In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refreshes.

A new video title appeared on the giant screen

【How did the Dragon Kingdom completely eliminate the locust plague? 】

Seeing this line of big characters, many emperors in the past dynasties were shocked, and they instantly stared at the giant screen high in the sky.

The disaster of locust plague was a nightmare for all Chinese feudal dynasties based on agriculture.

Any emperor with a right mind would dream of eradicating the locust plague.

But, they couldn't do it.

In ancient Chinese history, locust plagues have always been lingering and never ending.

At this moment, the emperors were naturally shocked when they saw that the Dragon Kingdom of later generations had completely eliminated the locust plague. at the same time.

They are also eager to know how the Dragon Kingdom did this in later generations?


【Locust plague is a kind of agricultural disaster caused by locusts, which has existed in China since ancient times.】

【Since the beginning of written records, there have been corresponding records of locust plagues.】

【As one of the three major disasters along with floods and droughts, locust plagues are even more destructive and are listed as the first of the three disasters.】

【According to statistics from various historical documents, there have been 769 recorded locust plagues in China.】

【For many contemporary Longguo people, the locust plague may be unfamiliar.】

【After all, there are not many people in the Dragon Kingdom who have actually experienced severe locust plagues, so that no one knows what the locust plague is.】

【Moreover, under modern technological conditions, there are many ways to deal with locust plagues. When people talk about locust plagues, they talk lightly and don’t take it seriously.】

【In fact, the large-scale locust plague is so terrifying that it is really frightening.】

【Next, I will first describe the great locust plague that occurred in Henan Province in 1942, so that everyone can have a perceptual understanding of the locust plague.】

【There are migratory locusts coming from the southeast. When they fly, they cover the sky and the sun. When they fall, they cover the ground seamlessly. When they gather, they crush branches. When they eat, they make a rustling sound. They can even be hugged into balls and roll across the Luo River. They are so fierce that they are really coming. Rare

【In this way for six"900" days and nights, the crops, leaves, and weeds were all eaten up, and the entire county became a barren land. ] accompanied by narration and subtitles.

The video on the high-altitude giant screen began to play images of the locust plague.

I saw a dense swarm of locusts flying above the farmland, suddenly dispersed, and then quickly landed in the green farmland and began to eat the crops crazily... The terrifying scene made many ancient people in the past dynasties feel numb and frightened. extremely.

Even painful memories were brought back to some people's hearts.

These are people who have experienced locust plagues.

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the officials of the Tang Dynasty looked sad and felt the same.

They are no strangers to locust plagues.

In other words, suffered from it.

For three years from the second year of Zhenguan to the fourth year of Zhenguan (628-630), the entire Tang Dynasty was plagued by locust plagues.

For this reason, Li Shimin specially held a ritual"禳蝗" in the Chang'an Palace.

And during this ritual, Li Shimin also caught a locust and ate it, saying:

"People take grain as their life, and if the common people have their faults, it is only because of one person. But if you eat me, it will harm the people."

This kind of feudal and superstitious method is naturally useless.

After completing this ritual, the locust plague will continue as before.

Therefore, Li Shimin and others are very clear about the harm of the locust plague.

"This disaster is really too devastating!"

Li Shimin let out a long sigh.

Then, his eyes looked forward to the giant screen in the sky.

I wonder if the Tang Dynasty can use the method used by the Dragon Kingdom to eliminate the locust plague in the future?

If it can be used, it can completely eliminate the locust plague in the Tang Dynasty. If so, that would be a great thing!

It is a blessing to the Tang Dynasty and a blessing to the people!

Behind Li Shimin, the officials of the Tang Dynasty also had the same idea.

They all stared at the giant screen high in the sky.


【What is even more dangerous is that locust plagues often occur after severe droughts.】

【Often, farmers have just survived a drought and rushed to grow some life-saving food, and locust plagues follow one after another, dashing their newly ignited hopes for survival once again.】

【These endless disasters and pains continued to accumulate and ferment, and finally fell into the history books, leaving only six bloody characters: It is the year of hunger, and people eat each other. 】

Hear this.

The faces of many ancient people throughout the dynasties have become increasingly sad.

This stroke in the history books is the personal experience of their ancestors or themselves.


【So what did our ancestors do when they faced this kind of disaster?】

【Some people chose to surrender】

【During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, regarding the"rising of locusts""、"There are endless records of"locusts flying from the east to Dunhuang". It was also at this time that Dong Zhongshu, a Confucian scholar who advocated"reception between heaven and man", regarded it as a condemnation from God.】

【He said:"The country will be immoral and defeated, but Heaven will first send out disasters to warn them; if they don't know how to reflect on themselves, they will send out strange things to warn them; if they don't know how to change, they will be hurt and even defeated."】

【From then on, the saying that the locust plague was a"scourge from heaven" began to spread widely in China. Various social classes even worshiped locusts as divine insects or kings of insects. They believed that locusts cannot be defeated by human power and rulers should"cultivate virtue to avoid disasters"."】

【They invited the Empress of the Locust King and General Liu Meng, the Insect King, to build the Eight Wax Temple and the Insect King Temple to worship the Locust God. They thought that as long as they worshiped these clay and golden idols devoutly, they would be able to appease God's condemnation and drive away the locusts in the sky.】

【This kind of feudal superstitious saying and practice is naturally extremely unreliable and useless.】

【The locust plague is a natural biological disaster. It is not a punishment from God, and it cannot be eliminated through such superstitious methods.】

【The never-ending locust plague in ancient China can prove this.】


The plane of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Che nodded slightly.

