He Comes From the Void

Chapter 297 Travel Rules (Leader Sweetheart Elf C Yue plus more 10/12)

A total of four new faces came in from the door.

A woman walked in the forefront, her gray hair plastered to her forehead with sweat, her expression displeased.

"This is Ms. Saba, a priest from Ionia, and the last three are her apprentices, who are responsible for their efforts." Gawin whispered, as if he was afraid that his comments would be heard by Saba, even though he didn't say anything Bad words.

Kahn didn't speak, and Saba didn't seem to have much appetite, so she asked the apprentices to sit down and eat while she walked towards the stairs.

"Bad luck?" Fayette asked.

"Basically nothing, they are all things that don't need to be stored in the secret vault." Saba shook her head. There was a hint of majesty in the shrill voice, it was obvious that he was used to being a clergyman with a superior status, and he didn't know why he came to such a dangerous place.

"You are the most diligent person here, and you can't always leave empty-handed."

Saba waved her hand and went upstairs.

After the two of them finished their meal, they went upstairs and returned to their room after telling Gawin.

The room opposite the door still had a faint smell of blood, which only the skin armor could feel. The birdman next door didn't know what he was doing. He would move around and make scratching noises from time to time. The people living downstairs would only hear it louder. Even Kahn, who just moved in, thought he should get a pair of shoes to wear.

They sit back to back on the bed, and the wall has ears, and leaning against the wall will make them feel that there is no secret in speaking.

They didn't move the other bed, which was reserved for Sarah. Seeing how crowded the tavern looked, if Sarah didn't want to share a room with strangers, she had to live in their room.

"Kasha, what do you think of this tavern?" Kahn tilted his head back and leaned on Kaisha's shoulder, and she leaned forward as well.

"There are many places that are quite strange, but I can't tell what is strange." Kai'Sa whispered.

"For example?"

"Gawen, when he mentioned his hometown, he looked very helpless."

"Remember... why did I tell Taliyah to avoid Demacia when I sent her to the Freljord?"

"It seems that that country hates mages?"

"It's not just hatred, it's already written into the law. In Demacia, it's good to be an ordinary person, but if magic is discovered, the treatment will change completely."

"You say Gavin is a mage? He was rejected by his own country, that's why he behaves like that."

"Maybe that's what you said. There are some people in this tavern with evil intentions, we have to keep an eye on them, especially the Noxians." As he spoke, Kahn turned his head to the opposite door of his room.

"The Noxus didn't show up today." When she came in, Kai'Sa saw that the door of the opposite room was locked tightly. Even now, she still didn't open the door to go downstairs for dinner.

"By the way, if we want to find the bell, we have to follow the Ionian priestess."

When the words were here, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Kahn got out of bed to open the door and found that it was the proprietress Fayette.

"Come in," he said.

"No, I'll leave after I say a few things." Fayette put his prosthetic leg behind his back and said with a straight face: "I don't care about other people's taverns, but here I am not allowed to go out after dark. I have seen Many times, people have gone out at night and never come back."

"Are there any undead haunting at night?" Kai'Sa asked

"The undead seldom come here out of the black mist, but the influence of the curse has always been there. I think it might be a hallucination that hooked them away, anyway, just don't go out at night."

"The second thing is similar to what I just said. If you come back from the treasure hunt in Shadow Island, it's best to set sail before evening. If it doesn't work, you can leave the spoils on the beach and pick them up the next day. As long as you can go ashore before nightfall , you can sit back and relax. Many newcomers are disobedient and take things away forcibly and delay the time to come back. They get lost in the sea and are hunted by wraiths, and the things are finally picked up by other treasure hunters. Empty end."

Although Fayette is very helpful, but the kind of people who want to die are not worth her effort to help.

"Understood." Kahn nodded solemnly, but felt very relaxed. Although I haven't actually fought it yet, but with skin armor, I shouldn't be afraid of the undead.

"And then, if you encounter a powerful undead, you must make sure to shake it off before returning to the tavern. You can't let other innocent people be buried with you because of your cowardice."

She moved on to the next point as soon as she finished speaking, because nothing like this had happened yet. If they encountered powerful undead, those people would have been killed before they had time to run to the beach.

"If you find something that is inconvenient to carry, you can store it in the secret vault. It is very safe there, and I can guarantee that the things you put in it will still be there next year. Remember what I told you about the cornerstone of the store? It’s this thing. A black steel vault, my ship ran aground when it collided with this thing. Then I dug it out and built it on it without earning any return.”

"Is the basement the secret vault?"

Fayette nodded: "But not everything can be put in, only those that are very valuable and cannot be touched by others, or evil holy objects that have been enchanted. Don't worry about things being stolen, The secret vault itself is a sacred object, and ghosts cannot invade it. Anyone who tries to pick the lock or use magic to open the door will die suddenly. There is only one key to open it. Of course, I will not tell you where the key is. If you want to use it The secret library has to find me first."

"Finally, Soul Eclipse Night is coming in less than a month, I hope you can find what you want before then and return safely."

Fayette closed the door and left after saying this. Kahn didn't even have time to say thank you.

He and Kai'Sa looked at each other, and the latter said, "I suddenly want to see what the secret library looks like."

"Then we need to find valuable treasures. Let's go for a walk in Shadow Island tomorrow morning."

Kaisha burst out laughing, Kahn didn't take the ghosts seriously.

She pulled the quilt out from under her body, then covered her shoulders, and then lay down on Kahn's chest. Under the covers, she put a finger to her lips and hissed, "Early to bed and early to rise."


The first night of staying in without earning or returning passed safely. After nightfall, even the vastaya next door became quiet, and occasionally ghost screams could be heard from the direction of Shadow Island.

Early the next morning, Kaisha woke Karn up and told him to look out the window.

As soon as it was dawn, Priestess Saba took three apprentices aboard their Ionian sailboat and headed towards the ruins of Hylia.

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