He Comes From the Void

Chapter 479 Temporary entrustment

After thinking about it on the screaming machine for a while, Kahn still didn't have a more mature idea. He knew that the other party was short of money, but he didn't just give him the money in the past, right? You can't make friends like this. After stepping out of the screaming machine, Kahn has decided to let nature take its course.

The platform outside the cabin and the streets of Zaun were shrouded in a gray chemical haze, and the visibility was less than ten meters. When the cabin door was opened, the haze poured in. As soon as it came into contact with the turbid air, a pungent smell penetrated into the nasal cavity and caused a cough.

This is the trench area, the lowest and most polluted area in Zaun.

There was a burning pain in the throat, and the two coughed for a while, leaning forward and back, and it took a while to get used to the dirty air. If there were not many pedestrians around, the two of them would have attached their helmets.

After leaving the platform, Kahn found a little boy wearing broken goggles on the side of the road staring at them intently. This must be a local, who has been used to the stale underground air, and can breathe freely here even without a mask.

So with the attitude of giving it a try, he went over and asked.

"Little brother, do you know a man named Ike?"

The little boy obviously reacted when he heard the name, but didn't answer. Kahn thought he was shy or dumb at first, but he understood when he noticed the boy's eyes were fixed on the bag in Kaisha's hand.

"You know Ike, right?" Kahn said while taking the bag from Kaisha, opened the opening and gave the little boy a look: "This is filled with chocolates, if you tell me where Ike is , I’ll give you a few pieces to try.”

Hearing this, the little boy stood up and said to Kahn, "I can take you to Ike, but you have to give me the whole bag of chocolates."

Unexpectedly, this dumbfounded little boy was quite clever. Kahn looked back at Kaisha and asked for her opinion.

"It's already melted a bit, why don't I give it to you? I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

"Take it, take it." Kai'sa glared at Kahn, and then smiled at the little boy. Although he knew that this was just a joke, Kahn couldn't help curling his lips.

"Lead the way." Kahn handed the bag to the little boy, who took out a piece of chocolate and took a bite, as if inspecting the goods, then nodded and held the bag for the two to follow.

The boat was naturally straight when it reached the bridge, and Kahn's worries were a bit unnecessary. Interpersonal relationship is like a net that connects everyone. People have many connections in the dark, as long as you are good at discovering them.

The two followed the little boy to a garbage dump, where discarded mechanical parts piled up into a mountain, and the bottom was soaked in a layer of turbid rusty water, which can only be described as barren land and evil water.

A crude plank road meanders through the mountains of parts, leading to the depths of the garbage dump.

When the two found Ike, he was picking up and disassembling useful technological waste on a garbage mountain, trying to collect the parts that were still intact and assemble them into useful inventions for sale.

Ike has dark skin, a white mohawk, and white graffiti on his face. He looks like a teenager from a bad neighborhood.

"Boss Ike! I brought you something good!"

Hearing someone calling him, he turned his head and pulled down the veil, hanging it around his neck to expose his mouth and nose, and called out the little boy's name.

"Ayuna, why don't you finish work so early today?"

Ayuna jumped off the garbage dump from the plank road, stepped on the fallen parts and came to Ike, and opened the bag for him to see. His hands are dirty, and he dare not feed the things he has touched to others. Although Ike's hands are also dirty, this is not something he considers.

The contents of the bag had melted a little, and they were black and sticky together, but Ike still recognized that it was the chocolate they couldn't usually afford.

"This is a good thing. It looks like the packaging is from the Picheng guy. Did you pick up Screaming?" Ike praised Ayuna as if he had found a treasure, and then he stretched out his hand to pick up a piece and put it in his mouth. Taste it happily.

"No, it wasn't stolen this time, it was given by them." Ayuna pointed at the two of them: "They said they wanted to find you, so I asked for their chocolate, and I want you and the other members to taste it. "

"A few pieces of chocolate bought you?" Ike suddenly felt that the food in his mouth was not tasty, and he covered his face deliberately annoyed, but observed the two through his fingers.

Not Picheng?

This discovery made him slightly surprised, and then he asked, "Hey, what do you two want from me?"

"You are the famous Ike, right? I've heard of you, a special inventor, a future wizard."

Kahn came up with a flattery first, Ike is actually not famous, and the famous name is only relative to the circle of trench children. He is special because he is an inventor of waste products, at a very young age, his future is boundless.

"Everyone in the gutter area knows me." Ike grinned, slightly exaggerating his popularity: "Do you have something to fix? Or are you here to buy an invention? The price is absolutely fair."

"I'm very interested in your invention, but I didn't come here for this, but I want to entrust you to help us inquire about someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" Ike was stunned for a moment, for someone would actually come to him for such a commission.

"In an asylum for patients with irreparable trauma in Zaun, there is a teenager who is undergoing all kinds of inhuman human experiments by doctors and nurses, just because he is special... I need you to find him and rescue him, Let him live a normal life. You are here because no one would suspect a bunch of kids running around the door. As for the pay, well...enough to keep you eating desserts for a month."

Although this excuse was thought up by Kahn on the spur of the moment, it has a tenable logic.

He asks Ike to save a miserable teenager, which will make Ike think he is a caring and good person, leaving a good impression and making a good relationship later. In addition, the target that Ike was looking for was still the next person he wanted to contact, which directly saved the effort of looking for it himself.

Killing three birds with one stone not only stabilized the position, but also drew in the relationship, and saved trouble.

Hearing that he was going to rescue a Zaun boy who was tortured by human experiments, Ike felt it was his duty to do so. His gang "Zuan Lost Boys" were full of orphans, vagrants, or kings of children. Natural closeness. And the temptation of money made him have no reason to refuse Kahn's commission. Zaun Lost Children needed this stock of funds to maintain their operations. They couldn't let the children keep picking up trash and stealing food, otherwise they would get sick sooner or later.

"Although it is the first time for us to accept this kind of commission, we will definitely complete it." Ike took the commission vowedly, and patted Ayuna's shoulder excitedly.

This is a good start. If Zaun fans can receive various commissions, then the members will not have to worry about food and clothing in the future.

"Tell me, what kind of person is the boy we are looking for?"

"Tall and strong, purple skin, mentally handicapped." Kahn replied after thinking for a while.

"I know it in my heart." The target has such conspicuous features, and Ike thought it was stable in his heart. Looking at the purple hair and pupils of the two, he suddenly thought of something.

"Excuse me, is this purple-skinned boy your brother or sister?"

"..." Kahn covered his face and suddenly felt a pain in his head.

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