From the bottom of his heart, as an emperor, he didn't like what Dong Zhongshu said.

What kind of condemnation from God, isn't it just accusing him of being an emperor who is immoral?

Of course he was not happy to be charged with such a crime for no reason.

However, because the court was unable to eliminate the locust plague and could not explain the cause of the locust plague, it had to use this statement to appease the people.

Now that later generations directly deny this statement, it is a good thing for him.

No one will use this statement again to link the locust plague with the emperor's character.


The plane of Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.

Kaiyuan three years.

The young Tang Xuanzong Li Longji looked at Prime Minister Lu Huaishen and said lightly:

"Lu Qing’s family, are you opposed to the eradication of locusts?"

Just now, local officials sent someone to report urgently that there was a large locust plague in the area and asked the court to deal with it.

During the discussion among the ministers, some ministers proposed to exterminate the locusts, but Prime Minister Lu Huaishen expressed his opposition by saying"God's punishment" and said:

"Killing too many insects hurts the spirit."

Then, everyone in the court heard these words from the giant screen high in the sky.

At this time, facing Li Longji's question, Lu Huaishen replied respectfully:

"Report back to Your Majesty, I am ignorant"

"I would like to personally go and exterminate the locusts."

He is not a treacherous official.

He only opposed the extermination of locusts due to the limitations of his knowledge and truly believed in the theory of divine punishment.

Now that he hears the denial of the theory of divine punishment by future generations, of course he will no longer object.

From a high altitude giant After watching so many videos, he knew that the knowledge of future generations was far greater than that of the ancients.

"So, very good"

"After seeing how the people of the Dragon Kingdom will exterminate locusts in later generations, the Lu Qing family will set out again."

Li Longji replied.

He also didn't like the theory of divine punishment for the locust plague.

"Obey the decree. Lu

Huaishen replied respectfully.


【Not all ancient people chose to surrender】

【There are still many ancient people who do not want to sit still and wait for death. They picked up weapons and vowed to fight the locusts to the end.】

【According to the Records of Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty, as early as the second year of the Western Han Dynasty (AD 2), our people had already begun the struggle against locusts.】

【That year, a locust plague broke out in Qingzhou, Shandong.】

【In order to control locusts, the government has allocated a large amount of money to reward farmers who kill locusts. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【This is also the earliest locust control decree in my country recorded in history.】

【During the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, Prime Minister Yao Chong attached great importance to controlling locusts. He invented the method of destroying locusts by burning them.】

【Because locusts have the habit of tending to light, just lighting a fire in the field at night can kill a large number of locusts.】

【However, the effect of this method is not very good, because"if you bury one stone, you will get rid of ten.""】

【Although the actual effect of the method is limited, it has made a good start for future generations.】

【With the proofing in the Tang Dynasty, in subsequent dynasties, people no longer feared the locust plague and dared to take the initiative to exterminate the locusts.】

【However, in ancient times, when manual culling was mainly relied on, various dynasties had few ways to deal with locusts. Basically, they could only watch in horror and despair as the locusts ate up all the food.】


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties sighed deeply.


Facing that terrifying bug, they really didn't have many ways to deal with it. so.

How did the Dragon Kingdom completely eliminate the locust plague?

The ancients looked towardsThe giant screen is empty, and the anticipation in the eyes grows


【After the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom, solving the locust plague was a key task】

【At this time, there were not many new technical methods to exterminate locusts, but with its super organizational ability, Longguo made two breakthroughs.】

【Relying on the political system that goes deep into the grassroots level, a strict and large insect observation network has been established】

【As soon as locusts appear in the ground, they will be discovered and reported】

【After summarizing the information, the central government made unified arrangements and directly issued orders, instructing relevant regions to mobilize manpower to eliminate these larvae at the locust stage.】

【Mobilizing an unprecedented large number of manpower to exterminate locusts】

【The top leaders of governments at all levels personally led the team, unified organization, and unified command】

【In 1951, Sihong County, Anhui Province, had a total population of 472,000 people. There were 120,000"expeditionary forces" organized to directly participate in the extermination of locusts, and 800 people were trained as medical technicians alone.】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin opened his mouth and said to Changsun Wuji:

"I think these two methods of auxiliary machine and Longguo are very good, so I will write them down."

"Datang needs to learn these two methods of killing locusts"

"Obey the decree. Changsun

Wuji respectfully replied.

In other dynasty planes, many emperors also issued similar decrees.


