Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1408 Little Woman's Great Ambition

Although he was a little surprised by the fluent Chinese of the Korean girl around him, Simon didn't say anything more, and he didn't change into Chinese along with him. He still said in English: "Your Chinese is very good."

Jin Sumin bowed slightly again: "Thank you."

The housekeeper who was walking on the other side raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw Jin Sumin's submissive manner when she was talking with her boss.

This girl is not like this every day.

On the contrary, she looks more like that Miss Chen.

During this time, because Chen Qing was not around, and that Lin Guili also returned to Korea because of work, a group of Korean girls were handed over to Jin Sumin to be in charge. In just over a month, the housekeeper, who was watching quietly, discovered that the girl had used the little power she could use to subdue a group of Korean ladies and quickly established her authority.

Now, in front of his boss, he became a little sheep again in a blink of an eye.

This character is too similar.

The housekeeper thought to herself, and suddenly had a thought, could this girl be deliberately imitating that Miss Chen?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

After all, even if she didn't have much contact with her boss's preference for Chen Qing, she, the housekeeper, could easily feel it.

Though thinking of this, Angorui quickly put it behind her, and she didn't intend to point out the other party in front of her boss. In any case, the reason why she was able to win the favor of the men around her was also because of her unique style.

That is the duty.

If the boss doesn't ask, she won't talk nonsense. Just like outside the boss, if someone asked, she would never say anything.

Putting away these thoughts, I followed my boss into the villa. In the lobby, there were first a group of Korean girls in uniforms waiting, still standing in two rows, similar to the first time I saw them. In addition, there are several local waitresses, which should be the team brought by the housekeeper.

Simon looked at the past appreciatively, and casually glanced at the two that seemed more in line with his own aesthetics, and said to Jin Sumin beside him, "I want to take a bath, you come with me."

Jin Sumin bowed her head respectfully again: "Yes."

After Simon finished speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and walked towards the stairs under the guidance of the housekeeper. Jin Sumin changed to Korean and quickly talked to the two girls who had just been pointed out by the man, and then ordered the others, and then sped up his pace a little to follow.

When we came to a bathroom suite on the second floor, the housekeeper went into the inner room to put hot water, and the three Korean girls helped the man take off his clothes and put on bathrobes, and then they did the same when the man signaled. A little shy, seeing Jin Sumin's straightforwardness, she didn't dare to procrastinate.

Come to the bathroom in the inner room and step into the luxurious marble bath that can accommodate five or six people together. Next to the bath is a floor-to-ceiling window with an excellent view. Looking around, you can see the nearby lawn, the woods soaked in autumn and the setting sun in the distance. The sparkling sea constitutes an intoxicating autumn landscape painting.

Simon stepped into the bathtub, and naturally came to lie down on the side by the window, leaning against the edge of the large marble bathroom, enjoying the impact of the warm massage water, and let out a pleasant sigh of relief.

Seeing this, the three girls next to him hesitated a little, took off their bathrobes and stepped into the pool.

One of the girls wanted to get close to the man first, but Jin Sumin unceremoniously tore him away, so she could only hide beside him aggrievedly, but she didn't dare to argue with the other party in the bath, and even glanced at the man. The big man didn't open his eyes.

Otherwise, you will definitely be able to discover the wicked nature of this woman.

What a pity.

Feeling a soft closeness, Simon hugged it.

Jin Sumin tensed up a little, but soon relaxed, leaning into the man's ear and whispering: "Mr. Westeros, do you want me to take a bath for you?"

"Need not."

Simon just said something, and stopped talking.

Bringing the three girls in, Simon didn't mean to take a bath or massage. He never liked being touched by people, let alone those who weren't close enough. As for the three vases, it's probably like when many people take a bath, they put a little yellow duck in the bathtub.


Jin Sumin obediently did not move, but the other two girls who were not reconciled and at ease stepped forward cautiously and touched the man's legs.

Simon opened his eyes and looked at the past.

The two girls stopped their movements immediately and looked over pitifully.

