Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 112

"The hop detection device shows that more than 300 warships are jumping over with stealth systems, but they are ......," the communications corps said

"But what?".

"They are dominated by AC721 destroyers, which have the symbol of the supply fleet, and the remaining 15 destroyers and frigates appear to be escorts. "

"Can you analyze the internal storage of the AC721 destroyer opposite?".

"No, we don't know what's in them. "

Captain Sontag suggested, "This supply fleet doesn't have much firepower, can we intercept this fleet without calling for reinforcements?" "

Castor shook his head and said, "No, we have to ask for help, we can't be sure what this enemy army is going to do." If you just come here to deliver supplies, you don't need to use such a large fleet. More than 300 warships...... They must have something else going on. Even if it's a supply fleet, we can't wipe them all out before they reach Titan, and in any case, we need to request reinforcements. "

After Castor ordered a request for reinforcement from the Titan Garrison Fleet, Castor led his squad to the enemy fleet hop point. However, not long after arriving at the hop point, Casto saw countless white lights suddenly appear in the distance. The Signal Soldier prompted, "Commander, we have detected a larger fleet that is leaping!"

"How big is this fleet?".

"It's expected to be around 3,000 ships. "

"Do they use the Jumping stealth technique too?"

"No, they just jumped over. "

"Contact Seventh Fleet Headquarters immediately!" Casto said to the communications corps.

"Headquarters, I'm Brigadier General Cavendish Sh, commander of the sixth group of the eighth detachment, and we were on a reconnaissance mission when we discovered that two enemy fleets were jumping towards the orbit of Saturn!".

Lieutenant General Chu Minghui said to Castor: "Brigadier General Cavendi, we have been informed of the movement of the enemy army. The support fleet has already departed 10 minutes before, so please wait for support at the enemy hop and try to hold off the enemy as much as possible. "

Casto thought for a moment, and then said to Chu Minghui: "Lieutenant General, I think the enemy's attack this time is a bit strange. They started with a small fleet, using the Knuckle stealth technique, and after we spotted it, they sent a larger fleet. I think they didn't know at first that we had the radar to crack their Jump stealth technology, and that the larger fleet was probably there to cover that small fleet. "

"Your guess is reasonable, but what is the enemy's purpose? The more than 200 AC721s can't be filled with supplies, right?"

"I believe that the annihilation of the first small fleet, regardless of the enemy's aims, should be given priority. "

"Okay, I'll let your boss, Major General Charles, join you with the eighth detachment. "

"Well, I understand. "

Half an hour later, Rear Admiral Charles joined Castor with more than 300 ships of the 8th Detachment. Major General Charles asked, "Brigadier General Casto, how long will it be before the enemy forces arrive?".

"With five minutes to go, we'd better start the lockdown quickly. "

"Well, the eighth detachment, all the group commanders work closely with their teammates, and the two groups form a blockade net, completely sealing the enemy hop point for me. Major General Charles ordered.

More than 300 battleships of the 8th detachment quickly arranged a circular encirclement network around the enemy's hop point. Sonia said to Castor, "Don't just focus on the fleet that is about to be completed. The main force of the Seventh Fleet over there has already begun to exchange fire with the large fleet, but I don't think this enemy force will be in a fight, and their real purpose may be to protect the fleet that is about to complete the leap. "

Castor nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too. "

Captain Sangeta speculated: "Is it possible that they originally wanted to use this first fleet to attract us, and then use the main fleet that is now engaged to take us by surprise, but it was self-defeating because of a mistake in coordination." "

"Unlikely, otherwise what would they be doing with the stealth hop? They didn't know that Antonios had given us their latest hop detector. Are they going to quietly make a bait for us? It doesn't make sense. "

Sontag was silent, her lips pursed, her brow furrowed slightly. She glanced at the snap surveillance footage and prompted, "The enemy is about to complete the snap!"

"The whole ship is in combat mode!" Casto ordered.

The enemy's stealth fleet completed the leap at the predetermined location, and they directly turned off the stealth device and appeared one after another.

"All ships are free to fire!" Rear Admiral Charles ordered.

Casto told Captain Wei Rui to aim at an enemy AC721 destroyer and told him to fire at her with all the weapons on board. Captain Wei Rui nodded, and a few seconds later, the "Thunder Shark" locked onto the target, launched several anti-ship missiles, and the pulse cannon was charged, shooting a dazzling blue pillar of light towards the AC721 destroyer.

