Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1409 How to destroy a developed country

In the Linhai Manor in the north of Glen Cove, I saw a black Mercedes-Benz sedan passing through the corridor and parked in the small square in front of the main villa. Jin Sumin walked down the steps in front of the door to meet it, and took a few books from a waitress. Books, whispered a few words, turned around and entered the villa with the two maids who were out looking for books.

After entering the door and dismissing the two of them, Jin Sumin walked through the quiet hall of the villa in the morning, turned right into the east corridor, and finally came to a living room with large French windows on the first floor.

The morning sun is just right.

The view from the living room is not bad at all.

On a set of sofas by the window, Simon sat in the middle on the long sofa facing the window, not only next to four young and beautiful Korean girls on the left and right, but also two curled up or kneeling in his arms and feet, and on both sides On the single sofa, there is also one sitting on each side.

Exactly eight people.

These are the eight Korean girl group girls who have been waiting for a long time and finally met a certain big shot last night.

Probably because the man wanted to be quiet, and no one spoke. After all, he had exhausted enough energy last night, so he either flipped through a fashion magazine in his hand, or leaned against the man holding a fruit plate and occasionally delivered the fruit to the man's mouth. Or one that was held in Simon's arms occasionally hummed, accompanied by a flattering chuckle.

After knocking on the door, she came in, turned around the sofa, and Jin Sumin stared at a group of goblins around Simon, trying to open a gap, but unfortunately no one would let go because of the man's support here.

Simon looked up from a document on the lap of the girl in his arms. Seeing Jin Sumin's appearance, he smiled and patted the one on the left: "Come, sit here."

When Simon spoke, the girl who was photographed could only pout slightly and stood up, instead of leaving, she knelt down and sat down in front of the man, and squeezed the other one that was curled up at the man's feet by the way. Putting the ground on the man's lap, he was not rejected, so he settled down.

Jin Sumin knew that Simon was here and had no right to speak for herself, so she could only turn a blind eye and sit down next to the man. Although the sofa was very soft, the discomfort from her lower body made her bow slightly.

All kinds of blurred images from last night flashed in my mind at the same time.

In fact, because there are too many women, I didn't bear much, but, even if it was expected in advance, a certain person still didn't let go of a single place, which is very frustrating.

Jin Sumin once thought that if other people resisted, she would follow.

Too bad it never was.

Can only go with the flow.

Afterwards, he regretted that he was worthless, and other girls were worthless, how could he just give in and let him go just because it was Simon Westeros.

Thinking in her heart, Jin Sumin sat down beside the man, straightened her posture in a blink of an eye, and respectfully displayed the four books in her hand: "Boss, this is the Journey to the West you wanted, and there are four editions in total."

He was still puzzled.

I don't know why this big man suddenly thought of this Chinese mythological novel?

Simon made a simple selection, took out a simplified Chinese version, flipped through it briefly, put it under the document he was looking at, and continued to read the "Japan's 1998 Third Quarter Economic Data Report" in his hand.

As for "Journey to the West", it was mainly last night.

To be precise, when I got up early, I inexplicably thought that when the monkey called himself the Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain, the masters of the seventy-two caves came to congratulate him.

Suddenly wanted to engrave a private seal.

All right.

So he casually ordered someone to find him, and planned to use this book as a daily reading material in the near future.

Simon didn't explain, and Jin Sumin didn't dare to ask more questions. He glanced at the document on the girl's lap in the man's arms, and asked tentatively, "Boss, are you planning to invest in Japan?"

Simon shook his head: "No plan."

The man's tone was cold, and finally he didn't ignore it. Jin Sumin thought for a while, and continued: "I found that the boss is in Asia, and has a lot of investment in South Korea and China. It seems that Japan, the largest economy, just happened to be missed. ?”

Simon glanced sideways at the girl beside him: "Do you like Japan very much?"

Jin Sumin shook her head subconsciously: "Of course not," she couldn't help adding: "Actually, there are not many countries in Asia that like Japan. It's just that Japan has been relatively successful in shaping its image in the West over the years, which makes the boss feel... well, Does the boss like Japan?"