Simon looked at the beautiful figures of the two of them. Many women may have beautiful faces, but their figures are often not very good, especially when they are not wearing clothes. The women around Simon are naturally exceptions. They are all pleasing to the eye in any state: " What are your names?"

The two women were about to speak, but Jin Sumin, who was leaning against Simon like a kitten, rushed to speak Chinese again: "Mr. Westeros, they are Lin Chuhui and Pei Yunen."

Seeing Jin Sumin pointing, Simon smiled. Seeing that the two girls were aggrieved but dare not speak out, he pinched the girl next to him: "It's not good to be so strong."

Jin Sumin curled the corner of her mouth and stuck it up again: "Mr. Westeros, I'm very good."

At this time, Simon also felt some kind of deja vu from the goblin around him, and soon thought of Chen Qing, smiled again, but said to the other two women: "Do you know Lily, show me the show."

The group of Korean female guards who can be selected this time, at least have excellent English. To be precise, the sixteen female guards, except for a slightly higher average age, other aspects, such as education, IQ, physical fitness, etc. It is much larger than the eight girl group vases.

Lin Chuhui and Pei Yunen certainly knew what Simon said.

After a little hesitation, the two girls hugged each other obediently.

Simon was admiring the blooming of the stalks, when the bathroom door slammed softly, and the housekeeper came in again, holding a tray of drinks, melons and fruits. The woman didn't seem to notice the scene in the bathroom, she lowered her eyebrows and sent the tray to the platform next to the man, leaned over and asked a few words, and was about to leave when Simon called to stop her.

She motioned to the silk scarf around her neck: "It's beautiful, prepare more, tonight, um, we will have a silk scarf party."

The housekeeper agreed softly.

Simon ordered again: "There are other girls, let them prepare according to the last specification."

The housekeeper nodded again and explained with a smile: "After the boss ordered yesterday, it is already preparing."

"very good."

The housekeeper waited for a while, seeing that the man had no other orders, she got up and left silently like a cat.

Jin Sumin and the other two girls were listening to the conversation between the man and the housekeeper. First, they noticed the wording of a silk scarf party. towel?

However, compared to now, it seems nothing.

Then there were some preparations that started last night, which made the three girls blush a little and inevitably feel a little uneasy.

Simon waited for the housekeeper to leave, raised his hand to take an apple and put it in the mouth of Jin Sumin who was next to him, put the bamboo stick back on the tray, poured another glass of red wine, took a sip by himself, aftertaste for a while, and then asked the girl next to him again: " How do you want to do this job?"

Jin Sumin was startled, and then said, "Mr. Westeros..."

"You can all call me boss."

"Well, boss, this one wasn't chosen, it was found on my own initiative."

The reason why the Westeros family chooses female maids and guards these years is not to publicly publish recruitment notices, but to obtain information and files from various parties, and then actively send invitations to suitable targets. This approach is actually more like the recruitment of staff by sensitive state agencies, which can ensure that no one will be mixed with sand to the greatest extent.

Of course Simon knew this and nodded slightly.

Jin Sumin understood, even if she accepted it passively, if she refused, she would definitely not appear here. She quickly explained softly, "I just think this job has a bright future, so I chose to apply for it."

"What did you do before?"

"Korean Academy of Sciences, doing mathematics research."

"Oh, it's not like that."

Jin Sumin followed with a small smile, of course she understood what the man meant. In the subconscious of most people, people who are good at mathematics are often not so good in other aspects, especially emotional intelligence in dealing with people. In layman's terms, they are nerds.

"Miss Chen mentioned that the boss likes girls who are good at math."

Simon nodded, then shook his head again: "I like smart girls, not just in mathematics. Moreover, even if you are good at mathematics, I like it very much, but it may be difficult to perform in front of me. I don't need your help to count the baths There are some girls here."


"Besides, you may not have the good future you were looking forward to just now. It is more likely that the better you perform, the more I like to keep you by my side, and most of the time you can only be a vase by my side. "

Jin Sumin's tone was soft: "It's a very lucky thing to stay with the boss."

"Truth or lie?"

Jin Sumin paused and said, "It's a lie to me, but it's the truth to them."

