Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 111: ?? The posture of the son? Isn't this an insult!

The voice from the jade talisman became more and more exciting.

The four white tiger princesses have reached a consensus.

"Cack bang bang bang..."

The cracking sound of bamboo shoots still sounded.

Princess White Tiger hummed, "Xiong Mengmeng, stop eating, do you hear what we said?"

Little Bear King gnawed at the bamboo, and said vaguely: "You said yours!"

"I just dug these bamboo shoots, if you don't finish them, they won't be fresh later!"

Princess White Tiger said dissatisfied: "If you eat, you know how to eat!"

"Let's go to Aojian Immortal Gate to teach Li Hanguang, when will you leave?"

Xiong Mengmeng's eyes rolled: "I won't go!"

"You can just go, I'll stay here very well!"

Princess White Tiger said: "Stop talking nonsense, you must go!"

Xiong Mengmeng frowned: "Why?"

Princess White Tiger said: "You will have won the Tianqing Saint Child tomorrow, but you will not go to other holy places to challenge."

"On the contrary, for a few bamboos to rely on Tianqing, Tiantian pretends to be only a little stronger than Tianqing's son!"

"Do you think, what if I send this news back to the Earth God Bear Clan?"

Xiong Mengmeng looked panicked, and said bitterly: "Don't!"

He doesn't need to think about it.

Just because of his Abba's temper, you must really know that he has come to Donghuang not to do business.

He has to be dragged back forcibly, and he must be beaten up!

He finally came out once, and it was Donghuang.

I don't want to go back so early!

Princess White Tiger said proudly: "Then leave obediently, if this princess arrives and doesn't see you, hum..."

Xiong Mengmeng lowered his head and said weakly, "I see!"

Yufu Guanghua flashed.

Soon there was no sound.

Xiong Mengmeng looked at the green bamboo shoots inside and outside the courtyard, his eyes full of dismay.

Then he lowered his head and worked hard!

Even if you have to leave, you have to eat before you go on the road!


Suddenly, there was a burst of cheerful footsteps outside the yard.

Gao Daqiang appeared at the door, beckoning: "Old Xiong, come out!"

"I have a new insight, I can definitely defeat you this time!"

Xiong Mengmeng raised his head and glanced at him, and continued to immerse himself in the bamboo.

Gao Daqiang stepped into the yard and urged: "Don't eat, please eat enough after the fight!"

Hearing this, Xiong Mengmeng stopped his movements and his eyes lit up slightly: "Your master Bo's bamboo forest, hasn't we dug it up?"

Gao Daqiang looked around and whispered: "My wife also planted bamboo in the backyard."

"The bamboo shoots are better than those of the masters!"

Hearing this, Xiong Mengmeng's eyes stared like copper bells.

He wiped his saliva and was about to respond, when he suddenly remembered something and he was shocked.

Gao Daqiang puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

Xiong Mengmeng rolled his eyes and rubbed his hands: "Xiaoqiang, what about a bet?"

Gao Daqiang asked: "What bet?"

Xiong Mengmeng said: "I will fight you."

"If I beat you within ten strokes, you will help me get all the shoots from that bamboo forest!"

"If I can't beat you within ten strokes, I will fight with you every day in the future!"

Gao Daqiang heard this and was stunned: "Is this true?"

Xiong Mengmeng said with a serious face: "The bear should look like a bear!"

"My earth bear clan, never lie!"

Gao Daqiang nodded: "Okay!"

He hardly hesitated.

In his opinion, the two men fought hand-to-hand more than once, and the gap was not big.

This time Gao Daqiang has new insights and is stronger.

Is Xiong Mengmeng even his opponents are not always certain, and he is defeated within ten strokes?


This wave, steady profit!

The two didn't make any major movement this time, and they went straight to the top of the empty mountain.

"bring it on!"

Gao Daqiang took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

An invisible force suddenly gathered over the sky.

He stepped out slowly.

The earth trembled.

