add a good vision, and made Ravenous Hydra, Li Xu saw that the heroes across the middle and lower 2nd road were all on the laning top, and the big Lala began to press the line.

At this time, the creep line reached a point behind a tower broken by red, and Darius rubbed his experience behind.

Suddenly, Camille appeared beside Darius from the shadow. A hook of E skill hooked against the wall, and 2 sections of wall came back towards Li Xu.

He wants E to flash!

Li Xu estimated the distance between the two parties, looked at W to cool down a little, and quickly made a judgment.

Bang! Bang!

The two flashing sound effects almost remembered at the same time, Li Xu's Fiora flashed a distance to the side, and at the same time Camille's E flashed shot, which was just avoided by Li Xu.

The grounded Camille directly opened Ulti Hex's ultimatum, Li Xu directly blocked Camille Ulti with W skills, and Ulti was unmatched.

The gorgeous dance steps bloomed again, and the footsteps changed. AEQA instantly broke all the weak spots on Camille, and the yellow and green blood return array glowed with glory, directly filling up Fiora’s small blood loss.

The general attack received Ravenous Hydra's active skill crescent moon, and before waiting to smash the next weak spot, Camille had fallen to the ground.

Darius arrived at this moment, and when he saw that Camille had already taken the lead on the street, he turned back immediately, and at the same time, he wanted to hit Fiora with a ring.

Li Xu ate the damage directly, and approached Darius with a sword to smash the weak spot ahead of him. At the same time, the effect of the blood return has not disappeared, so that the amount of lost blood rebounded visually.

Chasing Darius is another sword against the chrysanthemum, Darius directly surrendered the flash and wanted to run. Under the superposition of passive plus net eclipse, Fiora is moving too fast now, and he can’t run away without flashing.

However, playing passive Fiora is much more flexible than Darius. After chasing for 2 steps, Q skill just chopped off and cooled down. Li Xu directly moved to the right of Darius, smashing the weak spot again, chasing Darius and daring. Darius Give the head again.


hehe! Don't look at your tattered body, 2 people dare to catch it?

There was another heated discussion in the Xichen live room.

Xichen: "Wow, Li Xu anticipated the other party's plan for each step in advance, saw Camille's hook lock, directly chose to flash to avoid, use W to block Camille's Ulti, and then immediately opened Ulti to fight back, the item on the opposite side was too bad Fiora now has Ravenous Hydra and Phage. There is no big item on the opposite side. Darius hasn’t even participated in the war. Camille was killed. At this time, Darius would be too late to run again. Fiora’s pursuit ability is too good."

"This Camille doesn't have any armor to catch such a fat Fiora? The passive shield is the same as the fake one, and it's gone in an instant."

"Li Xu is awesome, flashes are delivered quickly, and W blocks Camille's Ulti to fight back."

"Li Xu is really awesome. I won't talk about the operation. The key is that my mind is really calm."

"Li Xu's hidden Fiora is ok, when will it be taken out of the game?"


Fortunately, Li Xu didn't know that there was a live broadcast room in China that was blowing him a blast, otherwise he would be blushing.

In 14 minutes, Li Xu directly took down the Red Square 2 Tower. At this moment, the plating of the defensive towers of the other towers had just fallen off.

Li Xu has no choice to push forward, and now there must be more than 2 people trying to catch him. The high burst hero like Syndra is still a great threat to Fiora.

Having a good view of the jungle area on the red side, Fiora continues to encroach on the jungle area of ​​Camille and continue to expand its economic advantages.

The blue party started to change lines, Li Xu's Fiora changed to Bot Lane and continued to lead the line, Bot Lane duo and Zoe were in Mid Lane, constantly using the advantage of hand length to touch the tower and consume.

Li Xu of Bot Lane pressed even harder. Darius had to poke 2 weak spots while hiding behind the tower.

Now that the Bot Lane duo has switched to Mid Lane, Tahm Kench can immediately drive support, and Li Xu is full of confidence.

Tahm Kench is very intimate to help Li Xu in the second half of the red side is full of vision, this push line is even more unscrupulous, Li Xu is not self-expanding, he even feels that as long as it is not 5 people to catch, he is not afraid.

Quickly pushed off the tower of red Fang Bot Lane, Li Xu turned around and singled out to kill the refreshed Mountain Drake, and pulled out Trinity Force on the return trip.

The attribute of this item is very average, but the existence of the passive skill curse blade has made Fiora's single pick ability greatly improved.

Li Xu’s Fiora kept pressing the opponent’s Bot Lane, and Darius finally failed to bear to signal his teammates.

But when everyone in the other party rushed to Bot Lane, Tahm Kench's field of vision in the jungle area directly let everyone's movements at a glance.

Fiora retreated in time, while Mid Lane teammates quickly demolished the red Fangyi Tower and began to touch the blood volume of 2 towers.

In desperation, Red had to return to defense.

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