Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1561: New Millennium

In the super mansion on the top floor of the Westeros Building, the Millennium Night Party is held.

The scene was on the bottom two floors of the mansion on the top floor. Hundreds of guests who were friends with the Westeros family were scattered among them. It was less than half an hour before dawn. Affected by the increasingly restless atmosphere around them, most of them People no longer engage in some utilitarian entertainment, and begin to welcome the coming grand moment more sincerely.

The housekeeper, Angourie Davis, personally dealt with a small accident in which a female guest's dress was stained by red wine, and called Sister Giselle to inquire about the preparation of the drinks in the early morning. She shook her head and said, "Champagne It is indeed more, but there is no shortage of red wine and bartending, as well as non-alcoholic beverages, to ensure the needs of all customers, and adjust it quickly.”

Sister Giselle, who was in charge of coordinating the drinks, had just left in a hurry when another waitress came over and said that Miss Snow and Master Greenwich were fighting upstairs and started crying together, unable to persuade them.

So he hurried upstairs again.

And by the way, did Ms. Fish know.

The two little guys are actually Sophia's twins.

The answer is yes, no matter.

Angorui had no choice but to go upstairs. This is a special children's entertainment room. Little Snow was still crying at the top of his voice, but Greenwich had already escaped far away, but he also looked pitifully innocent.

Seeing the housekeeper, the little girl immediately opened her arms to hug her, and complained, "Ange, doll, Snow's doll."

The housekeeper already knew that the little girl's Barbie doll was damaged by her brother who was ten minutes late, so she could only comfort her patiently, and inevitably complained a little bit. A group of parents are a little out of tune.

It would be great if the young master was here.

Angorie couldn't help but think so.

The eldest two children in the family, Xi Ya looks like a little fairy, not referring to appearance and temperament, but IQ. He is obviously precocious than ordinary children, and can even help parents who are out of tune to take care of younger siblings.

Just like now, if the young master hadn't gone to Australia, he would definitely come here first when he heard the news.

After comforting him for a few minutes, little Snow finally stopped crying and was still a little sleepy. The housekeeper didn't mind holding the little guy until she fell asleep, but unfortunately there were still a lot of things that she couldn't do without, so she had to leave it to The maid here.

Going back downstairs again, I looked at my watch when I got out of the elevator. The time is 11:46, and there are 14 minutes left, the new millennium.

Inexplicably thinking of the hostess, but the housekeeper didn't look for it, but joined the crowd, nodding to the guests who knew her in a soft-spoken manner, while checking for other mistakes.

At twelve o'clock, there are still activities here.

In addition, they arranged for everyone to go to the curtain wall to watch the fireworks together. The Westeros family specially sponsored a large sum of money. Therefore, here tonight, you can watch the grand cross-century fireworks show from the best angle.

Moreover, it is a very special fireworks display.

Different from the common people's usual perspective of looking up, what you see this time around the Westeros Building will be the fireworks blooming at your feet. In order to achieve the same brilliant effect, some styles were specially customized.

Rupert Murdoch's young wife, Linda Murdoch, stopped her. After asking, she found out that the host and his party were no longer in the hall. The housekeeper didn't know why the other party was curious, and said she could tell her, but she just walked away as if nothing had happened. open.

So go away too.

Stopped the baby-faced waitress Zoe Parks who had been with the lady for a long time, only to learn that the host took a group of women upstairs, probably because he wanted to be alone, anyway, to enjoy the moment of crossing the millennium without outsiders, here The guests are all preoccupied with the upcoming countdown, but it doesn't matter.

Being able to come here tonight is already an honor for most of the guests, and it is impossible to expect the host to be with them at any time.

Time goes by.

The housekeeper came to the southeast corner of the hall, watched the maids vacate this side, and placed drinks at an appropriate distance, and began to inform the guests that they could gather in this direction.

The last three minutes.

Even standing at an altitude of 600 meters, looking at the bright lights of the entire New York City below, although you can't hear the thousands of words of the people under your feet, you can still feel the joyful atmosphere of the whole city.

last minute.

After dealing with Jennifer's brother Philip again, he was dragged by his girlfriend Nora to ask where the owner's house was, and the housekeeper quietly retreated to the other corner. There were no fireworks here, but she was still very satisfied.

So I rewarded myself with a glass of apple juice.

Alcohol is not drunk.

Housekeepers are very strict with themselves.

The countdown begins.

It's a little pity that I can't accompany that little man, although she also knows that he is upstairs, and she has the authority to go upstairs, but as a very professional housekeeper, she will not do some abrupt things thing, unless he let her do it.

five four three two one!

cheers, hugs, kisses

All living beings.

The glass curtain wall reflected the flames that exploded continuously, followed by the faint sound of fireworks.

A song prepared in advance also sounded in the hall.

It started with a distant chant.

Then there are the lyrics in Chinese.

During this period of time, many people have heard it, and there is an English version, but more people still prefer Chinese

As a result, there was a small upsurge in learning Chinese.


* I don't know how long I slept in the dark,

*I don't know how hard it is to open my eyes.

*I came from afar, and you happened to be here,

*The obsession lingers, I'm wild for her.

*I am this dazzling moment,

*It is the instant flame across the sky.

*I'm desperate to come here for you,

*I will go out and never come back.


What my boss specially prepared was not the male voice in Mount Everest, but a slightly hoarse but very gentle female voice. The top-notch acoustics spread the singing to every corner of the two-story party hall. The fireworks that continue to flicker outside the window complement each other.

Also on the side of a curtain wall upstairs.

Same song.

Simon likes it, so it doesn't matter if other people can understand it, you have to like it too.

However, on the large sofa, Simon sat in the middle, with two Jenny on the left and right, and women such as Sophia, Grace, Irene Lauder sitting or standing next to each other, watching the dense scene flickering below the curtain wall. Fireworks, listening to a certain song together.


Then pass the kiss on.

This time it was a very blessed kiss, so the women passed it on happily.

After a while, Janet also hummed one of the lines of the man's favorite song.

What a beautiful and sad world this is.


At this moment, of course, there is no regret, only beauty.

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