Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 111

"To be exact, to attack Titan from the north and south poles at the same time. The other half of our Seventh Fleet is now at the South Pole of Titan. The air defense forces of the north and south poles are relatively weak, and they will not think that we will attack from here, after all, the breach in the dungeon that we opened near the equator last time is still there, and they must think that we will attack the weak point of the equator at the beginning. Castor explained.

With the convergence of the Seventh Fleet and the landing fleet, the Titan landing operation officially began. Casto glanced into the distance, where the main fleet of the firefighters was engaged with the enemy's blocking fleet in the flickering explosion.

More than 300 Io-class cruisers and Eishen-class destroyers, including Castor's Eighth Detachment, were the first to rush into the atmosphere and bombard ground defenses. For a moment, blue beams of light and cannonballs covered the poles of Titan. The Pluto rover's ground defenses were left without the cover of the fleet, and the fragile air defense system was quickly crushed.

After clearing the ground, more than 1,000 landing ships at the North and South Poles transported 1 million soldiers to the surface of Titan. Looking at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of tanks and mechs scattered across the surface of Titan's Arctic, Casto recalled his first experience of fighting on Titan.

Sonia then walked up to Casto and asked him, "Are you going to take your troops down to fight this time?"

Casto smirked evilly, "Aren't you afraid that I will go down this time and meet a girl who is more beautiful than you and will be abducted?"

"Heh, what are you afraid of, if that's the case, I'll lead my troops down and cut you both down!" Sonia said and squinted at Castor.

"Haha, you can do it. Castor laughed.

Sonia turned her head and looked into Casto's eyes and said, "You can go down, if you will be led away by those theories of the Divine Sound Sect, it means that you have changed." No longer a spiritually independent person, but a weak person who wants to cling to some kind of god. "

Casto looked into Sonya's eyes, her eyes hesitated for a moment, and Casto said to her, "Yes, if I am only attracted by beautiful appearances and all-knowing and all-powerful gods, then I am a weakling. I've figured out something lately, that the world of the jungle may not be able to change. In the case of extreme material abundance, human beings may need a higher law of survival of the fittest to pursue progress, get rid of pure primitive and barbaric forces, and pursue spiritual strength and enrichment of life forms. In the modern age of such material abundance, human beings need to replace the survival instinct with their inner spiritual motivation to continue to develop. "

Sonia nodded, her eyes becoming gentle and determined, and she said to Casto, "Of course you are not weak. However, most people are such a strange thing. When there is no danger of survival, they often feel nothing, some self-destruct in the search for pleasure, and some struggle in the abyss. Only those who are spiritually strong enough and rich enough can reach the other side and make the whole of humanity make a new leap. "

"Commanders...... What are you talking about?" Captain Sontag was puzzled by what Casto and Sonia had just said.

"It's nothing, just take it as crazy. Casto smiled.

Captain Sontag informed Castor of the command's instructions: "Just now Vice Admiral Chu has given a schedule for fleet patrols. We will start our first patrol in 12 hours. "

"Okay. Castor turned around, only to find that Sonia was gone.

"Where did Colonel Sonia just go?" he asked Captain Sontag.

"I just saw her go out through the left door of the bridge, I'll check the surveillance to see where she went?" Captain Sontag said, calling up the surveillance footage, and Casto saw Sonia enter the garrison through the ship's corridor.

"She must have something to tell the soldiers at the garrison. Sontag said.

Casto looked at his watch, and Sonia left him a message saying that he had gone to the security department to arrange a shift. Casto smiled and said, "She just needs to send a message, she has to go by herself." "

Afterwards, Castor and his captain had a small meeting to confirm the arrangements for the next fleet patrol. At the end of the meeting, Casto went to the security office to find Sonya, and before he could reach the security office, Casto heard Sonia humming: "La Dora, Dora, Xi Dora, send Dodo, Mi Doxi, Mi Domi." "

Skirting the hallway, Casto meets Sonya, who is humming with her hands behind her back, and Casto jokes to her, "You're in a good mood, Colonel Sonia." "

"Hee-hee, yes, it's not bad. "

"What kind of melody are you singing?".

"It is a yearning for a peaceful life and a good life. "

"Is it a melody you wrote yourself?".

"No, it was written by Beethoven thousands of years ago. "

"So, is the original a symphony?"

"No, it's a piano sonata, you haven't heard it. "

"Yes, I haven't heard it, but I think the melody you hum is good. "

Of course, a good mood can give birth to a beautiful melody, but there is not only beauty in this song, but also the fate of wanting to kill people. "

"yes, does this song still have lyrics?".

