Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Celestial princess visits

the next day.

The guard of honor of Long Ji, the eldest princess of the heavens, came to the foot of Feilai Mountain. As the eldest princess of the heavens, even if she was only a golden immortal in her cultivation, she still had the ostentation of traveling like a big Luo Jinxian.

The heavenly soldiers and gods will accompany the guards, and hundreds of immortals cast rainbow lights, starting from Qingluan Douque, and stopping all the way to Feilai Mountain.

Inside the cloud car, the eldest princess Long Ji, who was wearing a heavenly-style spirit armor, looked at the Feilai Mountain hanging under the blue sky, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "On the Feilai Mountain, there is a Taoist temple. What do you think of Baihua Fairy, who is the deputy leader of Renjiao, Jushi Fengqi, as a teacher?"

On the cloud car, Baihua Fairy Shuxiu was counting, and she spread her hands helplessly and said, "At this time, the teacher chosen by His Majesty for you, I am a little flower fairy, so what can I think, but since Fengqi Layman is the deputy leader of Human Education, Your Highness Princess If he can succeed in apprenticeship, that old fellow Fu Yuan will definitely not dare to plot against Her Royal Highness again."

She is just a flower fairy, and she is called Baihua Fairy to put it nicely, but in fact, the cultivation level of a fairy is a gift from the heaven, and His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven can make her perish forever, so this matter of the eldest princess' apprenticeship How dare she talk nonsense?

After Longji got off the cloud car, looking at the winding mountain road, she said helplessly: "My father sent me seven or forty-nine bunches of flat peaches with nine thousand years of purple patterns, and several flat peach trees. It is also extremely rare.

But what are these things to a deputy leader of the human religion? "

It is nothing at all, but as far as the Heavenly Court is concerned, these things are considered to be cherished, but as far as the human religion is concerned, there is no spiritual root in the warehouse of the Bajing Palace.

The wealth of the heavens lies in the eight sceneries, and these eight sceneries are the Eight Views Palace of the Taiqing sages.

Fairy Bai Hua frowned and asked, "Isn't Shu Xiu like this considered rich?"

Baihua Fairy, who has never been out of the 33rd Heaven Realm since she was enlightened by the Queen Mother to achieve the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit, knows exactly what the flat peaches and the flat peach trees she sent out represent.

Long Ji looked at Fairy Baihua and said, "Baihua, you should go to the heavens and worlds more often. The position of the deputy leader of the Renjiao is only under the Taiqing Daode Tianzun, so I don't have much confidence in going to be a teacher. .”

Although she has her father's handwritten letter, she doesn't think that her father has such a big face. After all, Empress Hou Tu and Master Styx just destroyed Nantianmen not long ago.

"Baihua, I'm going to climb Feilai Mountain, you can wait here with peace of mind." Long Ji took over the Lingbao containing Shuxiu, and said, "No matter how I take it this time, I don't want to be the treasure in the hands of Immortal Fu Yuan." Puppet, didn’t you just pour a jug of wine on his face?”

Fairy Baihua was stunned for a while, was it about a jug of wine?

At the peach feast in the past, Immortal Fu Yuan said that he wanted to marry Long Ji, the eldest princess of the heaven, and then Long Ji became furious, and poured millions of years of aging wine on Immortal Fu Yuan's face in full view.

Both parties were at fault, but Fuyuan Xianweng was Daluo Jinxian, so her good friend could only come to Qingluan Douque to live in order to avoid the targeting of that Fuyuan Xianweng.


Flying to the mountain, in Youjian Taoist Temple, on the highest attic, Longji, the eldest princess of the heaven who is climbing the mountain, has already appeared on the cloud mirror.

Su Xuan looked at Long Ji, who was climbing the mountain, and couldn't help asking: "His Royal Highness, it seems that she has nothing to do with us. I don't know why she is climbing this mountain?"

Fortunately, although he couldn't see what happened, it probably wouldn't be a bad thing, but even if it was a bad thing, he wasn't afraid.

Fengqi Layman who strictly ordered Su Xuan and others to change their address, that is, Empress Nuwa, looked at Long Ji who was full of resentment above the cloud mirror, and said with a smile: "This is the first princess to come to apprentice The fairy family, we can't scare them away."

She had already received the news from his junior brother not long ago, but her junior brother probably thought too much.

Although she promised her junior brother that Long Ji would be his teacher, she didn't agree who she would let Long Ji worship as his teacher.

"A teacher?"

Su Xuan understood the meaning of the Heavenly Emperor in an instant, and he said: "This Heavenly Emperor is very calculating, there is a Taoist temple that undertakes the important task of the integration of the three religions, and its purpose is to extinguish the catastrophe of the Conferred God as much as possible, our Heavenly Emperor Your Majesty, but sending your own daughter to Youjian Taoist Temple can scout for information and win over the disciples of the Three Religions, and also allow Long Ji to escape the schemes of Immortal Fu Yuan."

If Long Ji really worshiped Empress Nuwa as his teacher, his second uncle would really not try to make some unreliable marriages for Long Ji.

Empress Nuwa basically does not accept disciples, but once she accepts disciples, she will definitely protect her weaknesses extremely, and she will not allow others to bully her, even if the other party is also a Hunyuan fairy family.

Mo Shanshan looked at Princess Longji, who was walking on the mountain road in a calm manner, and sincerely praised: "This princess is really worthy of being the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, with a cultivation base of the golden fairy realm, walking in the sky all over the world." It is on the mountain path of the heart-refining formation, and it can still be so easy."

"God Comes"

The heart training formation on the mountain path was arranged by her and Fairy Yunxiao together, so she is very clear about the danger of the formation on the mountain path.

Although there is no killing, it can arouse the most real desire in the heart of the immortals, and refine their hearts into battle.

If the mind is slightly impure, it will show its ugly face. But this heavenly emperor's daughter, the eldest princess of the thirty-third heaven, is as usual.


Su Xuan hummed, and said: "Princess Longji, the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor's daughter, is the best choice even if she is placed among the three religions in terms of her cultivation level, or her character."

"Uncle and nephew, let's congratulate the uncle first, you are very happy to have a good apprentice."

But who would have guessed that Nuwa smiled mysteriously, and she said: "I should congratulate Nephew Su, I used to be the Emperor Wa of the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu, and I still have a love affair with the Yaozu, so it's not easy to accept the dragon." Ji is an apprentice, but nephew Su is fine."

Accepting Longji as an apprentice is indeed a good way to intervene in the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, but she is still unwilling to link the matter of accepting an apprentice with other Xuan said in amazement: " Is this possible? After all, I am only a little golden fairy, how can I accept the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven as my apprentice, master uncle, you should stop joking."

Let's not talk about whether this matter is reasonable or not, whether it is reliable or not, if the eldest princess of the heavens, Long Ji of the golden fairy realm, really worships him as a teacher, then it is meaningless to give the face of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven again. Press and rub on the ground.


His uncle, after all, he still didn't turn over the previous incident!

At this time, Yunxiao said: "Junior Brother Su, there is nothing difficult about this matter. Your current identity is the master of the Taoist temple in Feilai Mountain. In a sense, your current identity is no more difficult than The vice-principal of the first sect is on the mend."

The implication is that there is nothing wrong with accepting Long Ji as an apprentice.



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