He Comes From the Void

Chapter 478 Screaming

The map was transferred to Kahn's hands, while Kaisha was holding a bag of chocolates, and kept following him like a hamster, just because Kahn said that the hot chocolate will melt in the weather, and it's not good if it melts have eaten.

"Help me eat some, you bastard." Seeing that no one was paying attention, Kaisha quickly squeezed a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into Kahn's mouth. At this moment, he heard him say, "I'm wondering if we should buy a breather." Put on the mask."

"Chew, chew...why?" Kaisha asked.

"Didn't you notice that we are going to Zaun?" Karn pointed to the mark on the map-Zuan haze contains pollutants, and it is recommended to wear a breathing mask before entering.

"Chew, chew...but I can't eat with the mask on, why don't you wait until I finish eating? Or go tomorrow?" Kaisha tightly clutched the bag in her hand, she definitely wouldn't waste food of.

Kahn took a look at the chocolates that were still left. Indeed, he bought too much. He bought some of various flavors and used them as jelly beans for Kaisha.

"Forget it, it's still too early to go back, and the breathing mask is not required. You can continue to eat, and the haze won't affect us with our physique." He raised Kaisha's chin and looked at it carefully: "Eating you like this I'm not afraid of swollen cheeks or a double chin."

"What nonsense are you talking about, I won't gain weight." Kaisha also stared at him, continuing to chew her food so that he wouldn't be able to kiss her in public.

Falling in love requires a battle of wits and courage, and these are some tricks when getting along. For some things that you don't like or want the other party to take the initiative, it is more interesting to guide the other party to do it than to say it clearly.

Following the directions on the map, they came to a place called the Border Market. Pedestrians have become much more noisy, and there have been more roadside stalls. Kahn took her through the streets and alleys, and came to a circular platform in the center of the market to wait.

The railings on the platform were oiled, and Kaisha deliberately kept a distance, obediently standing beside Kahn, listening to him introduce the function of the platform they were on.

Steam and smoke curl up from the rusty pipes, weaving the sky covered by various ventilation pipes or bridge buildings into a gray color, and through the gaps in the steel grille, you can occasionally see white pigeons passing by. figure.

She looked around and could tell at a glance that this was a place full of fish and dragons.

Outside the market, smooth marble, bronze grids and gleaming glass make up the new buildings, while the scattered old buildings next to each other are structures of rough stone and aged timber.

In the area near the center of the market, bridge buildings with steel grids are connected to each other. The iron used in these buildings either comes from boiling furnaces or recycled waste from above. People came and went under the building, the iron frame of the fence was greased, and the surface of the masonry was covered with green alchemical substances, which glowed fluorescently under the dim street lamps, and there was not even a place to stop.

The borders of the two cities meet here. From the architecture alone, you can see the difference between the old and the new, and the style changes. The pedestrians are also bustling and different.

One by one, the student workers in wrap-around coats clutched their inventions tightly, and quickly walked across the street back to their apartment, for fear of being bumped into by someone or seeing the core idea of ​​the invention if they took a step too late.

The courier quickly shuttled through the crowd, with several sound transmission tubes loaded with sound information in the package in his arms, and then he threw these metal tubes into the corresponding sound transmission pipeline system one by one, and the information would eventually flow along the pipeline Rolled all the way to a recipient in Zaun.

Seeing guards in blue uniform jackets, black leather shoes, and checkered trousers patrolling the street, those homeless tinkerers immediately packed their parts into canvas and fled.

The roar of the machine came from behind, interrupting Kai'Sa's thoughts. Loud sounds poured into the ears, rattling, rattling, and the sound of metal scratches and gears snapping together, which made people's brains ache.

A gust of wind surged upwards from the underground cavity in the middle of the circular platform, blowing through the gap in the fence and making a screaming sound. The scorching steam rushed towards her face, and Kaisha quickly grabbed the bag in her hand, fearing that the hot steam would pour in and melt the chocolate.

The screeching machine that Kahn spoke of rose from the void, climbing along three thick steel longitudinal rails, and the spiral oil-soaked grooves were tightly meshed with the three shaft machines. Through the strong hex power, the shaft machine rotates clockwise synchronously, driving the machine to rise steadily. A golden wolf looking up to the sky and screaming is cast directly above the machine, as if the huge screaming sound of the machine is coming from its mouth.

This is where the name "Screaming" comes from. The full name of this machine is called the Hex Pressure Transporter, which is really a bit long. Those who want to reflect their professional qualities will choose to call it by its full name, while the rest will use a more convenient colloquial name.

The machine slowly stopped in front of them, the glass cabin door opened, and a group of passers-by hurried out of the egg-shaped cabin, crowding the platform.

Some of Zaun's trench orphans illegally took the screeching elevator to the top. They let go of the steel grille, slid down the platform from the sloping glass bulkhead, and dispersed into the crowd to wait for an opportunity. Searching for the target of cutting the package.

Kahn protected Kai'Sa from them, firstly to prevent the chance of being stolen, and secondly to prevent the dirty things they brought on her body.

"Let's go in." Seeing pedestrians entering the screaming one after another, Kahn and Kai'Sa also entered the cabin through the steps.

The interior of the cabin is divided into four floors. It doesn't matter which floor you stand on, as long as you don't stand outside the cabin... That's what people who evade fares will do. Hanging outside a high-speed elevator is a very dangerous behavior. Not only If you have to be watched by the people inside and suffer psychological pressure, if you are accidentally strangled into the steel rails or fall, you will die tragically.

"The elevator is going down, and the next stop is the dance corridor." The administrator wearing goggles operated the machine, and at the same time amplified the sound with a horn, reminding pedestrians going to the dance corridor to prepare in advance.

As the machine roared again, a sense of weightlessness came from the soles of her feet. Kaisha paused and continued eating. She had already experienced the feeling of weightlessness while flying, and she didn't think it was very new. On the contrary, there were a few screaming little ghosts outside the glass cabin above her head, making faces at the passengers, which caught her attention.

Looking at the rapidly rising cave wall through the glass, Kahn suddenly realized that he did not have a proper reason to approach the target and establish a good relationship.

He began to think about how to match what he liked.

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