After more than three minutes of fighting, the eighth detachment did not suffer any battle damage, and the enemy troops continued to bear artillery fire as if they had no power to fight back. Castor sensed that something was wrong, and although the enemy had been covered by fire, the damage inflicted on them by the 8th detachment was extremely limited. After only 8 destroyers and 4 frigates were sunk in such a long time, Casto analyzed the battlefield output and found that the enemy's AC721 destroyer had suffered a lot of damage, and it stands to reason that at least dozens of warships should have been destroyed in the enemy fleet at this time. But the enemy AC721 destroyers were still heading in the direction of Saturn.

"It's so strange that although they also fought back, the fire was pitifully scattered. And we don't seem to be able to do any damage to them. After a moment of confusion, Casor sent the coordinates of the AC721 destroyer that the "Thunder" had been attacking for a long time to the team channel and ordered: "Seventh team focus all its fire on this AC721 destroyer!"

For a while, all the battleships of the sixth group poured all their firepower on the poor destroyer, and after 1 minute, the destroyer finally could not hold up and exploded and disintegrated. In an instant, a huge fireball engulfed the scattered wreckage, and even almost enveloped half of the enemy fleet.

"Something is wrong, the explosion of an ordinary battleship in the universe will not have such a big fire. Casto wondered.

"Unless, they have a lot of flammable ...... in these boats," Sonia said

Castor noticed that there were many blue fragments in the wreckage of the battleship after the explosion, and some of the fragments seemed to have words on them, and he pointed to the surveillance camera and hurriedly ordered: "What is that thing? Contact the reconnaissance plane to zoom in on the battlefield footage!".

After the camera pulled in, Casto could read the words on the debris clearly: "High concentration of liquid oxygen." "

"What are they trying to do? Titan is not short of oxygen, and they have been accelerating towards Saturn's orbit...... Could it be ......" Casto had already guessed the enemy's intentions, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

"They want to blow up Saturn and reduce the entire Saturn economic belt to ashes......" Sonia looked at Castor worriedly. Casto also broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this, and his mind seemed to have a huge shock wave formed by Saturn's explosion, and he and Sonya, the entire fleet of firefighters, and even the satellites around Saturn would be reduced to ashes.

Casto did not hesitate, urgently connected the voice of Rear Admiral Charles, and said to him: "Command, there is a large amount of liquid oxygen in the enemy battleship that just exploded, and they are afraid that they want to rush the battleship to the interior of Saturn and ignite the hydrogen gas that detonates Saturn in the depths of Saturn." "

"Haha, how is this possible, the kind of environment inside Saturn is impossible for ordinary ships to bear. What's more, if they want to detonate Saturn, why don't they get a little closer and rush in?".

"The orbit in Saturn's outer sphere is too complex, there are so many moons, and they have to find the right point to distribute the liquid oxygen evenly inside Saturn. So they can only constantly adjust their speed at a certain distance, rush in at the right point, and penetrate the ship into the core of Saturn. And don't you think the enemy ships are surprisingly hard? They must have been specially modified. I ask for a concentrated firepower to destroy these ships one by one, as long as the number of their ships is reduced to about half, and the oxygen they carry may not be enough for the explosion of Saturn to threaten us. "

Major General Charles smiled and said, "Brigadier General Casto, don't be too nervous, the initiative is still with us now." However, these battleships are a little harder. We really need to gather fire to destroy these ships. All the battleships of the 8th detachment, concentrated their firepower to give priority to the destruction of the enemy's AC721 destroyers. "


8th Detachment, which received the order, concentrated its firepower together, and the artillery, missiles, and ion cannons poured on the six AC721 destroyers one after another, and three minutes later, these six battleships exploded one after another, and the flames covered the entire fleet, and even affected some of the front row warships of the Eighth Detachment.

Rear Admiral Charles opened the fleet communication and said to Castor: "Commodore Casto, I think your guess is indeed reasonable. The flammable materials carried in these battleships must have been very large and must have been highly concentrated. Haha, you have made a great contribution this time, and I will ask my superiors for credit for you. You've had a chance to be promoted to Major General before, and no one should stand in your way this time. "

Casto smiled slightly after hearing this, and then said: "Thank you, but there are still a lot of enemy warships, and we need to continue to concentrate our firepower to annihilate them." "

Rear Admiral Charles looked a little relaxed at this time, and he replied: "Of course, but according to the current situation, they will not be able to reach the vicinity of Saturn's rings until half an hour, and before that we can at least annihilate more than a hundred of their warships." "

However, as soon as Rear Admiral Charles finished speaking, Captain Sontag exclaimed, "The enemy fleet on Titan has suddenly forced itself out of the battlefield and leaped over!"

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