Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 154

"I'm sorry......" Sonia looked down.

"I didn't see you either, sorry, but that's right, I've been looking for you too. "

"You don't need to look for me, our work has been handed over, don't you have all the information?"

"Wait, I think there's something I should explain, there shouldn't be audio or video here. "

Sonia said coldly, "Explain what? Isn't it all over? "

"Don't you understand what I meant that day? I didn't actually say that our relationship was completely broken, we just needed to be apart for a while, after all, ......."

"Tell me, why do you need to be separated?" said Sonya, in an almost questioning tone.

"Because I realize that the relationship between the solar system, the Council of Arbitrators, and the families is more complex than you can imagine. If we continue to be together, it will cause more trouble, and then we may have to be swayed by power, or even ......".

"Hmph, you just don't trust me. Sonia tilted her head to the side.

"If I don't trust you, why don't I just say I broke off the relationship?".

"I just hate the way you are, don't you believe we can always be together, against those things, why are you so unconfident?".

"Because you have to have power to not be swayed, and you have to get power to be free, but unfortunately I have never understood this truth. Now, if we were still together, the higher-ups of the 'Voices of Hearts' would most likely doubt your loyalty, and I might be suspected of having anything to do with the religious forces, and more importantly, the Arbitration Committee that balanced the two would also wonder if the 'Voices of Hearts' would be in collusion with the aristocratic forces of Mars, and these intricate powers could make our relationship dangerous. We are all idealistic people, and we can easily fall prey. "

Sonia asked, "Then tell me specifically, under what circumstances will you be forced to break with me, or even make enemies of me again?"

"I'm never going to do that, I'm just scared that if we continue to be together, they will use all kinds of means against us, make us fall into dangerous situations unknowingly, and even die quietly on the battlefield. "

Sonia sighed and said, "You're too unconfident......


"We are soldiers, and many times normal military operations that we feel should be carried out by the trend become ridiculous and end up being farce. This is because behind the military is politics, and many seemingly simple answers on the battlefield will always be distorted and deformed under the intervention of politics. A conclusion of 1+1=2 is often forcibly changed to 1+1=3 for the purposes of politicians. Far from easing the pressure on the military, politics has complicated the military game. And we can only determine the military power in our hands, and we cannot influence politics, how can I be confident?".

Sonia suddenly changed the topic at this time: "Don't you think that this chaos in politics is rooted in people's chaotic desires?"

"Yes, but there is no solution at all, and to extinguish one's desires is almost tantamount to self-destruction. Repression can lead to even crazier things. "

"Sometimes, I feel that the rational order and the chaotic forces of this world are constantly fighting and ebbing. "

"Indeed. "

"Maybe there's a force behind all of this. With that, Sonya's eyes became dazed.

"Have you not given up your God?"

Sonia shook her head and said, "I don't know, if there really is a god, then where should the place of man be?"

Castor replied, "Whatever the position, at least we know that humanity has survived by its own strength and faith. If there really is a God, how can it have allowed such a greedy, contemptible and complex creature to develop for so long, but it seeks to be sublime, good and eternal. We are like living black holes in this universe, devouring energy and resources, constantly feeding ourselves with boring pleasures, and constantly repeating ridiculous internal friction. Yet it has never been destroyed, and if there is a God, it must agree with our logic, at least part of it. And it is this part of logic that sustains us and does not let us perish. "

It is the idea of goodness and the eternal pursuit of the noble that make it possible for mankind to be less reluctant and not to fall into depravity and self-destruction. Sonia replied.

"That's right. "

"So, why don't you have the confidence to stand with me and fight those people with your yearning for goodness?"

Casto shook his head and said, "It's too hard, the world doesn't always allow us to live exactly what we want. Emotions are so fragile, I think we should seek something more tangible to protect them. "

"You also know that emotions are fragile, so people and trust are also fragile, and the essence of conflict between people is because of the scarcity of interests and the crisis of trust, so they will seek a zero-sum game. So, do you know how disappointed I was in you when you proposed to break up? You're killing the emotion and trust between us, and you don't value it at all, do you?" Sonia was a little emotional.

"I understand, and I feel heartache too. But so that we can ......".

"So we need to act? So we need to do something to keep together? Oh, don't be naïve, we're just going to drift apart, and we can only get the same goal together. Sonya's tone was tinged with resentment.

"There's something you don't understand, it's too complicated. Castor explained.

"Is there anything I can't know?" asked Sonya.

"For a while, I can't tell. Castor said, looking around.

"Do you know about Project Carpet?".

"Well, I have heard of it, but the arbitration council has not announced this plan to the public, and the details are only known to a few high-level executives. "

"Do you know what Project Carpet will do with the Martian nobles?" asked Sonya.

"This ......


Sonia smiled bitterly, "It seems that you don't know everything. "

"I ...... It is true that these details are not known. But I had to climb higher to know the truth, and for that I had to sacrifice something. "

Sonia shook her head and said: "To climb high enough, the premise is not how much you sacrifice, but whether your faith is strong, whether you can concentrate all your strength on that lofty and great goal, many times the 'necessary evil' will make you deviate from the original intention, enough sincerity, focus and purity is the right way." I thought you would always walk this path with me, but it seems, you are not that determined. "

"No, even if we're temporarily separated, I'll be desperate to save you if you're in danger!" Casto said.

After listening to Casto's words, Sonia shook her head: "When the time comes, will you still have the courage and confidence to save me?" At this moment, a tall officer walked up from the other side of the aisle. Sonia turned her head to look, but she didn't expect it to be Muminov, he saluted Sonia and said, "Sir, you have a friend waiting for you in the 'Heart Tone Monk Quarter' in the city, she has not been able to contact you, and you have not replied to my message. I contacted Grand Friar Chachott to find you. After saying that, Muminov saw Casto, who looked similar to him, and he was stunned for a moment and asked Sonya: "Sir...... Who is this?".

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