Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 115

Captain Pala abruptly stood up and shouted, "What!?, how is this possible, that man killed all our garrisons?".

"It seems that the killings are not finished, but the officers of the garrison are all dead. Now the dragons are leaderless, and there are just two dozen deserters coming. I'm going to kill them all, they don't deserve to live!".

"You stupid X!!!!" yelled after knocking Captain Para down with a punch, "these people want to live, and they're willing to side with us." Who are we defending the bridge now!?rely on these pistols on our waists?".

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the command room suddenly cracked, and then a loud bang caused the captain to jerk himself from his position. He turned his head to see that the gate was smashed open by a large blue cylinder, and the people in the bridge command room got up and drew their pistols to prepare for battle, and several people near the gate suddenly felt a biting chill.

The captain yelled, "Oh no! They've got the liquid oxygen!" Everyone don't go over!" Just as the people at the gate wanted to leave, a white gas suddenly released from the cylinder and enveloped the entire command room.

After 3 minutes, the liquid oxygen in the cylinder no longer overflowed, and after a while, the huge liquid oxygen bottle was removed, and Sonia entered the command room with a dozen soldiers.

"The temperature control system has been turned on, so let's take off the helmet. A soldier suggested to Sonya.

"No! there may still be people alive. Sonia said cautiously.

As soon as Sonia finished speaking, a gunshot was heard, and a soldier who had taken off his helmet was shot in the head. Sonia immediately turned on the stealth device. Through the surveillance equipment, the soldiers found that near the sleeping pod next to the command room, there was an officer with a gun aimed at him. "It's Captain Pala. Banderas said.

Captain Palla, who had just come out of the hibernation pod, stared nervously ahead, his gun in his hand, looking around from time to time, expecting that there would still be people alive in the command room. However, the corpses in the command room, which had been frozen into ice sculptures, did not move, and the dead silence mixed with the cold air, gradually seeping into his body. He found that no enemy was attacking rashly, but the more he could not see the enemy, the more frightened he became. Finally his hand began to tremble uncontrollably, and he held the gun in one hand and tried to stabilize his arm with the other.

At this moment, a blue light flashed, and his two forearms were directly cut off. With a yelling at Parra, he ran to the center of the command room, but suddenly felt his leg empty and fell to the ground. He looked back and saw that both of his legs had been cut off.

Sonia picked up Pala's forearm, punctured it on the instrument for DNA verification, and used the key given by Vice Admiral Richter to gain control of the fleet. The entire fleet heading for the interior of Saturn suddenly turned around and leaped towards the main fleet of firefighters.


"Oh, then I ask you, what kind of person can become a god?" asked Sonia as she crouched down and asked him.

"A person who is strong enough in spirit, pure enough to become a god!" said to Para.

"Hehe, what kind of power and purity is that? Are you pure enough to wantonly kill civilians, assault a mother in front of her husband and children, and then torture and dismember their bodies?" Sonia grabbed his hair and stared at him deadly, her blue eyes full of anger.

"Are you ......?" asked Pala quizzically.

"Don't you remember? Ten years ago, Pluto was attacked by the firefighters, and a family of immigrants from an alien system managed to escape the firefighters' murderous soldiers. They came across you when they saw the fleet of Pluto rovers repelling the firefighters and preparing for a new life for the rest of their lives! You and your soldiers on board plundered the people of Pluto One, sparing no family, you tortured beautiful women and innocent children, and you took healthy and strong men and women away and turned them into test subjects. The family that had just escaped was not so lucky this time, the father was caught, and because he was not so strong, he was dismembered by you for fun, and before he died, he watched his wife be raped and cut into pieces. And their children are being chopped by you with ionic blades. Sonia jerked up Palla's hair, put it on and said, "Look at my face, don't you remember the little girl with black hair and blue eyes? I will always remember your face!" and you were asking, 'Where is that little girl with blue eyes?' I will kill her! Pierce her with a spear!' You were wearing the suit of the Firefighters, and I thought you were the remnants of the Firefighters, until I saw your ...... when I boarded the ship before the Battle of Mars

Tong Para knew that he would not escape death, and he laughed wildly: "Oh, that's right, I want to kill you! That is really the most painful action of my life, blood, sweat and exhilarated air, I can now remember the fishy smell and the smell of the woman underneath, hahahahaha." That was the closest I was to God!".

Sonia asked, "Don't you feel any remorse or shame with God, and don't their cries touch your heart when the children cry out, when they beg for mercy?"

Captain Tong Para felt that Sonya's remarks were very pedantic, thinking that she was kind and would not abuse herself, and he was anxious to die, and in order to provoke Sonya, he laughed and said, "Hahahahaha, you have reminded me of many pleasant experiences, and I think it is very cool, and the more they call, the more I want to torture them." I have never repented of my actions. Pleasure is my way to the realm of God. Kill me, give me a good time, let me go to God sooner. After saying that, Para closed his eyes.

"You didn't give my family any happy death when you abused and killed them. Don't think I'm going to spare you!" Sonia said, picking up the helmet on the side and slamming it into his lower abdomen.

"Ah!!h The soldiers on the side were also stunned by Sonya's brutal behavior, and some even unconsciously dropped their guns.

After smashing Pala's lower body into a bloody mess, Sonia threw her helmet to the side. The dying tongue of Pala's mouth was mixed with blood and foam, and the sound angered Sonia again, and she kicked Pala hard in the head, only to hear a click, and Pala's head tilted to the side, and her eyeballs were almost kicked out. Sonia walked up to the soldiers and asked them, "Are you scared?"

"Your family died tragically at his hands, and this anger is understandable. "

"Yes, tyrannical fanatics can only be suppressed by violent means. But in the process, new violence has given birth to new hatred and tyranny. We are in this cycle of reincarnation and we continue the frantic struggle with no end. "

Banderas sighed, "It's desperate. "

Sonia asked, "You can all feel my anger, right?"

Banderas was also frightened by Sonya's rage, and he said almost flatteringly, "You deserve to abuse him no matter what." "

"Heh, I don't need such flattery, I just vented my resentment and rage according to my own nature. Isn't it normal for my family to be tortured and killed, and to avenge them? But just looking at my behavior, I am no different from an animal. But when you think about what happened to me, it's understandable that my actions are understandable, isn't it? War turns good people into fanatics and perpetuates endless violence. You're almost like that, and I've vowed to kill them all. "

All the soldiers were silent.

Sonia said: "So, the cycle of cause and effect of countering violence with violence continues in an absurd and reasonable phenomenon. My dream is to end this cycle of reincarnation, which may sound ridiculous because I was just committing violence. But giving up violence can only fall prey to thugs. Terror must be used to deter the mob, and hopeless people must be paid to make them fearful. But this is a means, not an end, and our purpose is to become strong and use power to build a peaceful world. You can choose to join me, or you can choose to live a normal life. But in any case, please remember what happened to me and my family, and what happened to this beast just now, and don't become a person without conscience. "

"Colonel Romanovna, we are willing to follow you!".

However, just as the soldiers were swearing allegiance, Sonia received an urgent message from Sontag: "Colonel Romanovna!

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