In the giant screen high in the sky.

This time, the title of the video did not appear first, but the preface appeared first.

【??The president of Bangzi Country cannot escape the"death curse". None of the presidents of Bangzi Country have a happy ending?】

【Watch the current President Moon Jae-in’s journey of revenge! ]

These two prefaces immediately attracted the interest of many ancient people throughout the ages.

They already know what the president is from previous videos. He is the supreme leader of many countries in later generations.

In the hearts of many ancient people, he was almost equal to their emperor.

For many emperors in the past dynasties, they knew that future presidents were somewhat different from emperors.

But no matter how you say it, the president is the supreme leader of a country, with a distinguished status and great power in his hands.

Therefore, it was difficult for the ancients to imagine that none of the presidents of Bangzi Country ended well.

This is like saying that every emperor of a dynasty did not end well.

This is incredible.

The ancients were naturally curious, why was this so?

As for the second preface, the sameThis is what attracted the ancients.

That is the word"revenge".

A revenge story, a presidential revenge story, is certainly interesting.

In the expectant eyes of the ancients.

The video title slowly appeared:

【A scholar dies for a confidant - an in-depth interpretation of the stories behind Noh Oh-hyun and Moon Jae-in!】

"Many ancients knew the saying"A soldier dies for his bosom friend".

They instantly realized that this might be a story about loyalty, loyalty and repaying kindness.

So the ancients looked forward to it even more.

After all, in ancient China, loyalty was The most widely praised noble quality.

High-altitude giant screen.

Video feature begins


【There are always one or two precious encounters in life that can be called destiny, and for Moon Jae-in, the current president of Bangzi Country, meeting Noh Oh-hyun is the most precious destiny in his life.】

【Roh Oh-hyun, the 16th president of Bangzi Kingdom, was born in a poor family and went out to work after graduating from a vocational high school. It can be said that he has the lowest education in the history of Bangzi Country, but he is also the most popular grassroots president.】

【However, his final result was to commit suicide with hatred, so who and what pushed him to this point in his life?】

【As his best friend throughout his life, Moon Jae-in, the current 19th president of Bangkok, carries everything he has to go into battle and vows to seek justice for his eldest brother. No one can imagine that the real story is far more exciting than the movie.】


This paragraph directly completes the story.

A man from a humble family fought back to become a powerful president. He managed well but was forced to commit suicide.

His friend becomes president again and wants revenge.

This kind of plot is not only loved by modern people, but also by ancient people.

In the giant screen.

The story of Noh Oh-hyun and Moon Jae-in officially begins


【In 1949, Roh Moo-hyun was born into a poor family in Sangnam-do, Gyeongsang Province. He was originally from Gwangju, but his ancestral home was Dongyang, Zhejiang, China. There were five children in the family, and he was the youngest.】

"Hey, are we still descendants of China?"

"We descendants of China went to Bangzi Country and became the president? Not bad! We descendants of China have such ability."

Many ancient people from all dynasties instantly had a better impression of this man named Lu Wuxuan.


【Although Noh Oh-hyun's grades were excellent, his family's financial situation was not good. He dropped out of school for a year in the second grade of junior high school. The family spent everything in order to support his brother who was admitted to college. This directly led to Noh Oh-hyun to go to a vocational high school for a scholarship.】

【During his studies, he went to school during the day and worked part-time jobs at night, so he survived until graduation.】


After reading Noh Oh-hyun’s simple study experience.

The ancients of the past dynasties have confirmed that this is indeed a proper grass-roots and poor family background.


【At that time, being a lawyer was a prestigious job in Bangzi Country, so Lu Wuxuan decided to become a lawyer on a whim.】

【However, if you want to become a lawyer, you must first pass the judicial examination】

【The Bangzi State Judicial Examination is very difficult and the pass rate is extremely low, only 2.54. That is to say, less than 3 out of every 100 people can pass the exam.】

【Moreover, among those who successfully passed the judicial examination, 65.5% of them graduated from the country’s three most prestigious universities: Seoul National University, Yonsei University and Korea University.%】

【It can be said that for someone like Roh Oh-hyun who graduated from a vocational high school, it is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky to pass the judicial examination.】


"Boss, what is the passing rate of our Ming Dynasty imperial examination?"

In the plane of the Great Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di asked Zhu Gaochi curiously.

After making an estimate in his mind based on the statistical method of later generations, Zhu Gaochi replied:

"About 0.03%"

"The judicial examination in Bangzi Country is not very difficult. Zhu

Di replied.

After hearing this, Zhu Zhanji on the side replied:

"Grandpa, this is so cool"

"The imperial examination in the Ming Dynasty was to select talents for the imperial court, so the requirements were naturally higher and it was more difficult to pass."

"After passing the judicial examination in this country, you can only become a lawyer. Relatively speaking, passing this is not easy."

In words.

Zhu Zhanji doesn't think highly of litigants.

This is normal.