Simon shrugged: "It doesn't matter."

Jin Sumin quietly looked at the expression of the man next to him, but still couldn't figure out his attitude, so he could only add: "However, Japan's economic miracle is undeniable. Although South Korea has many conflicts with Japan, they are still learning from each other over the years. .”

Simon caressed the girl from the girl group named Li Ennai in his arms with one hand, while flipping through the information on the girl's lap, he said to Jin Sumin beside him, "If you are interested, then learn more about economics."

Jin Sumin nodded, then understood, and blushed a little.

The subtext of the man's words is actually, don't just find something to say if you don't understand it.

Seeing that Li Ennai, who was sitting facing her in the man's arms, smiled a little more, and obviously understood that Jin Sumin was even more embarrassed, and there were some small resentments towards the man who had been intimate with him last night, but he couldn't hold it back. Asked: "Boss, why don't you invest in Japan?"

Seeing that the girl around him finally showed some real nature, Simon smiled and said: "This is a big question. If you insist on an answer, it is very simple and does not make money. Compared with the high cost of investing in a well-developed economy structurally developed countries, I have too many better options. In addition, there is Japan's intricate consortium system

Capital has built an invisible investment barrier, making it difficult for overseas investors to enter, and Japan's long-term surplus also makes it not short of capital, but has been expanding abroad. Furthermore, in terms of the general environment, after the financial turmoil last year, the Japanese economy was once again hit, and it is expected to fall into a downturn for a long time. A market with a lack of economic vitality is certainly not worth investing in. As for the others, if you are interested, you can do your own research. "

Jin Sumin asked a little impulsively, but listened to the man's explanation very seriously. At the end, she paused and asked again: "Boss, the United States must regret supporting Japan to the present level, right?"

"I'm not very regretful," Simon said, still looking down at the documents in his hand, "I'm extremely regretful, otherwise how could there be things that started in the 1980s. It's a pity that time cannot be turned back."

As for Japan, it is actually conceivable that the United States, which was so powerful back then, also held some kind of arrogant idea of ​​"the kingdom of heaven".

After World War II, it clearly controlled the country completely, but did not suppress it at the economic level. Not only that, the two regional wars launched by the United States in Asia also brought overseas orders to Japan, which to a large extent caused Japan's economic of rapid development.

The effect is almost the same as that of the two world wars in the United States.

Then, when the Vietnam War ended, the Soviet Union, which had been entangled for half a century, also declined. Looking back, I suddenly found that Japan, which was raised by itself as a colony, had a faint tendency to threaten its own status in terms of economic size.

What to do about this?

In the current era, it is no longer appropriate to directly take advantage of it. What's more, with the size of Japan's economy, the United States really has no way to fight back.

You can only use relatively civilized means to suppress it. For example, your semiconductor industry has endangered the national security of the United States and you need to sanction it; your currency value is too low and has caused a serious trade imbalance, so you need to appreciate it; The rice bowls of my auto industry workers must be limited...

In short, if you can't be a villain directly, you can only be a hooligan.

As far as Japan is concerned, the United States did not directly take off its pants and force it, but just slapped it one after another. Every slap can find a high-sounding excuse, but the hands and feet are held down by the US military and cannot move, so it can only be endured.

It hurts a little.

You can't die, you can't get pregnant, just pass it.

Generally speaking, it is very low-end. After all, it is still not much technical content to play hooligans with its big body. It's not hard to imagine that if one day you get old and frail, and you can't play hooligans anymore, the end will definitely not be very good.

Referring to all kinds of memory, it is always said that Ukraine has played a good hand inherited from the Soviet Union to a pulp. In fact, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States, which has completely become the global hegemony, is not a game that could have improved itself. A good card is also played to a pulp.

It seems that it has been at its peak for 20 or 30 years, but it almost collapsed several times during the period.

However, when it comes to how to destroy a developed country, the various actions of the United States since the 1990s are actually providing various means for bystanders.

For example, hollowing out the country's real industry, tempting it with low-cost and other gimmicks to transfer industries, and eventually leading to hollowing out.