The other two tangled girls wanted to refute.

dare not.

However, what Jin Sumin said is not too wrong.

Compared to Kim So-min who has her own goals and ambitions, they, although they were left here by Simon Westeros during this period of time, in just over a month, they have enjoyed a luxurious life that they have never had before. It can be said that it started from the luxury private jet when coming from Korea.

In short, even if they are only servants, in private, these Korean girls think that their lives are similar to those of princesses.

Even the eight girl group girls don't really want to go back to Korea.

If you can stay here forever, live in a big house, surrounded by servants, enjoy the most exquisite food, the most intimate care, and see all kinds of scenery at the top of the world's pyramid, you won't change it for a star.

As we all know, the current status of Korean stars is actually the same as that in China, mainly because the industry has not developed, so they don't have a high status, and they can't make much money. Therefore, even if you return to South Korea to develop your own business, even if you reach the top level, it will be difficult to support the current standard of living.

For this reason, compared to the acceptance of fate when Chen Qing first brought her to the United States, after this period of time, I saw a man again, whether it was eight girl group girls who had never been able to show up in front of men, or came here together The sixteen female maids and guards were much more obedient in their bones.

When Jin Sumin said this, Simon could roughly understand, and asked with great interest: "What about you, what do you want to do?"

Jin Sumin said: "Actually, I originally wanted to be in politics."

After speaking, he looked at the man expectantly.

Of course, Kim Su-min knows how much the Westeros system currently controls the political and business circles in South Korea. If the man can nod, she can easily enter the Korean political arena.

Simon was surprised: "Politics?"

Jin Sumin explained: "My father used to work in the Ministry of Finance and Economics for a long time. Although he later transferred to a private company, he always hoped that I could take over his class. I was told from a young age. At first, I also considered working in the Korean Academy of Sciences for a few years.

After some achievements, he will move into politics. "

After listening to Simon, he shook his head and said, "The current Korean political circle is not fun at all, and it will be even more fun in the future."

Jin Sumin blinked: "Boss, why do you say that?"

Simon glanced at the girl beside him, and asked back, "If you want to be in politics, do you want to be the former Park Chung-hee, or the current Kim Dae-jung?"

Kim So-min didn't hide it at all: "Of course it was the former Park Chung-hee."

Simon said: "So, it's impossible, at least I definitely won't agree."

Jin Sumin leaned over like a cat and rubbed on Simon's shoulder: "If the boss can help, even if I become Korea's 'female Park Chung-hee', I will definitely listen to the boss."

Simon smiled and said, "You say that now, but then it may not be...well, definitely not."

Jin Sumin was not sure for a while.

Simon continued: "Besides, since Kim Young-san took the initiative to cut off the connection between the South Korean president and the military through legislation, South Korea is doomed to have a hard time reappearing a second Park Chung-hee. Not only that, baby, just wait and see, the position of the South Korean president , it will become more and more difficult to do in the future.”


"Because even if he can no longer enter the military state, the South Korean president still has a lot of personal power, so everyone will be afraid, and the result of fear will not make the president feel better, especially after leaving office, he will be easily liquidated."

Jin Sumin grasped the crux of the matter keenly this time: "The prosecution system?"

"Smart," Simon took a sip of red wine, turned his head and kissed it, the girl raised her head cooperatively, and after a moment of intimacy, Simon continued: "The previous Kim Young-sam increased the power of South Korea's prosecutorial system in order to hit Roh Tae-woo. , you have also seen that before he stepped down, the prosecutorial system that he had set up with his own hands had already started to backfire, and this phenomenon will become more and more serious in the future."

Jin Sumin could roughly imagine that she twisted her body, put her chin lightly on the man's shoulder, and said, "In this case, I will concentrate on working for the boss in the future."

"Heh, if you still want to go into politics, I can help."

"But the boss won't help me become a female Park Jung-hee?"


"Then there is nothing to look forward to." Jin Sumin blinked, looked at the man, and said, "Boss, I hope to be another Miss Chen next to the boss. Is there any hope?"

Simon nodded: "Of course, but it takes a lot of hard work."

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