He Comes From the Void

Chapter 296: Treasure Hunter

The sudden bloodshed made Kahn pause, but in order not to let others notice his abnormality, he still opened the door in front of him.

in the room……

Clean and simple.

Nothing at all.

He turned around and realized that the smell of blood was coming from the room opposite.

Very rich, with a touch of magic.

"Who else lives on these three floors?" Kahn asked.

"The person next door to me is a rich man from Noxus, who seems to be named Vladimir. He rarely leaves the room, and occasionally sees him reading. The other two rooms are the bird leg and his sailors. .”

Hearing this name, Kahn's pupils shrank, but there was a sound of kicking the door next to him, followed by a violent roar, which attracted the attention of several people.

"Don't call me bird leg in secret, I have a name, my name is Kosk!"

Gavin snapped back rudely: "Think about why everyone calls you that, and I'm not the only one who says that, the problem lies with you!"

There was another scratching sound of scratching the floor, Gavin closed his throat, and looked at the two with a smile: "I don't know much about the vastaya, I don't know if he has a problem with him or he is born like this. It's the complete opposite of the quiet nobleman who makes noise.

Speaking of the birdman in Vastaya, a couple immediately flashed in Kahn’s mind, and he sighed: “Maybe they are born with ADHD, especially males.”

In order to courtship, male birds have evolved various skills, all of which are aimed at attracting the attention of females, and being active is one of them.

"I wonder why no one lives in these two rooms..." Kaisha pointed to the room of Kosk the birdman and said, "The sound insulation effect is not very good."

"Hahaha! There is a reason for this." Gavin laughed and said, "So have you decided which one to choose? Or should you consider the second floor?"

The smell of blood still lingered in his nostrils, and Kahn replied after a moment of thought: "Let's take this room at the end of the corridor. This room has windows."

The window is a glass window that cannot be opened, facing the direction of the main island, and Kahn needs to use him to monitor other people's movements.

The Shadow Isles are not just an island, but an archipelago. A strip of water from the small rocky island where the tavern is located is the main island of the Shadow Isle, and there is another lost ancient city near the sea above it, which is Hylia, the capital of the former Blessed Isle.

Treasure hunters go to Hylia in search of lost relics.

"Okay, then you can look around, I'm going to help in the kitchen."


Watching Gawyn go downstairs, Kahn took Kaisa back to the room and closed the door.

Then he pushed Kaisha to sit down on the bed, and whispered with his mouth close to her ear.

"Do you smell blood?"

Kai'Sa nodded: "I can smell it, and it's accompanied by the breath of magic..."

The blood and magic made him sure that this man named Vladimir was definitely not a passerby with the same name.

"A powerful blood mage lives opposite our door." Kahn whispered, but kept his eyes on the door. "You should pay more attention to him, but don't show it at ordinary times. Our identities are just ordinary treasure hunters. That's fine, understand?"

"I understand." She asked Kahn to sit down on the other bed, and then leaned over and asked him, "What are we looking for here?"

"One bell, it can suppress the undead." Regarding Kai'Sa, Kahn didn't hide it: "But I don't know where it is, I only know that there are people here looking for it, we just follow them."


"time to eat!"

Fayette's roar came from the dining room, followed by the bang bang bang bang bang bang on the lid of the pot with a spoon.

Kai'Sa looked up from Kahn's arms and looked at him with a wry smile.

"The sound insulation effect is really shocking."

"A house built from the wreckage of a ship, that's all."

He put Kai'Sa off his lap first, then stood up on the bed, left the room and walked downstairs.

Hey, I wanted to keep it warm at first.

The smell of the food wafted in the dining room, and the proprietress Fayette cooked a large pot of soup and put it on the table, and anyone who needed it could get it just by telling her.

"I heard that a big ship is coming. Are so many people here trying to empty out all the treasures?"

A man they didn't know walked over before them and showed them a demonstration. The proprietress took out one from the top of a stack of dishes, filled it with stewed meat, and handed it to him. The man picked up the plate: "Hey, there is still meat tonight. I thought the frozen meat was all gone."

"You can't shut your mouth if you have enough to eat." Fayette said angrily: "There are new guests today, and this is to celebrate their coming from afar."

"As for frozen meat, there isn't much left, but the year is coming to an end, and there will be enough to eat."

The man turned around with the plate, his eyes lit up when he saw Kahn standing at the stairs, he put the plate on a random table and came over to say hello.

"Newcomer? How are you? I'm Vakul, Mrs. Piltover."

"I'm Karn, she's Kai'Sa. May the gears turn forever."

Vakul, who was wearing an expensive velvet vest, nodded: "Let's go eat first, stew is not something you have every day."

Kahn frowned slightly and walked past him to dinner.

What he said just now was used by Picheng people to greet, but the other party did not respond, which is not in line with the habits of Picheng people.

Unless he's being unreasonable.

Kahn also ordered two servings of stew in the past. Although they could not eat, it is better not to behave beyond ordinary people in order not to make people see abnormalities.

There is no menu for you to order. What you eat depends entirely on what you have and the mood of the proprietress. But there is one thing that is not available elsewhere, the dinner here will provide iced drinks.

The two chose an unoccupied table and sat down. Gavin walked over after just a few bites.

"Can I join you at a table?"

"Please do whatever you want." Kahn couldn't refuse, just as he still had a lot of things he wanted to ask him.

"Is this Vakul also a treasure hunter?"

"I'm not too sure. This dude from Piltover seems to be here to play. I seldom see him go to the island to find treasures, but he is very keen to ask others about their achievements."

While speaking, Kosk went downstairs, and with his human sailors, they occupied a table.

The bird-legged vastaya wore a captain's hat with a bright feather in it, and quivered with his step.

"It's rare to see vastaya people come out to ask for a living. Before I met Kosk, I thought that vastaya people lived in one place and didn't run around very much. But he, like you, is the first time here Treasure hunters here," Gawyn said.

"A rookie like us?"

"Haha." Gavin laughed at Kahn's pun, and Kosk really looked like a rookie.

Others didn't seem keen to eat and didn't order right away. So there were only a few people in the dining room all the time, and they didn't see new faces until Kahn was almost done eating.

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