Sure enough, as expected, after the obsidian stone wall opened the gate, there were countless green eyes inside, and silent necromancers came out of the green light with Gauss rifles.


The Necromancer was greeted by the same Green Tide, a group of orc brats led by the Great Warrior to charge.

The necromancers stopped at the same time, raised the Gauss rifles in their hands, and one after another green death rays shot towards the green tide led by Cheng Mingrui.

The three magnetic burst coils of the Great Jiba's armor together weave a defensive stance, isolating most of the Gaussian rays from damage.

However, some rays still penetrated the position and hit Cheng Mingrui and the brat behind him.

Cheng Mingrui's power armor may only be decomposed off the surface layer by a small amount, if those orc brats are hit, they will lose half of their body organs under normal circumstances, and serious ones will be decomposed layer by layer by Gaussian energy until atoms.

The weapons of the space necromancers are so against the sky, and the Gauss rifle held by the lowest necromancer is a hundred times more powerful than the flashlight of the astral army.

The most important thing is that Gaussian rays can hit equal damage no matter what kind of armor they face, and there will never be no injury, in theory, as long as the number of necromancers is large, the Gaussian rays fired in a salvo can destroy human titans.

Because the anti-heavenly effect of Gaussian weapons is too good to use, most of the weapons of the space necromancers are Gaussian weapons, and the difference is that the power is different.

Cheng Mingrui thinks that the power armor he created is stronger than the ordinary Terminator armor, and it will still be destroyed by the Gauss rifle of ordinary necromancers. Even if the damage is not high at one time, this is the same as playing a game, as long as the boss lights up the health bar, it can be scraped, and it can be killed for the player.

He was a green-skinned big skill who was scraped to death by the necromancer scraping, and it was too humiliating for the orc's face.

The magnetic explosion coil began to emit power, Cheng Mingrui stretched out his right hand to slam the group of necromancers in front of him when he charged, the generator behind him ran at full power, and the magnetic force turned into unparalleled power to suck the large group of necromancers together and turn them into an iron ball.

It was as if an invisible giant hand had squeezed the necromancer into a ball like plasticine.

The oncoming Gaussian firepower was instantly reduced by half, and Cheng Mingrui was better able to cover the charging brats behind him with his defensive stance.

There is no fire suppression, plus the brats are waaagh on the head, the speed is very fast. In just a moment, Cheng Mingrui rushed into the group of necromancers with the brats and entered a state of melee.

From a general point of view, as long as the battle between orcs and other races enters close combat, orcs are basically superior. But some races are exceptions, such as the Space Necromancer, which is fierce in long-range and melee combat.

The most ordinary necromancer warrior's body made of living metal is extremely hard, Cheng Mingrui originally came out to dig tunnels and farm, and the brats around him did not carry heavy weapons, and when he opened waaagh, he also copied it and did it.

Even if some brats are waaagh and can slash open metal cans, most of the brats' weapons can only make a clanging sound on the necromancer's body.

Necromancers will not let the brats knock in vain, their Gauss rifles are equipped with a huge scythe in front, and they do not slash and chop the brats at all in close combat, often slashing horizontally, and the orc kid is cut in half with a vertical split.

The most terrifying thing is that after the necromancers are chopped up by the brats, according to the passage of time and the convergence of energy, their bodies can still be pieced together little by little and continue to fight.

Only when the energy is exhausted and the living metal loses its vitality will the necromancer be truly silent.

If it weren't for the space necromancers are a group of soulless mechanical bodies, very dull and dull, the orc chopping kid may suffer losses after falling into close combat.

The chopping kid who opened the waaagh can only open up with the necromancers in close combat, Cheng Mingrui is a little anxious, there are so many brats around him, so fight and wait for the person who shook before to arrive, he is also cold.

What's more, necromancers are only the basic class of space necromancers, and there are immortals behind, huge necromancer vehicles, pyramids...

“waaagh!" Cheng Mingrui roared, concentrating the strength of the magnetic force on his hands.

After the concentration, the magnetic strength increased greatly, the electromagnetism did not divide the family, and the close necromancers were broken into pieces by the strong magnetic force, cutting off the possibility of recombination.

Then the fragments were bound by a magnetic field and shot out in the form of an electromagnetic cannon.

Each fragment accelerated by magnetic force was like a lightning bolt with electric lightning, indestructible, and the necromancer's hard living metal armor was easily pierced, and the body was broken into pieces.

Cheng Mingrui's two hands constantly emitted electromagnetic debris, which looked more exciting from the outside than holding two electric Gatlings, and his hands seemed to grasp two thunderbolts, and the white light of destruction flooded the space necromancer in front of him.

Cheng Mingrui himself did not expect that the firepower of his new armor was so strong and powerful, a large number of necromancers were shattered by white electric light, and the huge kinetic energy to destroy the energy of living metal made the resurrection of necromancers take more time.

Seeing their boss so fierce, the orc brats were even more excited, and their waaagh voices were a few degrees higher, adding at least three more A's.

Each orc boy's body and weapons were covered with green waaagh positions, and the brats' bodies became harder and stronger, and the most ordinary slashes on their hands became sharper and indestructible.

Morale is very important for the greenskinned orcs, and when morale reaches its peak, the greenskinned orcs are almost unstoppable, the most extreme example being when an orc kid above Waaagh pierces the Terminator armor with a wooden stick barrel.

The spiritual power of the spirit race carried by the ancient saints is very powerful, and so are the orcs they created, such an extreme example is not a kind of mind is better than things, consciousness distorts reality.

The firm and cold space necromancer cannot stop the orcs led by Cheng Mingrui just by relying on necromancers, and the orc kid in this mental state can break the defense line of interstellar warriors.

Soon, the brats used all kinds of slashes and slashes on their hands to cut the necromancers inside the passage, and those who were resurrected were slashed again until the necromancers were completely silent.

Cheng Mingrui took the lead and took the most waaagh brats to pierce the necromancer's defense barrel, and the long black passage came to the end, suddenly cheerful.

A huge underground cemetery appeared in Cheng Mingrui's field of vision.

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