Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2469: Mage Nova

Hiding in the chest cavity of the Titan giant, Elago watched the scene of Tanan's body alienation with satisfaction.

Elago is a Bracada. He once served as Eli's court mage as a human. The moment he learned that Bracada was in trouble, he resolutely resigned from Eli's position and returned to him. Mage Empire, help the mages of Brakada to defend against the attack of the undead mages.

Compared with the old legendary mages, Elago's talent in spellcasting is relatively mediocre. High-level mages like him are not ranked in Bracada at all, but the experience of serving in Eli has also given him He is different from the ability of ordinary mages, that is the superb archery taught by elves.

Perhaps Elago's archery is not as good as those of the real elves, but among all mages, his archery is the only one. Elago can pat his chest and guarantee that there is no The famous mage can surpass him in archery, and this also brings him an opportunity. An opportunity to hit Tanan in the forbidden magic field.

When the battle started, Elago hid in the titan's specially-made chest cavity, looking for a chance to strike Tanan in a fatal blow.

Elago does not need to shoot Tanan to death with one arrow, it is quite difficult. The more dangerous the attack, the easier it is for a hero like Tanan to perceive it. Only a surprise attack with limited damage can hurt that hero.

The filthy blood used by the enemy has now become Elago's magic weapon for victory. When the arrow stained with the blood of the filthy angel shot into Tanan's shoulder, Elago's heart was so excited that he had already seen the dawn of victory. , The Necromancer is finally eliminated, and the victory belongs to Brakada!

"Do not!"

Looking at the mutation on Tanan's body, Agland exclaimed, he didn't expect the enemy to have such a means, and it was the filthy blood used by himself that ultimately hurt the hero Tanan.

In just a short moment, the alienation spread rapidly on Tanan's body. Not only his arms, but half of his body bulged high, and twisted sarcomas began to appear, while his other hand, which was temporarily intact, was tight. Holding the battle axe, he once again cut off a giant Titan who wanted to take the opportunity to attack.

"Think of a way, Alama, what can make Tanan recover?" The anxious commander asked the sorcerer who created the filthy angel, but Alama looked embarrassed.

"I need to cultivate a new body for Tanan, but it will take a lot of time, at least there is no way to do it now." For Tanan's abnormality, Alama is also helpless, he warned in advance of the danger of filthy blood, unless in Cut off the contaminated body immediately, otherwise there is no way to restrain it.

Even an incomparable existence like the Holy Inquisition did not dare to taint the blood of filth, so he had to hide and look for fighters, and Tanan was also powerless to fight.


The body continued to alienate, and Tanan endured the pain caused by the alienation, and let out a loud roar, which contained his deep hatred for the mage. Soon, he set his eyes on one of the giant Titans. To be precise, it was the Titan giants. A mage hidden in the chest cavity.

"not good!"

Elago, who was hiding in the body of the Titan, changed his face. Tanan had already rushed towards him. He didn't dare to face the terrifying hero. The Titan's back popped out.

Elago, who landed on the ground and completed the task, did not dare to stay for long, and hurriedly ran to the mage camp. He came to aid Bracada, not to die in vain.

Tanan gritted his teeth as he watched Elago's disappearing figure. He wanted to catch up with the enemy, but the alienated body couldn't run at all. He wanted to kill the enemy with a flying axe, but the path was blocked by the giant Titan puppet. Block it.

"Damn Mage!" Tanan let out a roar, used up the remaining strength, waved the battle axe in his hand, and wanted to split the giant Titan puppet in the way, but he couldn't do it.

Under the alienation of the bloodline, his will was in a trance, and even the weapon in his hand could not be held firmly, and then his body was flew out by the giant titan puppet fan, smashing heavily on the ground beside him, and the pustules on his body were crushed a lot.

"You have done very well, and when the battle is over, you will be rewarded as you deserve. You will be the new star of Bracada with the highest honors."

When Elago escaped successfully and returned to the mages camp, he was warmly received by the mages. The arrow he shot at Tanan became the key to changing the situation of the war.

Not long ago, because Elago was from Eri and did not study spells in Bracada, the mages who sneered at him changed their attitudes at this moment.

The mages praised Elago, and even Esquel, who has always been unsmiling, showed him a gracious smile, and many female mages took the initiative to send their affections.

"Master I heard that you gave up your identity as Eli and rushed back to Bracada at a time of crisis. What a noble act!"

"Mage Elago, I'm curious about your experience in Eri, maybe we can have a deep conversation later."

At this moment, talking about Elago's experience in Eri, the other mages are no longer ashamed of it, or indifferently dismissive, but praise him, as if he had done something extremely noble.

Surrounded by the crowd, Elago cleared his throat, and when everyone calmed down and listened to his words, he said, "We can't relax at this moment. Although Tanan has been severely injured, the threat of the Necromancer still remains. Yes. Only by destroying all the enemy's troops can we find true peace. Everything we do is for the sake of Bracada!"

"For Bracada!"

"For Bracada!"

The mages raised their arms and shouted, the frenzy spread in their hearts, and the morale reached a peak for a while. Even if these mages rushed forward and fought the enemy in close quarters, they would not even blink an eye.

Esquill looked at this scene and admired Elago even more. Elago knows how to use leadership skills to boost morale, which is an extremely rare talent among mages. He never thought that Eli would let him go in vain.

On the side of the ice, under the protection of the legion members and the siege of the giant puppet, Tanan's alienation continued.

The left arm that was hit by the blood-stained arrow, along with the left half of his body, was completely out of human form. His joints began to reverse, and his left leg folded in the opposite direction of his knee, which also made him unable to stand and could only collapse. land.

His body swelled up, and a ferocious and angry face appeared on the sarcoma on Tanan's back. Those faces were shouting, roaring, and telling the never-quenching flame in Tanan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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