He Comes From the Void

Chapter 229 First voyage (rudder master flies into the universe to add more updates)

"Other things are too evil, so I won't take them. I have to spend a few gold sea monsters quickly, otherwise I'm afraid that the sea witch will follow me." Graves also stared back at Drizzt's stare.

"You idiot..." Drizzt slumped back on the bed, rubbing his swollen temples.

Now it's not a question of whether to follow or not, but the crown has been taken, what else can't be taken? It's better to exchange a few more antiques for money, so that you won't have no money for dinner in a few days.

Miscalculation, not only did not earn a penny, but also caused a commotion.

Drizzt began to regret saving the idiot Graves, if not for him, he wouldn't be so unlucky now.

"Do you think we should return the Crown of the Abyss in exchange for some money?" Graves asked.

The status quo is bad, and he wants to make a change. The two brothers don't aspire to be the overlord of one side, and the crown of the abyss is useless to them, so they might as well exchange some money for it.

"Give it back to whom? The Sea Witch or Karn? No matter who you go to, you will be in a trap." Drizzt saw it clearly, and since he did such a thing, he couldn't expect to be forgiven.

He has to avoid each other now, the sea witch will sacrifice them to the sea monsters as sacrifices, and Kahn will lock them back into the small black room, maybe even force them to play death roulette, think about it All feel horrible.

"Then there is only one way left." Graves said solemnly.

"What else can be done?" Drizzt didn't even look at Graves, he didn't think Graves could come up with anything.

"This." Graves took out the crown of the abyss.

"Are you crazy! Dare to play the idea of ​​the crown."

Didn't Drizzt think the joke was funny, and from the way Graves looked, it seemed serious?

"Then what else can we do? Why don't we try it? If the crown of the abyss can really control the sea monsters, the Abyss will have to go around. By then, the whole Bilgewater will go with the two brothers?"

"You wear it if you want, but I don't wear it anyway." Drizzt pressed his hat tightly, lest Graves come over and press the crown on his head.

What Kahn said is still fresh in his memory, and he dare not take it seriously because of superstition.

"Look at you, just wear it." Graves was determined to eat the king's meal, so he put the golden sea snake crown on his head.

Drizzt's eyes widened, but a minute passed and nothing happened.

"Did you feel anything? A connection with the sea monster or something?" he asked.

"I don't feel it at all, and I even want to smoke a cigarette." Graves said, "If you come to Dai Dai, you will be able to use magic and be more sensitive."

"Don't even think about it! I don't want to wear such a stupid thing." Drizzt refused repeatedly, pulled the hat over his face and fell asleep.

"Could it be that the one we got was a fake?" Graves took off the crown and shook it, then opened the window and smoked a cigar wondering.


Kahn was studying the original axiom in the room, and Kaisha didn't want to disturb her, so she came to Sarah's room to borrow the dressing table.

After knocking on the door twice, Sarah's voice came from the room: "Come in."

Opening the door, Kaisha saw Sarah leaning against the window, looking out the window intently.

"Have new ingredients arrived at the slaughtering dock?" Kai'Sa asked casually.

"No, the slaughter dock has been closed for a while." What Sarah was looking at was a new building under construction, and its main body was a whale skeleton.

That's right, the narwhal was dismembered last time, and its skeleton was bought by a rich man to build a house.

Seemingly feeling that what was in front of her was not as interesting as Kai'Sa, Sarah turned her head to look at Kai'Sa who was combing her hair in front of the mirror, and asked, "Ka'Sa, do you want to go to sea with us?"

"Why do you want to go to sea at this time?" Kai'Sa asked.

Planck's Hook gang is still investigating at the pier, and going out now is a bit suspected of committing crimes against the wind.

"The Siren has new sails, and this is my first voyage as captain, which means a lot."

"Do you want me to escort you?"

"Probably." Sarah smiled.

In fact, she just wanted Kai'Sa to go sightseeing. It's impossible to encounter pirates on the first voyage.

"I'll ask Kahn if he's going."

Kaisha went back to the room to call Kahn, who agreed without thinking too much when he heard that he was going to sea. When he agreed, he remembered that there are no beautiful women in swimsuits on the beach for people to admire in this world.

Of course, Kai'Sa's skin armor can mimic what he wants to see, but there are still a lot of sailors on board, so just look at this kind of thing for yourself.

There is also Sarah, even if she doesn't mind Kahn, she dare not look at it. Moreover, the captain's maiden voyage is to establish his prestige, and doing this kind of thing will only lower his prestige.

Sure enough, Sarah no longer wore the sexy and revealing outfit she had as a bounty hunter, but changed into an awkward and fancy outfit. The tight corset supported her tall figure and would also The plump chest is sealed under the white tassels.

"Isn't it too tight?" Kahn looked at the suffocating whalebone girdle on Sarah's body, and couldn't help frowning.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable wearing skin armor?" Sarah held her captain's hat and asked with a smile. She must hate this kind of attire on weekdays, but skin armor is so convenient.

She also thought about wearing a mix-and-match outfit with a strong personality to highlight her personal style, but in order not to make people think of herself as a bitch, she chose to be more traditional.

The thriving port was crowded with people.

Merchants, hawkers, and dock workers were bustling with each other, and the crew went up and down, forming an uninterrupted flow of people.

A few pirate ships with skeleton black sails docked at the pier openly, smuggled and smuggled all kinds of goods, and settled here from all corners of the known world, bringing new goods and new ideas , new culture.

It's all of this that makes Bilgewater so full of opportunity.

Whether it's ill-gotten hextech or submissive local gangsters, if you can afford it, it's all within your reach.

Sarah took a good look at the vibrant scene for a while before turning serious.

She had to think like a captain now.

Sarah walked quickly to the place where her ship was berthed. The luxurious and noble Siren could be seen at a glance even in the port where many ships were berthed. She was the most beautiful among the crowd.

The siren siren carved on her bow exudes deadly charm all the time, just like the legendary siren attracts the attention of people passing by with its charming singing voice.

This is why Sarah chose her in the first place, not only brand-new and high-profile, but also charming and dangerous.

There couldn't be a better boat for her in all of Bilgewater.

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