Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1283: Big Ship, Set Sail

United States, New York.

Even with a US$50 million publicity budget invested in accordance with the specifications of blockbuster movies, and the ultra-high production cost of US$200 million, "Titanic" is well-known, but this film opened in North America on December 12. Painting, still seems a little tepid.

The main reason is that there are too many noises about this movie.

Manhattan, a flagship theater of Oden Cinemas in Soho District, Jack Henderson, who got off work from American Express, came here in a hurry. After all, he was a little late, but his girlfriend Daniela Hawley did not scold him , because another couple, Alexander Kennett and Kate Henderson, who also arrived early, were bickering.

Alexander is obviously as uninterested in "Titanic" as Jack is, and, probably because his girlfriend is a fan of Leonardo, this disinterest is even more serious.

What's more, today is the first week of the Christmas file. In addition to "Titanic", MGM's "The King of Fighters 2" and Sony Pictures' "As Good as It Gets" started painting at the same time, even after the screening last week. "Shakespeare in Love", which was released on a large scale this week, is also better than "Titanic" in Alexander's opinion. In "Shakespeare in Love", there are actor Daniel Day Lewis and "Charlie's Angels" actress Kate Beckin Purcell's.

O Kate Beckinsale!

Compared with Rachel Weisz, another British rose who took the route of an intellectual lady in "Titanic", the cold and sassy Kate Beckinsale is more able to arouse men's emotions.

No matter how bad it is, there are still a series of blockbuster movies in the Thanksgiving file.

All in all, is there anything better to watch than James Cameron's overspending and crashing "Titanic"? Moreover, it is said that the length of the film is still three hours, if the film is too bad, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable.

However, when Jack arrives, the dispute is quickly over.

After all, Alexander failed to overwhelm his girlfriend, and the group of four still chose "Titanic".

Oral dissatisfaction, even though the screening of "Titanic" happened to end during the backstage, and seeing some women come out of the theater crying, Alexander still sneered.

Then come in.

Then, three shocking hours.

They walked out of the screening room with their girlfriends who were wiping tears in their arms. The two young men, Jack and Alexander, looked at each other in dismay.

Maybe it's a really good movie?

Kate huddled in her boyfriend's arms and wiped her tears with a tissue. She repeatedly reprimanded James Cameron for letting her beloved Jack die, and then looked up at Alexander: "Eric, i ju, do you ju?"

Alexander: "..."

If it was the time when I first fell in love in college, I would definitely jump without hesitation. Now, they both graduated from work and lived together for several years and started talking about marriage. How about dancing?

Jump wool.

Not in the mood.

Slandering in his heart, Alexander felt his girlfriend's gaze and knew that it would be impossible not to dance this time, so he could only nod his head, and his voice was obviously perfunctory: "ju, ju!"

On the other side, Daniela, who was also a little impulsive to ask her boyfriend this question, burst out laughing, put her arms around Jack's arm and poked her head over, teasingly said, "I almost thought it was my huhu who ran out."

Huhu is a Pomeranian raised by Jack and Daniela.

Kate also gave her boyfriend a slap in the face, after all, she passed the most emotional stage of a girl, and instead of pushing her boyfriend, she looked at Daniela and said, "Dana, let's take a look at it again tomorrow morning, okay? ?”

Daniela was a little moved, but she still shook her head: "Tomorrow morning, Jack and I are planning to go to Chinatown. By the way, did you watch the video I recommended to you last night?"

"Well, not bad," Kate said and understood: "You want to go to Chinatown, um, to find those things in the video?"

"Yeah," Daniela nodded, "Jack and I plan to go to China during the New Year holiday, so we will go to the places in the video."

Alexander had obviously seen the videos recommended by Daniela, and said, "I think those videos are deliberately staged. At least, the real scene is definitely not as beautiful as the ones shown in the shots. You will most likely be disappointed if you go."

Kate was already moved, ignored her boyfriend's interruption, and asked, "Going to China should be troublesome, right?"

"It's not clear yet," Daniela said, "We're planning to consult with some travel agencies this weekend, as well as visa issues."

Kate immediately looked at her boyfriend.

They haven't been on vacation together for a long time either.

Alexander thought of some videos he watched last night. He didn't like it, but he didn't hate it either. Seeing his girlfriend eagerly looking over, he nodded helplessly again: "ju, ju!"

"You really think you are huhu," Kate punched her boyfriend again, and turned to Daniela: "Then let's go to Chinatown tomorrow morning, and then consult about going to China. Also, "Titanic", tomorrow Let's go see it again tonight, oh, Leon... I mean, I want to go back to the theater now, Dana, okay?"

Daniela glanced at her boyfriend and saw that Jack had no objection, but he didn't intend to continue accompanying him, so she nodded and said, "Okay."

It was decided that the four of them had come to the streets of Manhattan at night, planning to find a restaurant for dinner.

Kate continued to discuss the movie with Daniela for a while, and when she entered a restaurant, she took out her mobile phone after sitting down: "I want to call Kelly to talk about this movie. We talked about it two days ago, and she didn't like it." My Jack, how can this work!

Well, I have to call my mother later, she should take my dad to see it too, oh, my Leon, so handsome. "

"ju, ju!"

"shut up!"


In recent years in Hollywood, almost all films that can achieve phenomenal box office results are inseparable from a word of mouth effect.

When the word-of-mouth effect surrounding "Titanic" was quietly brewing, neither Daenerys' official nor the major media actually found out at the first time, because it was not an easy task.

What the outside world saw was only the first-day box office of "Titanic" on the second day.

