He Comes From the Void

Chapter 228 Transactions

In McGregor's butchery, Plank was peeling oranges with a knife, every cut was clean.

He was invited to come to the slaughterhouse today, and if he could invite the Pirate King himself, he was quite capable.

The slaughterhouse was filled with the stench of fish launching, but Plank was used to it. The Nether Abyss has been parked around the slaughter dock all year round, and his nose has become accustomed to the stench.

Perhaps his sense of smell may have failed, but he can always smell the source of the smell.

The person who invited him hadn't appeared yet, so Planck continued to peel the oranges without arrogance or impetuosity. In Bilgewater, no one dared to provoke him by putting pigeons on him.

No, there is such a person.

The attacker who appeared not long ago has not shown up for more than a month under high pressure. The sharp scale hunters have not sent back any news about her. As long as she does not show up, Plank has nothing to do with her.

It's a pity that he didn't leave more alive when he killed Fortune's family, otherwise he would be caught and hung on the mast now, I believe the attacker would soon be unable to sit still.

"Please hand over all weapons, this is the rule of negotiation." The voice of a thug came from the door, and Plank raised his eyelids and glanced slightly outside the door.

An old hag in rotten clothes overgrown with seafood, like the living dead in the ocean. She was holding a sea snake crutch in her hand, and a one-eyed octopus was lying on top of her head, staring at Planck with its big yellow eyes.

Planck sensed wisdom in the creature's gaze, from the depths of the sea.

"You don't have to be so strict with an old lady. It's just a crutch. Let her in."

Hearing Planck's voice, the thug retreated behind the door.

The sea witch really didn't need a cane, she floated in barefoot, her feet suspended three feet above the ground.

But even then, she wasn't as tall as Planck.

As soon as she came in, she stared at Planck with cloudy, empty eyes. Even though Planck has plundered the Twelve Seas for so many years, this is the first time he has seen such a strange person.

However, he put on a calm face, sat down and continued to peel the orange... But in fact, in the dark compartment of his red cloak, there is still a loaded large-caliber pistol, which was left by the attacker that day that gun.

The so-called negotiating rules are meant to be abandoned. But even without the gun, Plank could easily throw the knife in his hand into the eye of the horrifying octopus.

"Then, Sea Witch, what did you come to see me for?"

The sea witch didn't answer Planck's question immediately. She stretched out her crutch and poked a hole above the table. A pile of old coins, ancient relics, and rare gems fell down.

Although it was patinaed, covered with barnacles and dried seaweed, it was worth more than a few months' income from the slaughter dock.

Even so, Planck remained unmoved.

Don't appear too anxious.

He looked away from the treasure on the table and said, "What do you want for such a generous reward?"

The sea witch stared at him with cloudy, empty eyes. Then the creature lying on her head blinked its golden eyes.

"Two mice, a sacrifice to the monster of the sea." said the witch hoarsely. "Bring them, and these, plus more, will be given to you."

"What kind of mice?" Plank asked.

"One has a beautiful stack of cards in his hand, and it glows. The other has a huge gun," said the Sea Witch.

Planck rose from his chair like a colossus rising from the abyss.

"I will use all my contacts to find them." Planck's eyes showed a scarlet light, and he was rarely excited.

Of course he knew the two mice.

Plank had always admired a quick thief like Drizzt, and it would be nice for Graves to hire some menial work, but unfortunately neither of them wanted to work for others.

The Sea Witch left with a deposit and left, while Plank sat still in McGregor's slaughterhouse, staring at the pile of treasure on the table.

In fact, being rich and powerful, he doesn’t value wealth very much anymore. There is his warehouse on the slaughter dock, which is full of rare treasures that he scavenged from the Twelve Sea Regions. Fine works of art, luxurious and dazzling silks and satins... everything is valuable.

He cared more about what came after the treasure.

I don't know who spread the news, anyway, the news that the sea witch lost the crown of the abyss has spread in Bilgewater, and even Plank, who has been going deep and simple, has heard about it.

But no one knows who stole the crown, or even whether the rumor is true or not, it's just a joke.

But now the sea witch came to the door herself and asked him to help catch the two people.

Her presence confirmed the veracity of the rumors, and it was clear that Drizzt and Graves had stolen the sea-witch's keeper's crown.

In order for Bilgewater to continue to be firmly in his hands, Plank must obtain the crown of the abyss.

And with the crown, he can control the monsters on the seabed; with the monsters, he can control the water flow in Bilgewater, and he no longer has to worry about the attacks of sea monsters. Even the fish that slipped through the net that escaped from him, don't even think about hiding it anymore.

Meanwhile, in a certain hotel, Graves and Drizzt didn't know they were being targeted.

Drizzt folded his hands behind his head, worrying about not being able to get out of the city.

Now the city is full of wind and rain, and everyone is talking about the crown of the abyss, although they did not specify the two of them. But if this matter can be leaked out, it must be that Kahn and the others escaped alive.

They wanted to leave Piraeus Port and go to Picheng, but Plank didn't know what the wind was, and ordered the port to be blocked, and ships were not allowed to carry too much food out of the port for long-distance voyages, and only activities in the waters around Bilgewater were allowed.

"I just said that you should have done something to death, and now everyone knows about it." Drizzt complained while lying on the bed, causing Graves to hit the table with his fist.

"You were also holding cards in your hand at the time, why didn't you just move your fingers? Even if you don't want to seal the hole with dirty hands!" Graves glared at Drizzt, and he admitted that he was His heart softened, but this was not the reason why Drizzt threw the blame on himself.

He's doing all the dirty work, so the son of a bitch, Drizzt, can't share some of it?

"If you don't take so many treasures in the cave, you have to take this unlucky crown. It's okay now, because of it, we can't even get out of the city."

"Who said I didn't take it? Didn't I invite you to have a drink the night I came back?" Graves smashed the table again, anyway, it wasn't his own, so he didn't feel bad.

"Then what?"

"Those golden sea monsters came out of the cave."

"It's not that there are so many treasures in the cave, how many golden sirens have you brought?" Drizzt sat up in shock from the bed, staring at Graves' beard.

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