The Ming Dynasty's attitude towards litigants has always been to suppress them.

"Zhanji is right."

Zhu Di nodded and replied.


【Fortunately, Noh Oh-hyun is an extremely smart and resilient person, and he will never give up on a decision he has made.】

【So, while planting orchards with his second brother, he moved bricks on the construction site to raise money to buy books to support his life. Moving bricks meant to be a real construction worker, not just typing on the keyboard and making fun of yourself.】

【During this time, he was also working and studying for self-examination. During this period, he was drafted into the army, married a girl from the same village, Quan Liangshu, and had a child.】

【However, he failed the judicial examination six times in a row.】

【If this were an ordinary person, in his late thirties, married and with a child, it would be time for him to accept his fate in despair.】

【But as I said before, Noh Oh-hyun is very resilient and is not someone who gives up easily.】

【Finally, in 1975, Roh Wu-hyun successfully passed the seventh judicial examination and obtained the qualification to practice law.】


The plane of Taizu of Ming Dynasty

"This man is truly a character."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly and expressed his approval for Lu Wuxuan.

This person is indeed tough enough. He failed six times in a row and still did not give up. Such persistence and perseverance are rare.

At the same time, he became more curious about Lu Wuxuan's subsequent experiences..How did such a humble person eventually become the supreme leader of a country?

Could it be that he, who was also born in poverty, started his career through rebellion?


【After two years of internship, in 1977, Roh Oh-hyun worked as a civil servant in the court in Daejeon for 8 months, but the work was extremely boring, so he chose to resign.】

【In 1978, Noh Oh-hyun opened his own law firm in Busan, the country of Bangzi.】

【In 1981, the Burim Incident broke out. The Chun Doo-hwan military government illegally arrested and imprisoned a total of 22 people, including students, teachers, and ordinary employees, and tortured them to extract confessions. 19 of them were prosecuted by the prosecutor and sentenced to prison terms ranging from 1 to 7 years.】

【In this incident, Roh Oh-hyun only joined the lawyer defense team as a substitute. However, when he visited the arrested students, he found that they were tortured, bruised and insane, which shocked him like never before.】

【So Roh Oh-hyun began to think about the future of this country】

【In 1982, a young man came to Roh Oh-hyun's law firm through a friend's introduction. Over a cup of tea, the two started chatting. As a result, the more they chatted, the more they became more and more speculative. Although they met not long ago, they were all in love with each other. And this young man is ours. Well-known current President Moon Jae-in】


The ancient people of all dynasties were refreshed.

Another protagonist is about to appear.

What is so special about this person?

Why did you fall in love with Noh Wu-hyun at first sight?

The ancients had many questions in their minds and were also curious about Wen Zaiyin.


【Like Roh Oh-hyun, Moon Jae-in also comes from a humble background, and his parents are refugees fleeing the war.】

【He was once kicked out of school because he had no money to pay tuition. It was not until his family settled in Busan that his life gradually stabilized.】

【He has been very fond of reading since he was a child. Even when traveling, he would bring many books with him. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In 1972, Moon Jae-in was admitted to the law department of Kyung Hee University. During his schooling, Park Chung-hee, the president of Bangzi Country, launched the October Reform Coup in order to strengthen the warlord dictatorship, completely overturning the previous constitution of Bangzi Country.】

【This kind of blatant violation of the country's legal system was difficult for the people of Bangzi Country to accept at that time.】

【During those days, Moon Jae-in and his classmates discussed the political situation all night long, and finally decided to join the march to fight against the dictatorship.】

【These experiences influenced his life, gave him a deep understanding of politics for the first time, and shaped his sense of social responsibility.】


Emperors of all dynasties saw images of Bangzi people chanting slogans and marching on giant screens.

I was extremely shocked.

Are the people of Bangzi Country so courageous in later generations?

How dare you criticize the imperial court so blatantly and oppose the president who is the leader of a country? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the imperial court? soon.

The video showed the scene of Bangzi State military police suppressing and arresting demonstrators.

Seeing this scene, the emperors had such expressions on their faces.

This is in line with their understanding.

No matter what the reason is, it is impossible for the Bangzi Kingdom not to suppress this kind of blatant provocation to the Bangzi Kingdom's court and the supreme ruler of Bangzi Kingdom.

It’s not surprising that the emperors reacted this way[]

It doesn't matter whether you are a wise king or a faint king.

The positions are consistent in safeguarding imperial authority and imperial rule.

Maybe the difference lies in the handling afterwards.

A wise king may be magnanimous, but a foolish king will most likely kill everyone.