$12.67 million.

The single-day box office champion, however, is only an expected result.

The first day was 12.67 million, and it is expected to earn about 35 million in the first weekend, and about 55 million US dollars in the first seven days.

The first five million to sixty million, the total box office in North America is 150 million, and the global box office is 400 million. This is the basic expectation of Daenerys Entertainment for "Titanic" after the world premiere in Venice. Now, things are going according to predictions, and there are no surprises or joys.

Just like the previous Thanksgiving file.

The Thanksgiving files that have passed, whether it is the super heavy "Terminator 3" or the slightly dark horse "The Wedding Singer", or Pixar's "A Bug's Story", as of the box office week before December 12, can be described as It was quite satisfactory, so much so that the entire Thanksgiving file was robbed of the limelight by a video game.

After the first day, in the first three days, "Titanic" earned $38.03 million.

Still within expectations.

Many media have begun to predict that "Titanic" will be crushed by "The Flash 2" next week, and then, the super blockbuster movie with a budget of 200 million and an announcement of 50 million will also end sadly. Even if it is better than Kevin Costner's "Future Water World", which was also out of control, it is limited after all.

For Daenerys Entertainment, from the beginning of the year's "Bj's Single Diary" all the way to the end of the year, the result, a "Titanic", gave a very imperfect ending.

It can only be said that things are unpredictable.

The trend of public opinion changed slightly after the box office was released for a full week from December 12th to December 18th.

After 38.03 million for three days on the weekend, and seven days a week, "Titanic" finally earned $61.34 million, unexpectedly exceeding the $60 million range.

Not only that, but insiders who are familiar with the film industry quickly saw the key.

Under normal circumstances, unless the weekday spans a certain holiday, such as Thanksgiving on Thursday, the three days of weekends generally account for between 65 and 70 of the box office in a complete week. A film with a poor reputation may exceed 70, because no one will watch it after the weekend. On the contrary, a film with a good reputation will naturally have a phenomenon that a large number of viewers will buy tickets to enter the theater on weekdays.

In the first week of "Titanic", the box office was 38.03 million US dollars, which accounted for only 61% of the total box office of 61.34 million US dollars in the whole week.

This makes a point.

Many viewers, for some reason, chose to watch this movie on a busy weekday after missing the weekend leisure.


Of course it can't be a supernatural event.

It can only show that "Titanic" is more popular with audiences than many media predicted.

On December 19th, a new box office week began. On this day, the nominations for the 55th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards were announced. Eight nominations, including leading actor and best actress in a drama category, lead the way. Although it is inevitable to encounter some "public relations" criticisms, combined with the film's box office, it seems to indicate something again.

However, even if the signs turn better, everyone's attention is still more attracted by the new week of "The Flash 2".

After the overall lack of popularity of the Thanksgiving file, everyone can only look forward to "The Flash 2" to carry the flag in the two major schedules at the end of the year.

In the face of the strength of "The Flash 2", several other films in the same week, and even the films of the same period including "Titanic" in the previous week, were overshadowed.

Warner Bros. is also looking forward to this completely exclusive project.

On the basis of the production budget of 150 million U.S. dollars, Warner has invested as much as 70 million U.S. dollars in publicity and distribution expenses, and the total cost has reached 220 million, which is almost close to the 250 million of "Titanic". However, "Titanic"'s $250 million was out of control and a failure, and for "The Flash 2", no one felt wrong.

Last year's "Wonder Woman 2" had a global box office of 1.053 billion US dollars, not to mention the equally popular peripherals of the DC Movie Universe series.

Although "Wonder Woman 2" is catching up with the aftermath of the super-bat war, and there are three heroes involved, even if "The Flash 2" can't be compared with "Wonder Woman 2", the global guarantee is 700 million US dollars. If it is 800 million or 900 million, everyone thinks it is not a big problem. Therefore, with a total investment of 220 million US dollars, it must be a big profit.

Therefore, the release scale of "The Flash 2" also reached the largest at the end of the year, with 4,091 screens spread out at one time, which is nearly 1,000 more theaters than the 3,159 canvases of "Titanic" the previous week.

When everyone thought that the reversal tendency of "Titanic" would be easily crushed by "The Flash 2", on Saturday, December 20th, the box office was released the day before.

There are still surprises in the data on the first day of the cross-Christmas box office week with much suspense.

First of all, there is no suspense about the big sales of "The Flash 2".

On the first day of filming, including the morning and evening shows, this super blockbuster of the DC movie universe easily earned 23.76 million US dollars. After a good start, it is expected to be around 65 million in the first three days of the weekend, and it is very likely to directly break through 100 million in the first seven days.

The problem, however, isn't The Flash 2.

But "Titanic", under the pressure of "The Flash 2" and other old and new movies, it went downhill!

On the first day of the next week, this mega production with a total investment of 250 million U.S. dollars had a single-day box office of 13.82 million U.S. dollars, which was a full 9% more than the 12.67 million U.S. dollars on the first day of the first week of production.

Many people's first thought when they got the single-day box office data on December 19 was doubts.

What's happening?

All the movies in the Christmas file were trembling in front of "The Flash 2", but there was a movie that bucked the trend and went up?

Do you look down on the dc movie universe so much?

Or is this an April Fool's joke misplaced for Christmas and someone got the numbers wrong?



ps: The goal of 300,000 words has only been updated by 210,000. However, it was a small achievement to keep updating throughout this month. I can’t remember the last month when I didn’t need a leave note. Of course, the overall failure. I am a loser.

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