"No, you don't need lyrics to feel terror and tenderness, the tearing and wrestling of light and darkness. The hero tormented by fate erupts into a roar in the torrent, and even if he is swallowed by the angry waves, he is still holding on to his ideals. I guess that's what this song is trying to say. "

"This song is about a real hero, and Beethoven himself should be a hero. I read some literature that says he was deaf, and I don't think it's possible, how can a deaf person compose. "

"He wasn't deaf at first, he lost his hearing later. And it is probably because he lost his hearing that he felt the deepest tranquility and gained a more focused spiritual world. It is precisely because of this that his later works are so tranquil and lofty. "

"It's crazy to compose music even if you're deaf. "

This is his will to live, and this will not succumb to any calamities and sufferings that fate has inflicted upon him. He obeyed his will and continued to create great works, constantly wrestling with fate until the end of his life. "

"Can human life burst out with this power?" I kind of doubt it. "

"You won't doubt it if you've heard it. Sonia laughed.

"Well, I'll take a chance to hear it after the battle. Casto and Sonia walked towards the bridge.

Arriving at the bridge command room, Casto checked the attack on the dungeon on the strategic situation simulation. Simulations show that 50,000 rover armies have been wiped out in the Arctic, and that the Arctic region of Titan at 85 to 90 degrees north latitude has been largely occupied. Progress in Antarctica has been slightly slow, with only about 10,000 enemy troops annihilated so far, and only 200,000 square kilometers of land in the Antarctic region have been established.

"The Third Army Group is still so capable of fighting. Castor sighed.

"Well, our backbone soldiers have not suffered much losses, and this time they are equipped with the most advanced weapons of Jupiter Industries, and their combat capabilities should be stronger than before. "

"This battle will not repeat the mistakes of the last time. Castor sat down in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't you dare to say that, who knows what the hell the Shenyin Sect is doing. It is said that they have cleared the upper echelons of the Tianyin faction, and now their commanders are more united than ever, and the efficiency of the command is much higher than before. "

"Well, the Antarctic offensive has also progressed, and some strongholds at 85 degrees south latitude have been conquered. It seems that the 'Black Knights' have gone into battle. "

"Well, the current Shenyin Sect should not be able to stop the Black Knights' combat power except for the Golden Legion. "

"The Rover Fourth Army Group defending Titan isn't the main force, is it?".

"Well, but their combat effectiveness is somewhat stronger than that of the Fifth Army Group, and the gap between them and the Second Army Group before the Battle of Mars is not much. In the Battle of Mars, several main armies of the Shenyin Sect suffered heavy losses and were recuperating. They can only come up on top. "

"Heh, what are the characteristics of their fighting?".

"They like to use mechanized troops and infantry to charge on a large scale, concentrating hundreds of mecha tanks and a large number of hoplites to attack enemy defenses each time, and then using a large number of light infantry to sweep and cover heavy equipment on the battlefield. "

"There must have been a lot of casualties in such a fight. "

"Yes, so their soldiers are updated quickly, so they are also inexperienced. This is why their combat effectiveness has not been able to go up. "

"Are the Pluto rovers ready to give up Titan this time?".

"It's hard to say, although their losses are large, but the personnel are replenished quickly. According to intelligence, this time the Titan has at least 1 million troops. "

"Oh, more than you. "

"yes, but they can't beat us, and it's said that Norma cut off their technical support. "

"Haha, it looks like Norma has fallen on us. "

"No, it's the 'Heart-Tone Faction' that falls to us, the Shmirev family of Norma Corporation and our 'Heart-Sound Faction' are both descendants of the northern power of the earth. We've also had some relationships as well, and this time we're going to the arbitration committee, and Norma will be able to support us openly. "

"I see, it seems that this campaign should go relatively smoothly. Casto glanced at the strategic situation simulation, and as they spoke, the firefighters-armed army had just cleared ten enemy positions. The Pluto rover is on a rout.

"I hope so. I'm worried that the Pluto Rover's Space Force will come to support, and there's always a bad feeling that it's not good. "

"Haha, I'm here, don't be afraid. Casto said, putting his hands on Sonya's shoulders.

"Hmm!" Sonia replied to Casto with a smile.

Ten hours later, Castor led his squad on a patrol mission. Starting from the North Pole of Titan, they orbited Titan all the way and scanned the area around Titan with high-frequency radar. Casto stood in the command center of the bridge, looking out the window at the infinite universe, the vast and deep darkness seemed to tempt human curiosity, and hinted that the faint light of human life could be swallowed up by it at any time. This made Casto sense a hint of danger.

At this moment, the signal corpsman suddenly prompted: "There is an enemy fleet that is leaping!"

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