Another example is to provoke a target into a regional war, which fundamentally consumes and wears out a country's heritage.

Or, try every means to create antagonism and division among political parties or ethnic groups in a country, which can delay the country's efficiency in adjusting social issues, and eventually it will be hard to recover.

In any case, these are much better than all kinds of hooliganism.

Of course, then again, the most effective way, in fact, is to refer to the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

That was the crash.

Goddess Scattering Flowers

Living room.

Simon thought so, and seeing the information in front of him, he couldn't help thinking of Japan.

In fact, if it weren't for the massive demand brought about by China's rapid rise after the millennium, the series of combination punches started by the United States in the 1980s would have almost succeeded. Therefore, as a latecomer, it is not difficult for Simon to defeat Japan now.

The Japanese economy fell into a long-term downturn after the 1990s. One of the reasons why it has been able to maintain its status as a developed country for many years is that its own foundation is deep enough, and it has already completed a fairly thorough industrial upgrade. Compared with China, it can only earn 50 yuan per dollar. With the low-end supply of penny profits, Japan can earn profits of more than $10 for commodities worth $1.

Still the same sentence, there is more than enough to hurt and more to serve.

Therefore, Simon only needs to use Japan to destroy or replace the related industries that are "deficient", so that Japan cannot continuously obtain external surplus blood transfusions, and the country's long-standing internal economic problems will gradually erupt, and eventually completely collapse.

According to the current layout of the Westeros system in various fields, Simon did not mean to target Japan in particular, but, subtly and imperceptibly, such as semiconductors, such as electronic games, such as future new energy vehicles, etc., for Japan , In fact, they are all drawing salary from the bottom of the pot.

Especially in the electronics industry with semiconductors as the core, the electronics giants of the Westeros system such as Nokia and Tinkbel are currently squeezing the living space of the old Japanese electronics giants.

In the not-too-distant future, perhaps one day suddenly, Japan will inevitably find that it is completely unable to sacrifice what is insufficient and give what is sufficient, and the situation will become very bad.

Of course, Jin Somin, who was leaning next to Simon, didn't know what he was thinking, and digested the man carefully.

After the words just said, he said again after a while: "Boss, since the United States has regretted supporting Japan so much, why are you sparing no effort to support China now?"

Simon didn't expect this girl to be a very sharp question, so he raised his head slightly and glanced at it: "I said yesterday that if you want to work for me, you should think about problems from a westerosian perspective instead of bringing yourself into into a certain nationality."

Jin Su was sensitive to the dissatisfaction in the man's tone, lowered his head slightly, lowered his eyes and said: "Boss, I understand."

Actually, I almost asked about my own country just now.

After all, from South Korea, Kim Su-min is actually more interested in the series of layouts of the Westeros system in South Korea.

It's just that the more interested you are, the more you know, Jin Sumin will inevitably not dare to ask questions too freely. After all, what if you get some answers that you don't like easily?

So China was mentioned first.

The man's answer was undoubtedly hitting her, but the target was her motherland.

From last year to the present, all the things that South Korea has encountered, Jin Sumin knows, are closely related to the man in front of him. If, if he is willing to talk about some things, then South Korea will definitely not be as difficult as it is now.

These days, Kim Su-min has been keeping an eye on the country.

The weather is getting cooler day by day. According to reports from South Korea, this winter, due to the economic downturn and a large number of people losing their jobs, there will be problems with heating in many areas of South Korea, and some people will inevitably suffer from the cold. This kind of thing, for the high-spirited Koreans whose per capita GDP just broke through 10,000 US dollars a few years ago, the gap is a bit big, and it is really unacceptable.

Now, I can only dispel some thoughts.

Jin Sumin knew that, not to mention that she was a soft-spoken person now, even if she became another Chen Qing by his side in the future, if she always stood in the wrong position, she would definitely be abandoned. But to be honest, she felt that she was just a little woman, and she was still relatively selfish. She never planned to be a savior, and she valued herself more.

Since things can't be done, they won't be superfluous.

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