King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1489: Wall defense

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

From the second gear and nine yards situation to the third gear and nine yards dilemma, it only took less than four seconds.

Lu Ke raised his left hand and massaged the muscles of his right arm, while twisting his right arm to move the joints and muscles, hoping to relieve the tension.

In the previous attack, Lu Ke found An Kuang Bolding with a short screen pass, but the opposing cornerback Patrick Peterson used a move-in position to catch Bolding's catch. Position, which also forced Lu Ke's pass line to make more subtle adjustments.

It is a pity that the tightness of the arm muscles at the moment of the shot still affects the feel. The speed and power of the entire shuttle ball are not stable enough. Bolding has grasped the football with both hands, but he has not been able to control it. His palm landed and the pass was not completed.

Onlookers may think that it was Bolding Butter, who missed the receiving opportunity; but Lu Ke knew that there was a problem with his own control, which affected Bolding ’s judgment, and the misalignment between the electro-optical flint, which caused it. The pass was not completed, and then they were caught in three predicaments.

Three gears and nine yards, how should we attack?

The Arizona Cardinals defensive group changed again. Except for a security guard standing in the backcourt, all the other players entered the five-yard space of the Chuhe Han world, layered with the frontline players of the offensive group. The ground is entangled, but the overall position has changed again-

Three defensive forwards and three linebackers, a total of six players gathered within the two ends of the offensive line, and set up a "five vs six" battle pattern on the front line; another linebacker, two cornerbacks and A security guard was all scattered and paired up with the four catchers in the offensive group.

The tactics of such a defensive formation look very complicated but also very simple: six players make a surprise pass, four players defend against each other, and one player guards the backcourt. The simple summary is: Raid rushing pass tactics, with six front-line players to create a counterpoint advantage, as much as possible to pressure the quarterback, in the case of three long yards, destroy the quarterback pass opportunity To further compress the offensive space.

But is it really that simple?

At least one thing can be seen from the success of the Arizona Cardinals defensive group: their changes are forcing Lu Ke to continue to think, each time offensive and defensive state must be calculated more and more refined, more and more complicated, which is This means that they did put enough pressure on Lu Ke at the tactical level.

Lu Ke has arranged Hubble's tactics, but he stood in his pocket and thought about it carefully, or modified some of the tactics. With his cries, the catchers on both wings pulled the position slightly away as much as possible. Stay away from the five-yard area of ​​the offensive line and pull the offensive line away, which also simultaneously pulls up the four defensive players who are opposing the defensive catcher.

As a result, the dense crowd in the opponent's defensive group concentrated within five yards of the central zone was disbanded, and changes in defensive tactics were reduced.


Later, Lu Ke announced the kick-off, and at a glance you can see the old skills of the Arizona Cardinals' defensive group reappearing-

Only four defensive players stepped forward to launch a surprise pass. The two linebackers who had stood in the front retreated at the same time and returned to the pass defense of the short pass area; The four defensive players also stepped back and made preparations for the midfield area in advance. They each aimed at their opponents and laid out the entire passing defensive line.

It's a misunderstanding again!

To disturb the quarterback's defensive reading with a weird formation, but all the defensive focus is still on the pass. It can be said that Lu Ke's passing ability is taboo. Make sure to cut off Lu Ke's basic pass line; It can also be said that the ground attack that bullied the San Francisco 49ers is relatively weak, and it seems to be provoking: if you dare to choose to run the ball, then we will let you run, and the short pass area can always complete the grapple in advance and push the ground all Strangled.

As the top defense team in the league, the Arizona Cardinals do have this kind of confidence.

Even at the moment when the hands touch the ball, Lu Ke has seen through the Arizona Cardinals' defensive tactics, but he has nothing to say-

Because Hubble really lacked the confidence to attack on the ground, facing the grim situation of three gears and nine yards at this time, he finally chose to pass the attack. This is a tactical choice of offensive tactics, but it is also an attack that the opponent saw through in advance Tactical choice, so what can Lu Ke do now?

Holding the ball in two hands, Lu Ke quickly retreated, pulling away the position where he was entangled with the two fronts. At this time, the best option is to quickly shoot to break the situation-since the cornerback and the security guard are both in the retreat step Passing defense, then Lu Ke can find the passing object in the short pass area, but can win the promotion space. The three-speed nine-yard conversion chance is still very large.

But ... there is no passing goal!

