Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 339: Su Zhenren's commotion

A few hundred feet away from Qingluan Douque Phoenix Mountain, a mountain peak hanging upside down between heaven and earth appeared.

The first thing I know is that I stand tall and can see the heavens far away. Although Longji has been demoted to the world, he can be regarded as the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother.

For hundreds of miles around the cave of the eldest princess of the Heaven Realm, there are countless hair gods watching over her, and there are even more gods in the sky patrolling day and night. This is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven.

The reason why the eldest princess Longji was relegated to the mortal world was also circulated above the heavenly court. For a while, the Immortal Fu Yuan, who had no popularity at all, now has no popularity at all.

Inside Lingxiao Palace.

Sitting on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven looked at Qingluan Douque in the mirror of Haotian, and said worriedly: "Taibai Jinxing, bring seventy-nine thousand-year-old flat peaches to congratulate my master nephew In addition, you should go to Qingluan Douque again, so that Long Ji can learn from Fengqi, the vice-leader of the Renjiao, as his teacher as soon as possible."

In just a thousand years, the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race, which ruled over 3,600 realms in the heavens and ten thousand realms, disappeared in smoke.

When he was in danger, he took on the task of restoring the former glory of the Heavenly Court. If his senior brothers didn't want to send their disciples to take up the duties, how could he have opened the Conferred God?

As soon as the Conferred God is opened, a catastrophe begins.

He also used Haotian Realm to deduce the matter of conferring gods in the heavens and myriad realms, but no matter how he deduced it, his heavenly court would definitely be the last oriole.

It wasn't until his nephew Su Xuan, a direct disciple of the Renjiao, who had the title of little moral mage, appeared that he realized that the Conferred God had changed, and he couldn't understand it.

Taibai Jinxing saluted respectfully and said: "Old minister, please follow your Majesty's instructions."

The old-looking Taibai Jinxing walked out of the Lingxiao Palace tremblingly.

But no one dared to underestimate this favorite minister of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, although Taibai Jinxing seemed to be a weak and frail fairy.

But in fact, Taibai Jinxing is Taibai Xingjun, who really kills and kills ruthless people. During the Lich War, he used Gengjin sword energy, killing the witches of the witch clan with fear.


On the East Kunlun Mountains.

Every three thousand and one days, Tianzun preached, and the entire East Kunlun is full of immortals above the immortals.

Inside Yuxu Palace.

Sitting on the cloud bed, Yuanshi Tianzun was full of worries, looked at his disciples, and said: "You are already a Daluo fairy family, but you have not killed the three ugly corpses, and you will still be in the catastrophe of being a god, you You still need to practice well."

Then Yuanshi Tianzun sighed and said: "A few days ago, your great master wrote, asking me to send a disciple to be a teacher at Youjian Taoist Temple in Feilai Mountain, five hundred miles north of Qingluan Douque. I don't know if any of you are willing to go ?”

It is said that the twelve golden immortals are silent, and the catastrophe of conferring the gods is imminent. Although there are countless deductions, they can't stand the impermanence of heaven!

Looking at the eyes of many juniors, Guang Chengzi stood up helplessly, and asked, "Teacher, I don't know what the background of Youjian Daoist Temple is, so it can alarm Master."

Among the heavens and worlds, there are only a few respectable sects, but among those forces, he has never heard of a Taoist temple, which may alarm the master, and there must be some origin in it.

Yuanshi Tianzun said plainly: "The master of Youjian Taoist Temple is Su Xuan, a disciple of the Renjiao, and the deputy master is Fengqi Jushi, the deputy master of the Renjiao. There are two teachers in the Taoist temple, one is Su Xuan's Taoist companion. Mo Shanshan, the other one is Fairy Jiejiao Yunxiao."

Speaking of Fairy Yunxiao, the worry on Yuanshi Tianzun's face deepened. In any case, he had to admit that Yunxiao's cultivation level, and even his xinxing, were far superior to those of his disciples.

Of course, it's not that his younger brother who had tens of thousands of apprentices taught him well, but that Yun Xiao learned well.

At this time, the Twelve Golden Immortals also looked at each other in blank dismay, because every time their teacher and teacher taught them, they would use Yunxiao as an example.

To use the most popular words in the heavens and the world, Yun Xiao is someone else's child, no matter how you look at it, it is pleasing to the eye.

After a long time, no one was willing to go to Youjian Taoist Temple to teach, just when Yuanshi Tianzun was planning to pick someone.

The only female disciple among the Twelve Golden Immortals, Cihang Taoist, stood up from the futon, saluted respectfully and said, "Teacher, my disciple is willing to go."

The slender, white-clothed Cihang Taoist was shocked when he opened his mouth. The remaining second-generation disciples of Chanjiao, no one thought that they, Junior Sister Cihang, would actually go to a golden fairy Among the sects opened.

"Well, well, since you want to go, then you can go!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly.

And when Cihang Taoist walked out of Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the remaining disciples with hatred and said: "The opportunity has been given to you, so I used it to prevent you from saying that you are partial to the teacher." With such a method, the opportunity was given to you, but if you failed to grasp it, who can you blame?"

In many deductions, these uneasy disciples of his would say that he was eccentric, but why had he ever been eccentric?

"Go! Go! After entering the Conferred God Tribulation, it will be difficult to get out of the Tribulation."

With Yuanshi Tianzun waving his hand, the remaining eleven Yuxu Golden Immortals in Yuxu Palace have been thrown out of East Kunlun Mountain.


Outside Golden Turtle Island, Zhao Gongming, who is riding a black household, carrying Yu Ruyi, and hanging twenty-four Dinghai God Pearls above his head, is the richest fairy family in the world at this moment.

Just now his teacher told him that as soon as he got to Feilaishan Youjian Inn, he would escape the robbery. This made Zhao Gongming, who was always worried about whether Taoist Randeng would come to rob him, overjoyed.

It is true that Ran Deng is the vice-master of the Interpretation of Education, but that Uncle Feng Qi is also the vice-master of the Human Education?

They are all deputy leaders. Could it be that the deputy leader of the Renjiao will help outsiders?

And in Biyou Palace, thousands of immortal families filled the hall, looking at Master Tongtian with full expectation, hoping that their teacher in the realm of Hunyuan immortal family could give him a way to escape.

Master Tongtian looked into the eyes of his disciples, and said flatly: "Disciples, after you go back, bring your juniors who have no hope of immortality to Biyou Palace. I will talk about the magic of longevity and give your juniors advice. a benefit."

The magic of longevity in the hopeless immortal road is naturally the divine way, although these Jiejiao immortals are not willing to become laborers in the, but they can't bear to invite a few incompetent juniors.

For those juniors who have been able to cultivate Yuanshen for thousands of years, it is a great honor to be on the list of gods.

"I am waiting to thank the teacher for giving me the Dharma!"



And outside the Qingluan Douque, a green bull was jumping happily on the road, followed by several heavenly canonists, but no earth gods belonging to the earth.

Qingniu looked at the land gods and said impatiently: "Hurry up and lead the way! Didn't you see a big mountain flying over?"

He just came back from Chaoge, and he didn't get any news about his senior brother, but on the way, he heard that there was a fairy family showing off his supernatural powers, so he wanted to see which fairy family it was, and he would not be happy if he dared to find it for the emperor.



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