Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 116

"There was a group of stealth infantry pods that invaded our hull, and many other warships were attacked. They were all flagships of the fleet, and they seemed to be trying to capture us, and the garrison was exchanging fire with the enemy......" After that, there was only a constant sizzling of voice communications, and Captain Sontag lost contact with Sonia.

Sonia turned to Banderas and ordered, "Find a way to connect the communications of the Captain of the Seventh Fleet, confirm the current situation, and return to the ship now!"

"Okay!" Banderas then tried to connect to the Seventh Fleet's command communications, but the signal seemed to be jammed, and neither audio nor video could be transmitted.

"In that case, let's go straight back to the ship!" Sonia said.

"What? Do you have that confidence? We don't know what their troops are called, and what their equipment is. "

"It must be on whether you have faith or not. Sonia put this sentence aside and said to the soldiers around her, "You hate the Shenyin Sect, right?

All the soldiers who entered the command room with Sonya replied in unison, "Yes!" and another soldier said, "There may be some soldiers in the sports field who are willing to go along." "

"No, a few of us are enough. With that, Sonia took them out of the Rim in a small shuttle.

On the shuttle, Sonya's expression was a little serious. In order to lighten the mood, Banderas asks Sonya, "Why did you have the courage to come and convince us after the battle with us?".

Sonia replied, "When you first surrounded me, the formation was very strange, and many of the people who came forward were infantry in light armor. They are all very obscene, some are pinching under themselves, and some are rubbing their crotch with their hands. I knew at a glance that these people were hopeless. The people who came to surround me from behind me were like crazy people. The hoplites are generally savage, but when I fight them, I can sense that some of them don't want to fight, so I let them survive. Most of you didn't want to do anything to me at first, didn't you? You don't have a good relationship with the dead people, and you're a little annoying, right?" Sonia looked back at the soldiers, some of them bowing their heads and nodding slightly.

Sonia turned her head and said, "At least they have a conscience, and they usually don't fit in with those who want to violate me, right?" when I talked to them, I also felt that they had a different aura from ordinary 'Tianyin Sect' soldiers, so I let them survive." "

"Haha, your judgment is quite accurate, several of them are indeed very unsociable. "

Sonia smiled smugly at him, then regained her solemn expression as she turned on autopilot and headed for the Thunderbolt.

They arrived at the opposite port on the ship, and Sonia put on her helmet and held a "blue amber" in her hand, and headed for the bridge with a dozen soldiers. She connected to the network of the ship's monitors in advance, and found that the network had long been cut off. So she asked the communication soldiers to release the micro-robots to explore the way. But they didn't encounter much resistance along the way, and Sonia was surprised that there wasn't a single enemy in the empty battleship corridor. Bloodstains and the occasional corpses of the guards indicate that there was once a fierce battle.

Arriving at the bridge, Sonia found that there was no sign of Castor except for the corpses of the crew, nor was Captain Sontag. Just as Sonia was looking around, a figure suddenly flashed in the escape pod on the side.

"Casto!" Sonia exclaimed excitedly.

"Honey!" Casto replied enthusiastically.

Sonia looked around and said to him, "Did you hide after the attack, and what happened to the rest of the crew?".

"They were all taken away, and I was hiding in the escape pod. "

Sonia smiled and asked, "Really, where are the enemy troops now?".

"Repulsed by the garrison, and now they are engaged in the middle of the battleship. "

"Okay, take me there, let's go kill them now. Sonia picked up the "blue amber" and slowly pulled the blade out.

"Ah, this knife is so beautiful, what's its name?" Nestor had just said this, when Sonia rushed forward and stabbed him in the body, pinning him to the wall of the command room.

"Ah, dear, why!" said Casto, who was spitting blood.

Sonia tugged at his hair and said, "You're not Casto, are you?" Sonia pinched his Lian and continued, "Let me see your face, well, no makeup, is it a clone?".

"What are you talking about, dear?" Casto struggled to spit out the words

"Oh, I've deliberately avoided the point, I want to find out what you want to do, do you want to take Castor away, and then you pretend to be a spy for us? Where's Casto? Tell me it, or I'll shoot the blade!"

"Ah, I really don't know what you're talking about?".

"Hehe, all the honorifics are used, and you say it's not an impostor?" Sonia said, opening the ion blade, the heat scorching the fake Casto's body, and he kept screaming.

Fake Casto finally couldn't take it anymore and nearly passed out, and Sonia pulled out a needle and plunged it directly into his skull. She hooked up the device and read the data from the fake Casto's brain.

"Sure enough, this person is a half-flesh and half-intelligent transformed person. Banderas said from the side.

"Well, and it doesn't avoid human weakness, it also inherits the loopholes of the machine. I guess it was a hastily created experiment. Sonia scoffed.

"They ...... Casto," Sonia said through gritted teeth as she looked at the information displayed in the instrument, "Let's go to the lower escape pod of the battleship now, everyone come with me!".

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