King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1488: Patient breakthrough

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Patience, patience, patience.

In the game of electric light flint, there is a difference between hesitation and calmness, hesitation and patience. The former is the hesitation caused by the daze that can't get rid of the fog, while the latter is out of the outside and captures the overall situation. The wisdom after the trend is also a one-millisecond difference, but because of the difference between the former and the latter, it leads to a completely different result.

Although seeing Marcus' passing gap, Lu Ke's wrist was paused for a moment. Without passing the ball immediately, all players of the linebackers and defensive forwards were swarming towards Marcus. I rushed over-it was more than just singing on all sides, it was just an ambush on all sides.

Sure enough, this is a trap!

Lu Ke's right hand was quickly retracted, and the footsteps left the pocket still moved sideways steadily and steadily. Instead, he was more determined and more agile than before, and then the remaining light caught the right wing diagonally in front of corner guard Patrick Peterson Logan, made a decisive move and completed a quick straight pass from the ground.

The slash is just seven yards, but it finds Logan lightly and quickly.

Peterson and Logan formed a heads-up match, but Peterson's attention was obviously drawn by Lu Ke's fake action. He was unable to destroy the pass for the first time. Logan turned around with an emergency stop and successfully completed the catch— -For Lu Ke's passing timing and passing route, he is still the most familiar player on the team.

Peterson missed the opportunity to destroy the pass, but immediately completed the card defense, showing the league's top cornerback style comparable to Richard Sherman; Logan later resisted Peterson's The body, like the bullfighting, continued to push hard and hard, and squeezed again for one yard or two yards before being forced to stop.

One gear for second gear.

Lu Ke greeted his teammates to step up quickly. It was obvious that the Arizona Cardinals defensive team was not very satisfied with the defensive effect just this time: even if they predicted the attack of the San Francisco 49ers in advance, they still let Lu Ke connect The success came directly above the fourteen yard line in San Francisco's half, and initially got rid of the crisis at the frontier of the end zone. This is obviously not the expected effect for the defensive team.

But the Arizona Cardinals defensive group still calmed down quickly and continued to complete the array. Compared to the offensive group, the defensive group that was half a shot behind the innate group needs more calmness and stability, and it also needs more patience and care. Once the defensive group starts to lose Reasonable, then the crash will be faster and more fierce than the offensive team.

The Arizona Cardinals defensive team changed again. They hoarded all the defensive players within six yards. The dense defensive position looked more like a red zone defense than a full-field open defense, which also put all The pressure is accumulated and compressed, as if it is determined that the landing will not pass the ball. What is the tactic?

Lu Ke ’s defensive reading did not reveal too many clues. The problem now is that such a defensive position is too obvious. A quarterback knows that it ’s greasy. More mysterious confusion; in fact, this is consistent with the purpose of the attacking team's constantly changing position formation-to confuse opponents by seeking changes on their own initiative, and to seek more initiative in tactical games.

Lu Ke felt that his offensive thinking was not clear enough. He didn't kick off immediately. He glanced at the stopwatch of the kick-off countdown with his eyes, and then straightened his body to modify the offensive tactics:

The pistol formation plus two times two basic attack formations, but Bolding standing on the inside of the right wing slightly retreated two steps towards his diagonal rear according to Lu Ke ’s request, basically vertically aligned with the offensive interception on the right Frontier Alex Boone, and the horizontal position is one step away from the parallel line in front of Lu Ke.

Boulding ’s position is very weird. The running back is not like the running back, the striker is not like the striker, and even the position of the wide receiver is a bit reluctant. This also makes the fairly basic basic offensive formation inexplicable; the defensive group standing opposite After hesitating, they still didn't change their formation, or even moved according to Bolding's movement.

Lu Ke raised his eyebrows lightly: Does this mean that either the other party chooses to attack and pass, and there is no need to worry about the position of the wide receiver, but if so, Bolding can become a striker and the defense team must Adjusted the alignment, but did not act rashly because of the advancement of the forward pass arrangement; or the opponent chose to withdraw the pass defense, all the formations in front of them were smoke bombs, they had already completed the one-on-one counterpoint marking -That is to say, Bolding was marked by someone, but now he does not want to expose his tactical intentions, so he deliberately keeps his troops intact.

The former or the latter? Or is it possible?

Lu Ke quickly shouted two slogans to Bolding and Marcus behind him, and then did not give the defensive team any reaction time, announced the kick-off without hesitation, and turned the rugby to Marcus in one turn Sri Lanka. No fake moves, no cover moves, and the handover was completed neatly, raising the rhythm of the entire attack.