There was a rush of rivers in the sky, it was the blood in his body that was boiling.


He threw a punch, without any so-called brilliance.

However, it shook the void and tremors, and the invisible huge force was concentrated in this punch.

The surrounding mountains suddenly cracked and turned into dust.

Xiong Mengmeng saw this terrifying punch, his expression unchanged.

Just wait for this punch to come.

The fur all over his body burst out with bright white light, but his eyes became extremely dark, and the yin and yang flowed.


He was so tall that he turned into the real body of a **** bear, and he patted it with a palm.

Overturned like heaven and earth!

Gao Daqiang was stunned!

What's the matter brother?

Why are you still transformed?

There was no such thing before!


The terrorist force bombed, Gao Daqiang was unprepared, and the whole person was shot and flew out, turning into a meteor.

"With more strength, he won't be beaten to death!"

Xiong Mengmeng panicked, and hurriedly went after it: "Come back, my bamboo!"


The words are divided into two ends, Aojian Fairy Gate.

Clang clang clang!

In the sword casting room, the percussion sounded rhythmically.

Chu Xiaolian kept swinging the hammer, her eyes closed tightly.

The movements in his hands are getting faster and faster, the rhythm is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more intense.

Suddenly, his brows frowned.

I just felt a fiery force wandering and colliding in my body.

Gushing out at any time!

is coming!


Chu Xiaolian opened her eyes suddenly.

A burst of violent sword intent bloomed from his body, sweeping the entire sword-making room like a storm.

His whole person is like a sharp sword, standing in the middle of the storm.

For a long time, everything subsided.

Chu Xiaolian let out a suffocating breath and lifted up the work she had just forged.

Inferior spirit weapon!

In the forging just now, his mind was united and he forged the first spiritual weapon by himself!

At the same time, he also raised his own awe-inspiring sword intent to rank four.

Such progress is appalling.

Fourth-Rank Haoran Sword Intent!

In terms of power, it has surpassed the seven-grade artistic conception of any sword classic of Aojian Immortal Gate.

It should be noted that Li Zhanlu was in retreat for many years, and the Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship was successful.

It's just enough to condense the fourth-grade sword intent.

Chu Xiaolian was able to do this in such a short time.

It is indeed shocking enough.

In his mind, Old Yan praised: "Yes, you have made a lot of progress!"

"With your current strength, looking at the entire Tai Cang Mansion, you can also be called the top arrogant!"

"Eligible to fight for the position of the saint son!"

Chu Xiaolian was very happy listening to the first half of the sentence.

As soon as the second half of the sentence came out, his face suddenly collapsed: "Teacher, why are you swearing?"

Tai Cang Holy Land?

Fighting for the son?

Are you kidding me?

The younger generation of Tai Cang Holy Land swept a golden little lion king who was falling in flowers and flowing water.

This will still be kneeling in front of the big brother's door.

According to Yan Chixiao's statement, wouldn't he Chu Xiaolian even have the qualifications to kneel in front of the big brother's door?

Isn't this a curse?

Hearing this, Yan Chixiao's mouth twitched, and 10,000 grass-mud horses galloped past in his heart.

If it were replaced by the younger generation of Tai Cang Mansion that year, who wouldn't be proud of being Tai Cang's disciple?

Even if it's just an ordinary inner disciple.

It's enough to radiate the ancestors!

Not to mention true disciples, or even saints.

In the eyes of ordinary monks, it was nothing different from a god.

But now...


Being able to fight for the position of the has become a curse!

Who could have imagined that a dignified sacred place would become the bottom of the food chain?


Elder Yan wanted to tell his disciples about his glorious deeds back then, so it was so hard to speak!

As soon as the four words of Tai Cang Holy Land were spoken, Ge was forced to fall to the bottom!

Not to mention the establishment of prestige, it is not even an individual!


"Jiang Xuanyu, how can he be the saint master of this bastard?"

The more Yan Chixiao thought about it, the less angry he became, and he drew circles one after another in his heart.

My stupid brother!

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