The line of sight swept the entire field, Lu Ke did not find a suitable pass target. The running route of the receiving player and the advanced card position of the defensive player did not create more favorable alignments, but only captured a few relatively favorable runs. There was no hesitation and hesitation among the electro-optical flint, Lu Ke moved.

Lu Ke took the initiative to quickly move laterally towards his right hand side, leaving the scope of pocket protection-four defensive frontline players were entangled with five offensive forwards, which made the San Francisco 49ers' pockets still prevail. It was broken through and earned Lu Ke mobile time.

Step horizontally!

Lu Ke's gaze quickly scanned the right-wing running position while moving:

Marcus jumped out of the slot, flashed off the Shura field where the front line was facing, and then entered the short pass area. His footsteps sprinted slightly forward, and then pulled the sprint laterally towards his left. Attracted the attention of the two linebackers who stepped back and were immediately spotted.

The linebackers, corner guards, and security guards are all defending the mid pass area, and their steps have been withdrawn to ten yards away, constantly moving left and right to adjust the focus, regardless of which direction Lu Ke passes, they can all be first Time to complete the defense, only need to push the receiving players within nine yards of space, you can complete the third gear defense, now they are the active side, do not need to act rashly.

Now, Marcus jumped out, only one linebacker followed, and all other second-line defensive players were all stuck in the mid-range area to adjust their center of gravity; immediately afterwards, Lu Ke had left the pocket protection area and appeared In the left wing space of the Arizona Cardinals, but the defensive players still dare not easily lose their positions-

Lu Ke is fully capable of transmitting football across the court from this side to any position. If they lose their center of gravity now, it will become a loophole. Such lessons have appeared countless times in past games.

The fear of Lu Ke's passing ability and the advantage of the third gear long yards defense have kept the Arizona Cardinals defensive group in a stable position on the Diaoyutai. Only the left wing part has shown a dramatic dynamic: because Lu Ke is raising his arm towards the left wing A pass gesture was partially made.

The left wing of the Arizona Cardinals is the right wing of the San Francisco 49ers. The sitting of Logan Newman and Ted Jean gives countless possibilities on this side.

After the kick-off, Logan and Jean rushed forward in a straight line. After five yards, they made a cross-transposition run. Then Jean on the inside came to the outside and began to rush towards the sideline area. Sprinting in a deep area, the speed burst out instantaneously; while Logan on the outside shook off Peterson's counterpoint mark and came to the inside, and then continuously changed his center of gravity.

As expected by the defensive team, the entire running route is still moving towards the midfield and even the long pass area.

Patrick Peterson ’s eyes were fixed on Logan, and after experiencing the “Cardinals Massacre” last year, the cornerback from Lu Ke ’s same draft was looking forward to a day of shame. The same thing will never be allowed to happen for the second time at the University of Phoenix Stadium!

Because of the cross-transposition of Logan and Jean, Peterson and Jean collided head-on together, which caused Logan to get rid of Peterson's close-in marking; but Peterson still did not give up, he completed the emergency stop in time The adjustment of the center of gravity, leaving Jean aside-there will be a security guard who will be responsible for defending Jean. His goal is Logan, and then rushed towards Logan again.

Rush. Emergency stop. Sharp turn.

Logan's footsteps are very flexible, and his body's center of gravity is constantly changing, which maximizes the advantage of the offense, which makes Peterson who has lost his opportunity become very embarrassed.

But Peterson stared at Logan with no muscles at all, without any relaxation, and followed Logan step by step. He also made a sudden rush, a sudden stop, a sharp turn, and obviously the center of gravity of the entire body has been lost However, by virtue of his enthusiasm, he was not completely thrown away by Logan, not to mention, Logan continued to move toward the midfield area beyond seven yards and eight yards, which also confirmed the defensive group's prediction And speculation, Peterson is even more reluctant to lose his place.

In a blink of an eye, Logan won a little space for himself with three consecutive changes of direction, but it was only a narrow space of about one yard to two yards, but for Lu Ke and Logan's passing partner Is enough.

Peterson caught it quickly with the afterglow of sight, and then saw Lu Ke raising his hand to pass the ball. He was not nervous. Instead, he became more focused, because he knew that Logan needed to stop when he received the ball. This fleeting time is his chance to complete the defense.

Kick the ground! Kick the ground! Kick the ground!

Peterson tightened his muscles to the extreme, sprinted towards Logan, and then saw Logan really turned around with an emergency stop to prepare for the ball. All the cells of Peterson began to shout:

Catch you!

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