Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 153

"Distressed?" Borodin asked rhetorically.

"Not really, I just think you're giving too much leverage. "

Borodin said: "How can you win his loyalty if you don't give more?"

"Do you think he is the kind of person who can be co-opted by just relying on interests?" Lin Tianhui interjected at this time.

Deputy Speaker Lehman replied: "All I can give is benefits, can we still give him faith?".

Lin Tianhui smiled: "Hahaha, this definitely can't be given, but I think we should give him enough trust and let him trust us too." "

Deputy Speaker Lehman shook his head and said, "This is difficult, this kid may not understand the value of trust. But I think that little girl still understands that. "

Speaker Borodin said: "It is true that this kid Chachott does not deserve to be fully trusted, but we can use him to counterbalance Richter's power in the 'Voice of the Heart'. "

"It's dangerous for such an untrustworthy guy to have such a huge intelligence network. Deputy Speaker Lehman finished and lit a cigarette.

"But he's a little naïve, and he's a little self-righteous in his cleverness, so his actions are still under our control, and he won't cross the line. Speaker Borodin said confidently.

"That girl is not easy to say, I think that although she is telling us the truth, she is even more uncontrollable. Deputy Speaker Lehman worried.

"Well, she might need some more tests. Speaker Borodin said meaningfully.

In the green botanical garden of the oxygen bar, artificial sunlight sprinkled on Sonya's body, but she couldn't feel a trace of warmth. I saw Chachott say: "The god of order and chaos that Archbishop Banerjee said is true, and he is the master of this world. They created the universe and played with each other, carrying out the near-eternal movement of the universe. "

I remember arguing with you when I was a child about whether God exists, where God is, I said that God is in the hearts of people, you say that God is everywhere, but it is good, and such a good God will bring mankind to eternal tranquility. I was still laughing at your naivety, but now I see your naivety turn to madness. What changed your opinion?" sighed Sonya.

"Some direct evidence, to be honest, before I met Archbishop Banerjee, I really didn't know that there were such ancient ruins that were so old, it turned out that God was real. "

"Ancient Ruins?, Early Universe Exploration?".

"No...... It was an existence that preceded human beings, and at a glance, the whole life would be turned upside down, and it was an almost indescribable horror existence. "

"Aliens?" asked Sonya, puzzled. Seeing that she didn't believe herself, Chachhott took out a black polyhedral device, which was no more than the size of a thumb, and the outer shell looked smooth and hard, and every edge and corner of the polyhedron shimmered slightly, and the black lacquer surface did not refract in the light, as if there was a black hole hidden in each side that could swallow light and heat. The darkness seemed to have a gravitational pull, so fixing Sonya's gaze in the pitch-black mirror, that she didn't notice the raised buttons on it. Chachhott pressed the button, and the black polyhedron suddenly released a projection.

In that image, countless strange creatures are fighting, and their weapons are destroying planet after planet. In this tragic war, almost the entire universe collapsed, and all the planets and life finally gathered into a ball of light. It didn't take long for the ball of light to burst, giving birth to a new universe. The universe has undergone hundreds of millions of years of evolution, and the video is played at a rapid speed, and light and shadow shuttle until the appearance of human beings, lighting up the universe again.

Sonia was upset after watching the projection. She couldn't tell whether what she had just seen was the truth or fantasy, she had just tried to use the chip in her brain to help identify the image, but both her intuition and the recognition result of the chip told her that the image just now was real.

But Sonia still pretended to be calm and mocked: "It's really bloody, how many people have you found to make this kind of alien movie to deceive people?".

"No, it's not exactly to describe it as aliens, it should be said that it's another life form, and they are all around us. They may be listening to you and me. Chachott's words sent a chill down Sonya's spine. Sonia almost forgot the words she had just used to cover up, and asked Chachott, "What are they going to do with us?"

Chachott shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I don't know, but we can't control their plans right now. I saw the ruins at the archaeological site of Norma, and I saw the cracked texts and inscriptions, and there were even high-precision videos in them, but due to the limitations of our current technology, we couldn't crack them all yet. "

"What do those words and materials say?".

"There are two ancient cosmic races, and their interstellar war has lasted for hundreds of millions of years, and in the end both sides have almost come to an end. Before their demise, some of their high-level leaders preserved their lives and civilization in a cosmic energy way through a technology. One is the matter and energy that we can see and perceive, and the other is ......".

So, all the energy and matter we have now is actually ...... Remnants of extraterrestrial civilizations hundreds of millions of years ago?".

"Yes, but I need to correct you, this was more than 200 billion years ago. At the dawn of human beings, they relied on electromagnetic forces to influence us, and on the other hand, they relied on gravity to influence us in the dark matter world. The video above was found by Norma at an early pioneering research station, and we have found more evidence in some of the wreckage of the Big Bang. "

"Does the Arbitration Council know this?"

"They know, and that's why Project Carpet was born. "

"So the 'carpet project' is to stop these lives from controlling us?".

"No, it's to allow us to survive on our own in the cracks. "

"Wait, you didn't say you believed Banerjee, so are you on his side?".

"No, my position is not on his side, I just believe in that, and that doesn't dictate my position. "

"Then you ......," Sonia felt a little confused.

Chachott sighed, "But I do admire Archbishop Banerjee, who used to be addicted to boring theoretical physics, strange arithmetic theories in the East. But in fact, these theories reveal the control of these two races over humanity, and the realm of the 'gods' is almost breached. But now no one wants to delve into these things, you know? Humans nowadays are less interested in the truth, they only think about power and profit, and even forget the purer freedom and sobriety. I'm going to change all that, no matter what position I'm on. "

"You ......" Sonia didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You're shocked to hear this today, you need to think about it, and come back to me when you think it through!"

Sonia was in a trance for a long time after Chachott's departure, and she began to doubt her previous knowledge of history and physics. "Is it all ...... Is it all predestined?" Sonia muttered to herself. She walked out of the oxygen bar room in a daze, and bumped into a man head-on, and when she looked up, it was Casto.

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