Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2468: dark arrow

"Is that... the power of a demigod?"

On the battlefield by the icy lake, Faarezer stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Thunder descended from the sky like divine wrath, dispelling the cloud of death, and at the center of the lightning was the majestic figure of a giant monster.

Under the bombardment of lightning, even Goliath's huge body could not hold on for a moment, and fell to the ground like a tall building, with scorch marks all over his body.

As the lightning swept away, the massive undead on the periphery of the Undead Legion was wiped out. Only the entire circle with the hero Tanan at the core was intact. In the face of the power of the forbidden field, Lightning was helpless.

"Heroes who have returned from death, you will experience the most intense anger of Brakada." Sweeping away the scorched corpses of undead creatures beside him, Somura stared at Tanan in the center of the Forbidden Realm, and said in a urn voice.

With all his strength, Somra cut off all the portals of the undead legion. Now they are helpless and can only be trapped in the forbidden magic realm. Anyone who takes a step and waits for them will be baptized by lightning.

Tanan also felt something, looked at the giant monster surrounded by thunder, put his thumb across his neck, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

A dull shock came from Tanan's feet, and in order to deal with the filthy angel who protected him, the giant titan puppet flew fast.

The fleshless Titan giant puppet is not afraid of the blood pollution of the filthy angel, and can effectively deal with the enemy. On the contrary, the giant undead in the legion, because of the blood pollution, dare not get too close to the filthy angel who protects Tanan, revealing a deep deep flaws.

Seeing that the bloodline pollution was useless, the filthy angel put down the tentacle of one hand and used the blade in the other hand to meet the enemy. However, in front of the giant titan puppet, the filthy angel with weak melee ability could not resist for a moment, and his body was destroyed by the titan. The giant puppet grabbed and shredded.

"No! My creatures..." The sorcerer Alama, who was hiding in the forbidden magic realm, cried out in heartache at this moment. Those are the sorcery creatures that he finally cultivated, and now they are torn apart by the enemy. , which made him unstoppable.

The mage in the back already understood the power of the filthy blood, and immediately controlled the giant Titan puppet, tore apart the filthy angel, and threw it violently at the hero Tanan.

"Hurry up and stop the blood, don't let them touch the hero Tanan!" After discovering the enemy's intention, Agland shouted, ignoring the pollution contained in the blood, grabbed Tanan and wanted to dodge away. The members of the legion hurried forward and used their bodies to block the filthy body thrown by the giant Titan puppet.

"Let go of me, or are you planning to face that angel's attack?"

Before being taken a few steps away by Agran, Tanan said dissatisfiedly, following his line of sight, Agran also saw the Holy Inquisition Angel who was staring at his head.

Out of scruples about the filthy blood, when the Titans approached, the sanctified angel rose to the sky, looking for a suitable shot. Once Tanan was taken away from the filthy angel, what awaited him would be Andorra's fierceness. offensive.

In the previous battle, Aglan had already learned the horror of the angel, and then he swallowed and hurriedly put Tanan down.

"The most important thing now is to keep the remaining filthy angels. Only they can make that angel scruples." At this moment, Commander Fareze's voice came over, "Tanan, you can cut through the crystal. Dragon, can you cut through those titans?"

"Of course I can." Tanan said solemnly.

Faarezer nodded, and then ordered his subordinates to wrap Tanan's exposed body with torn clothes, and even his face only showed his eyes: "The erosion of filthy blood works through the contact of the body. , don't touch that blood."

Tanan nodded, facing the giant Titan puppet like steel, it is difficult for even the big devil to destroy, and now it is his turn to shoot. To deal with such an enemy, Krulord's Behemoth is undoubtedly more useful. The sharp claws of Beamon are enough to easily tear apart the iron skin outside the Titan, and the destructive ability of the hero Tanan is also in Beamon. on the claws.

Tanan stomped hard, and rushed towards the giant Titan puppet like lightning. The puppet was not to be outdone, and gave up the filthy angel who was attracting attention and grabbed it towards Tanan.

Seeing this scene, the puppet master Pickjem, who controlled the giant Titan, couldn't help but sneer. He was still in a dilemma about how to drive Tanan out of the enemy's protection, but he didn't expect Tanan to come to the door.

The silver light flashed by, and the giant Titan's palm fell to the ground, revealing a neat fracture below. Tanan chased after him, and the battle axe swept past. With the blessing of the immortal hero's will, the giant Titan puppet was cut off.


Seeing the fallen titan puppet, Pickjem opened his mouth in He never thought that someone could cut off the incomparable titan puppet on the battlefield with one ax. This is simply impossible What happened, no spell could describe what he saw in front of his eyes.

"Don't be nervous, just follow the plan." Beside Pickjem, Esquill, one of the guild leaders, saw his surprise and nervousness, reached out and patted his shoulder, lowering his voice and instructed.

Pickjem shook his head and nodded. For all the reactions of the enemy, the experienced Esquill has developed corresponding countermeasures. Although the scene of Tanan cutting off the giant Titan puppet is shocking, it is also the same. In the expectation of the old mage, and made a corresponding response method in advance.

Under the control of Pickjem, several other titans rushed over from the side, and Tanan rushed forward again and cut off another titan in the same way, when the accident happened suddenly.

A bit of cold light came from Tanan's side. Tanan caught a glimpse of the enemy's means out of the corner of his eye, but he failed to dodge in time. It was a sharp feather arrow, and the arrow was polished into a cold cross. , which contains a deadly murderous intent.


Agland, who was protecting Tanan at the rear, made a statement to remind him at the first time, but it was too late. The arrow penetrated the cloth wrapped around Tanan's arm and shot into his shoulder.

Although the speed of the feather arrow was fast, it was far from a fatal blow, but for some reason, the moment Agland saw the feather arrow, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After the arrow was hit in the shoulder, Tanan let out a groan, raised his hand and broke the part other than the arrow, and was about to continue to cut off the giant Titan puppet, but the movement suddenly stopped.

The next moment, Tanan's entire arm began to alienate in an irreversible direction, just like those creatures stained with filthy blood.

(End of this chapter)

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