Lu Ke chose to run the ball.

After handing the rugby to Marcus, Lu Ke turned around, and then saw that the defensive players who were fully overwhelmed were scattered in every corner of the court like a fairy girl-Lu Ke guessed right!

To sum up briefly, this is a pass defense. The Arizona Cardinals put all the defensive players in position on the suspicion, and put on a tough posture of full pressure in the short pass area, but all of them are smoke bombs. The tight pass defense of the field, when Lu Ke announced the kick-off, the mystery was unveiled:

On the defensive front, three defensive fronts teamed up with two outside guards to exert pressure on the front line. One inside guard was responsible for marking the running back, while the other inside guard stepped back and joined the ranks of two corner guards and a safety guard. Marked four catchers; the last remaining security guard continued to retreat without looking back, protecting the backcourt and preventing long passes.

It can be seen after stripping all the tricks. In fact, this is the most basic defensive tactic, but through the compression of the frontcourt, it creates a heavy suspense, which makes it impossible for the quarterback to make an accurate judgment. The only variable is that the quarterback they face is Lu Ke.

The tactical change before kick-off allowed the offensive team to regain the upper hand.

Lu Ke took the initiative to withdraw Bolding, and then transformed Bolding into a sixth offensive line-first, this overthrowed the opposite linebacker of Bolding, forcing the opposing defensive player to show up an abandonment; second, Bolding's role is not to join the frontline confrontation, but to open the way for Marcus and win more space for the running back.

If the opponent really chooses to press the ball in full attack, Bolding can consolidate the pocket protection of the striker and win more room for Marcus to advance, then it will be Marcus ’s play; but if the opponent chooses Passing defense, then Lu Ke's layout will seize an opportunity for the offensive team to be misplaced-

Just like now.

Bolding lowered his center of gravity and opened the road in front, but found that the opponent's defensive front completely rushed into the offensive line, without any opponents in front of him, he opened a gap smoothly; Marcus was Immediately after Bolding, he easily walked along a Kangzhuang Avenue.

After rushing out of the meat ground where the two fronts are facing each other, Bolding can see that the linebacker Karlos-Dansby is rushing towards himself. He adjusted his pace to lower the center of gravity and actively towards the He slammed into Tosby's body, easily knocked down Tosby's center of gravity, and Marcus jumped out of both of them.

An open world!

Marcus advanced strongly with the ball. The linebackers, cornerbacks and security guards who were quickly retreating all realized that their defensive tactics had been seen through. They rushed up together at the first time, but because of the shift of focus Occasionally lost his initiative and failed to intercept Marcus by hitting the wall.

Five yards.

Seven yards.

Nine yards.

Marcus's ground offensive advanced by nine yards, which was only sandwiched by three defensive players and fell on the twenty-three yard line of San Francisco's half, not only successfully completed the first attack, but also fled Offensive danger zone at the front of the end zone.

With one delayed shot and one strong run, the San Francisco 49ers completed important advancement with just two offensives, and it seems to be gradually regaining their feel.

Unimaginable, this is the offensive group that stumbled in the first quarter.

In fact, those freehand brushwork are all illusions. The two attacks seem to be simple, but each decision is a dance of the blade, and a little error may lead to completely different results; moreover, Lu Ke ’s two offensive choices are different. It's Logan and Marcus. He is still using the Iron Triangle of UCLA to complete the advancement. This does not mean that the entire offensive group has recovered.

On the contrary, Lu Ke was patiently looking for a breakthrough in the difficult situation. He can't do it too hurriedly now. He can only get his feel and confidence back in one offensive and one offense. Well, but this time and again the offensive success, but can play a subtle role on the balance of confidence of the offensive and defensive sides-

If the Arizona Cardinals defensive team realizes that Lu Ke is awakening, the psychological pressure they bear is also incalculable.

The situation began to become more subtle.

Another ten yards.

Lu Ke made a tactical change of fake fax running, trying to disrupt the balance of the situation by changing the rhythm, but the linebackers were not deceived by Lu Ke ’s fake moves, and they aimed at Marcus ’s footsteps. Just after Kus crossed the tee line, he was pulled by two linebackers with a tripping sling--with his arm directly blocking the helmet, forcing Marcus to throw a four-pronged fork, ending this ground advancement.

Then, two yards and nine yards.

There is still a lot of work to be done in the San Francisco 49ers offensive team.

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