【Moon Jae-in was eventually arrested and expelled from the school】

【Moon Jae-in himself does not care much about these results, but his mother is worried】

【During the visit, his mother asked him,"Even if it is the right thing, why do you have to do it?" At that time, Moon Jae-in failed to answer his mother, but later he answered this question with his own life.】

【After being released, Moon Jae-in was recruited into the army and began his military service. He was assigned to the 1st Airborne Brigade of Special Operations.】

【The 1st Airborne Brigade is the Seoul garrison directly under the Korean Army Headquarters. Because it often fights on the front line, the mortality rate is very high. Most of the soldiers have criminal records, which has a punitive nature.】

【Moon Jae-in was punished and expelled when he was a student】

【But when he got to the army, he was like a duck in water. He did well in ordinary training, such as shooting, long-distance running, and swimming. However, he was particularly talented in parachuting and demolition.】

【In the army, Moon Jae-in was awarded the title of"Best Soldier" many times.】

【The person who awarded him the commendation at that time was Chun Doo-hwan, who would later become the president of the Bangzi Kingdom through a military coup. He was also the person who took the lead in opposing Moon Jae-in in the future. It must be said that his fate was indeed somewhat dramatic.】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin opened his mouth and praised:

"This man is truly a talent."

If you are good at reading, you can also be a good soldier. You can be regarded as a man of both civil and military skills.

Behind him.

Changsun Wuji, Li Jing and other officials of the Tang Dynasty also agreed with Li Shimin's evaluation of Wen Zaiyin.


【After retiring from the army, Moon Jae-in was admitted to the Judicial Training Institute for further study, and finally became a lawyer】

【He first interviewed several well-known law firms. The clients of these firms were all large enterprises and they offered him very high treatment packages.】

【However, Moon Jae-in has always hoped that he can go deep among the people and defend ordinary people who have been wronged, so he rejected these firms.】

【Just when he didn't know where to work, his friend told him that a lawyer named Lu Wuxuan was looking for a partner.】

【So, Moon Jae-in came to Noh Oh-hyun’s law firm】

【As I said before, the two of them hit it off immediately.】

【Why is this so?】

【The answer to this question was answered by Moon Jae-in in his"Autobiography"】

【He said: That day, they talked a lot. Noh Oh-hyun talked about his experience defending ordinary people, and he himself talked about his student days. During the 270 conversation, the two developed a sense of comradeship because they had the same temperament.】

【The two of them agreed to become clean lawyers together.】

【At that moment,"Roh Oh-hyun and Moon Jae-in Cooperation Law Firm" was established】


The plane of the Three Kingdoms.

Liu Bei looked at the photo of Lu Wuxuan and Wen Zaiyin on the giant screen, and felt very emotional.

He can understand the feeling of congeniality between people and feeling like old friends at first sight.

This is also true because of his sworn sworn relationship with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Think about this.

Liu Bei shifted his gaze and looked at Guan and Zhang beside him. exactly.

The two of them also happened to look at him.

Their eyes crossed.

The three of them couldn't help but smile knowingly


【The time when the two of them were lawyers together was a shining time in Moon Jae-in’s life.】

【They have fought many lawsuits, defended the people at the bottom, and helped workers defend their rights against big companies.】

【These companies don’t make much money, but they make them very proud】

【They became the leading human rights lawyers in Busan】

【In 1988, Chun Doo-hwan's military government collapsed, and more and more opposition political forces actively entered the political arena. Introduced by movement leader Kim Young-sam, Roh Oh-hyun became a member of the National Assembly and embarked on a political career.】

【As for Moon Jae-in, he will continue to be a lawyer】

【In 1996, the famous Pescama incident occurred】

【At that time, the six Korean Longguo people on the ship could not bear the long-term abuse and humiliation by the Bangziguo captain and Bangziguo crew members. They resisted angrily and killed 11 Bangziguo crew members. Afterwards, they were sentenced to death】

【Although six Longguo people stated the facts of abuse in court, they had no money and no people in a foreign country, so no matter how great the reason was, they were drowned in the overwhelming public opinion.】

【They want to appeal, but there is no way to ask for help. Who would risk the disapproval of the world to defend a few foreigners?】

【The answer is: Moon Jae-in】

【At that time, Zhao Feng, who was Long Guofang's defense lawyer at the time, once told Moon Zaiyin that if he felt embarrassed, he could hand over the case to others.】

【Moon Jae-in just thought for a moment, and then firmly replied: I will go all out】

【During the second trial, he and Zhao Feng worked together to argue the case】

【In addition, he also provided financial assistance to these Dragon Kingdom crew members and assisted their families in visiting prisoners.】

【After unremitting efforts, except for the mastermind, the other five people were all changed from death penalty to life imprisonment.】

【In this case, he stood on the opposite side of public opinion and the nation, and even had the selfless courage to defend several foreigners who had never been masked.】

【He always firmly believes that even heinous murderers may be unjust and must strictly abide by the law in sentencing rather than brutally imposing the death penalty.】

【He fulfilled his oath to be a clean lawyer】


See here.

Many ancient people in the past dynasties had some favorable impressions of Wen Zaiyin.

The reason is simple and direct: Moon Zaiyin helped the Chinese..

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