【In 1951, the locust situation was serious in Huanghua County, Hebei Province, and the land was densely covered with locusts.】

【The Ministry of Agriculture decided to test a new locust control tool here - airplanes】

【On June 14, 1951, two aircraft of the Dragon Air Force carried medicinal powder and carried out sowing operations in locust areas.】

【After the test, it is estimated that a plane working for six hours a day can eliminate locusts in 3,200 acres, which is equivalent to the results of ten hours of manual swatting by three to five thousand people.】

【Since then, airplanes have played a vital role in controlling locusts.】

【The area of ​​locust areas in various places is gradually shrinking amidst the roar of airplanes】


Emperors of all dynasties could only envy the Dragon Kingdom, a powerful tool for controlling locusts.

They really don't have airplanes.

And it really can’t be made.

So they can’t learn this method of killing locusts even if they want to.


【Although the Dragon Kingdom has greatly increased its efforts to exterminate locusts and used new methods such as pesticides and airplanes, it still only passively kills locusts.】

【If we really want to completely defeat the locust plague, we must take the initiative and nip it in the bud.】

【The Chinese people, who have suffered from locust plagues, have already explored and tried in this regard. However, due to limitations in technical conditions, ancient people’s understanding of locusts was mixed, so there was little long-term progress and the effect was not obvious.】

【For example, the ancients have realized that to eradicate locusts, they must disinfect them at the stages of eggs and locusts.】

【But the ancients had no idea how to eradicate the roots. They didn’t know how locusts came into being.】

【Not only is it unclear, the ancients also had many misconceptions】

【For example, they found that locusts often appear in wetlands, swamps, riversides and other places. Moreover, locust plagues often occur after droughts, so there has always been a saying that"waterlogging breeds fish, and drought breeds locusts."】

【It is believed that when there is a flood, fish throw their roes in the grass. If there is always water, the roes will become fish; if there is a drought, the roes will turn into locusts. This understanding is of course extremely wrong.】


"Isn't that true?"

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties had a look of confusion in their eyes.

They had this understanding in their hearts.


【It was the scientists from the Dragon Kingdom who really studied the origin and origin of locusts. The leading figures were Ma Lao, Chen Lao and others.】

【After in-depth research, they found the key to eradicating the locust plague】

【First, through research, they identified four main types of locust areas in my country: lakeside, coastal, waterlogging, and river flooding.】

【Hongze Lake, Weishan Lake and Baiyangdian in the north belong to the lakeside locust area. The coastal area mainly refers to the wasteland along the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Waterlogged areas refer to wetlands overgrown with various weeds in agricultural areas. The river flood area is the locust area in the Yellow River Basin】

【Secondly, they made it clear that the locusts that threaten China are mainly the"East Asian migratory locust"】

【The East Asian migratory locusts mainly rely on two conditions to lay eggs: wetlands such as lake beaches, river beaches, and coastal wastelands after the water level drops, as well as dense weeds.】

【After discovering these characteristics of East Asian migratory locusts, we also found a way to eradicate them.】

【First, build a series of water conservancy projects in lakes in key locust areas such as Hongze Lake and Weishan Lake. The main purpose is to build a number of"gates" in key locations to control the water level of the lake and ensure that the water level does not drop during the dry season.】

【As a result, locust areas where locusts used to lay eggs in large numbers are submerged under water. The locusts were unable to lay eggs and were removed from the roots.】

【Secondly, the weedy wasteland should be converted into farmland, and the wasteland by the sea should be turned into salt fields, because locust eggs cannot survive in densely planted farmland and places with high salinity of 1.1 degrees.】

【After the locust control plan was established, various localities built water conservancy projects, reclaimed wasteland, and cleared overgrown areas according to the plan.】

【With the implementation of the plan in various places, the occurrence of locust plagues has indeed decreased sharply. By the late 1960s, the distribution of locusts in the Dragon Kingdom was extremely small, and large-scale locust plagues had basically disappeared.】

【Even if there are still locusts after this, there will no longer be locust plagues, and they can be easily dealt with, such as biological extermination.】

"When it comes to biological extermination, we have to talk about the Shaoxing duck, an expert in pest control. One duck can eat 600 locusts a day and has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats."

"There are also pink starlings from the Western Regions."


Ming Taizu Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhu Biao seriously:

"Boss, Ming Dynasty must follow the methods of the Dragon Kingdom as soon as possible to practice water conservancy and open up wasteland!"

"Ming Dynasty also needs to completely eradicate the locust plague!"

"You are personally responsible for this matter!"

The locust plague was also very serious in the Ming Dynasty. It broke out once every 3.8 years on average, and it especially liked to break out year after year. Therefore


Zhu Yuanzhang was particularly troubled by this matter.

Now that he had found a way to cure the locust plague, he was determined to control it accordingly.


"Don't worry, Dad, I will take care of it. Zhu

Biao nodded and replied, and then said again:

"What later generations said about ducks eating locusts and birds eating locusts can also be done together."

Zhu Yuanzhang lowered his head.

In addition to the Ming Taizu plane, Li Shimin and other emperors also had similar arrangements in many other planes.


【In this way, the locust plague that had been raging across the land of China for more than two thousand years was eradicated by the Dragon Kingdom.】

【Chinese farmers bid farewell to the nightmare of locust plagues that has been inescapable for thousands of years. 】

With the final epilogue, the video playback ends.

In the giant screen high in the sky.

New video appears..

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