Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 112: ?4 Little Demon King, gather Aojian!

The mountain top scenery is superb.

A young man in white paced up.

He is holding a folding fan and his thick, snow-white silver hair is draped behind him like a silver waterfall.

He has fair skin and a strange and evil charm in his face.

On the center of his eyebrows, there was a crooked silver moon imprint, which made the monster feel a certain neutrality.

Gives a sense of both righteous and evil, free and unrestrained.

He looked into the distance.

The clouds cover the mist, the strange peaks are rugged, and the aura is full.

The light golden sunlight kneaded into the clouds.

But it seemed to be crumpled, emitting a five-color brilliance.

Like a piece of tulle woven with five-color silk, it dances in the wind, making people unable to see through.

The ordinary clouds couldn't block his sight.

There is clearly a powerful formation in that cloud.


At this moment, a very clear scream suddenly came from the other direction.

The silver-haired man followed the prestige.

A divine bird spreads its wings and arrives through the sea of ​​clouds.

The miraculous bird is extremely tall, with its wings spread out to be five feet long.

He was covered with golden feathers and looked arrogant.

Only the slender and long tail feathers are full of colorful lights.

Bringing a long, rainbow-like light and shadow on the heights, it is beautiful.

The divine bird fell on the mountain, and the colorful divine light circulated.

A figure walked out slowly, and the colorful robes on his body were extremely eye-catching.

He looked at the silver-haired man and raised his brows: "You actually came faster than me!"

Prince Yinyue smiled faintly: "I'm closer, I come naturally faster!"

Young Master Peacock walked forward and stood side by side with Young Master Yinyue, squinting at the five-colored clouds.

"There is Aojian Fairy Gate?"

"It's there!"

"Do you believe that legend?"

"You mean innate Dao body?"

The Peacock nodded.

Prince Yinyue smiled, his eyes flickering: "Nothing to believe it or not!"

Young Master Peacock looked at him: "That is one of the supreme physiques in the legend. If it is true, do you think you can win?"

The corner of Silver Moon's mouth raised: "A strong physique does not mean that a person is strong!"

"No one understands the art of fighting better than me!"

"I hope he will be stronger! It's not just a waste of physique and sullen cultivation!"

"In this way, it makes sense for me to beat him!"

He looks extremely graceful and luxurious, like a natural nobleman.

But when he said this, the fanatical fighting spirit that came out of his body completely exposed his nature.

Young Master Yinyue suddenly said, "How about you?"


Young Master Peacock raised his mouth slightly and raised his neck: "I think it's enough to go to the Aojian Immortal Gate alone!"

Upon hearing the words, the Silver Moon Prince laughed without saying a word.

He suddenly remembered something: "Lao Zhu hasn't come yet?"

Young Master Peacock curled his lips: "The ghost knows that ugly ghost, where is it cats!"


Before the words fell, a slender spider silk shot out from the shadow and took the silver moon boy's vest.

Young Master Peacock sighed helplessly: "Here again!"

The sigh fell, the figure had disappeared, and he slid silently in the other direction.

The spider silk submerged into a rock, and suddenly made a sizzling noise.

The tiny holes expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The tall boulder with three or five people, one could not breathe, was corroded into nothing.

In the shadow, a young man in a tight black robe walked out slowly.

The young man had a pair of daggers stuck in his waist, his lips pressed tightly, and a cold breath exuded all over his body.

He stared at Son Peacock coldly: "Chew on the roots of your tongue again behind your back and pull out your bird feathers!"

Young Master Peacock tilted his mouth, yin and yang said strangely: "If you want to envy this gorgeous **** feather of me, just tell me, I will leave you some clothes for you when I change your hair!"

"It saves you that you wear the same black water stone all year round, it's so earthy!"

Young Master Zhu frowned and said with disdain: "Will I envy you a local chicken?"

When Peacock heard the words, he immediately exploded: "Whose native chicken are you scolding?"

"Dressed in colorful clothes all day long, what is it if it's not a native chicken?"

"You know what a shit! This is gorgeous!"

"Ha ha……"

Young Master Yinyue held his forehead, his face full of helplessness.

These two goods, as long as they meet, but three sentences, they must quarrel!

After so many years, I haven't changed a bit.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly caught a white shadow.

He was stunned, and then said with joy: "Stop arguing, the eldest sister is here!"

When the two heard this, they stopped arguing.

Look in the same direction.


The green hill then went into the wilderness.

The mountains are like jade, one by one rises from the ground, reaching the top of the cloud.

A snow-white figure shuttled among the mountains.

Yes it is.

Not in the mountains and forests, but in the mountains!

It can jump across the distance between the mountains with a single leap.

The abyss that keeps mortals away.

Under its feet are like inconspicuous ditches.

Wherever he went, a wild and noble aura permeated, being carried everywhere by the mountain breeze.

There are countless spirit beasts and monsters in the mountains.

Smelling the breath, they all squatted on the ground with fright, their hair exploded, and they didn't dare to move a step.


The white shadow violently soared into the sky, leaping up to a thousand feet high.

The momentum is like the abyss like the sea.

The majestic roar spreads across the mountains and forests.

It is a white tiger three feet tall!

The white tiger hovered on a high place and walked slowly towards the silver moon and the others with an elegant catwalk.

While walking.

Clouds and mist entangled.

Bai Hu's body slowly straightened.

The strong tiger claws gradually turned into snow-white plump long legs.

Then came Yingying's waist.

A few blouses about to split.

Flawless face.

She was wearing a snow white mink robe, and she looked very noble and graceful.

She came slowly with graceful steps, with a cold expression on her face.

It feels like a goddess.

The three men of Silver Moon couldn't help being silly.

Young Master Yinyue blinked and said, "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Bai Lin pursed her red lips, and a voice seemed to come out of her throat: "How, does it look good?"

This voice, coupled with her expression, looks, and dress, is extremely charming.

If more than 90% of men in this world are here.

Will be in awe~



The three of them couldn't help but shudder.

Young Master Yinyue had a constipated expression on his face: "Sister, or you should take it off!"

Bai Lin frowned.

The other two also looked at him abruptly.

Young Master Yinyue realized that his words were not right, and hurriedly waved his hand: "I mean, this dress is not suitable for the style of the elder sister!"

Bai Lin raised her eyebrows: "What's my style?"

Young Master Yinyue held back for a long time and said, "Sister, you want to wear this dress. When you hit Li Hanguang later, you can't ride him on the head!"

Wen Bai Lin immediately said: "Don't ride on his head? How can it be cool?"

The Silver Moon said: "So! How will you ride when you wear this clothes?"

Bai Lin lowered her head and glanced, the scene appeared in her mind, her face flushed.

Immediately waved his hand and said: "Don't wear it, don't wear it! What torn clothes!"

When the words fell, her figure changed.

The snow white mink robe fell off and fell to the cliff with the wind.

She changed into a tiger print blouse and knee-length pants.

"Sure enough, it's still so much more comfortable!"


Bai Lin grinned, showing two small tiger teeth!

Li Hanguang, this girl is here! ! !

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